

First Post
Written neatly you see

A Miss Alice Heart is now wanted, dead or alive.

She is known of having done several murders for no seen reason.
Doing theivory.
Causing distressing the commoners.

If caught alive, please turn over to Mr. Jay.

If dead, please report that information to Mr. Jay.


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First Post
Written neatly you see

There will be a reward set for Miss Alice,
but it all depends on who catches her and how soon.



First Post
A large, heavily muscled woman, bearing a sword as tall as herself, reads over the notes and furrows her brow. After obtaining parchment and quill, she posts a response.

Why would the reward depend upon who catches her? Quickness is understandable, but, so long as she is caught, what matters the who?


First Post
A sleek and shadow cast cloaked figure smiles and well responds to this unable to help him/herself.

:Well intellect maybe? Status? You can take one of foolish heart and turn them away with a silver as with the more clever get the chest.:

laughs lightly walking away.


First Post
The reward on whom it depends, was Mr. Jays words. If you want to know more about that, you may speak with him. I'm only someone who works for him.



First Post
The large woman shakes her head when she reads the response to her question. She doesn't bother posting a reply, just walks away, her expression showing plainly that she does not think much of those offering this bounty.

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