

First Post
*Meanders past and stops breifly with a sigh before penning another new note and posting it up*

Dear Defcarr,

your bloody notes dont make any point other then you hsould not play with your food and you have far to much time on your hands. get a better hobbie, if you would like to hear some good idea's come and find me..


*smiles as he tac's that one up over the bloody stain where something once was, using the goo to keep it up then heads off, humming some somber sounding tune*

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First Post

Suck it up, such a remark is expected more from a woman, and thus far even they have shown a stronger stomach than you.

There is no love in return, especially between unrelated men.


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Dont worry

*a small framed person obviously female walks up to the board readng over the notes her hood hides her from recognition as she writes fluidly onto a piece of parchment tacking it up below the blood written note*

yes Defcarr you may think you re the best but dont worry one day you shall meet one who is much stronger, faster, smarter, and has the power to make you pay for the evil deeds you have done to others no i am not saying that person is me for i know ive still got many years of training in order to think im worthy of tryng but there will be someone out there that can do just that.......you know what you have done to my family and friends and one day you will pay

*the handwritting is in a flowing script easily read written in black ink*


First Post
What I have done to your family and friends? Sakul is dead, Liadan wouldn't shy from admitting her name, so there is but one other from this realm likely to have written such a note: a member of Amastacia's family. Young Katie perhaps? Regardless, I invite your friend, if the one you speak of is a friend of yours, to meet me in combat. In fact, I invite your friend's friends to come along as well. Blood is what makes the grass grow, and death is what I do for an unliving.

Dark Defcarr

Voidrunner's Codex

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