We D&D- Tyranny of Dragons Part 2: The Rise of Tiamat #24b Strike Team 1 Part 2 A Ton of Undead.


We D&D.

Three or so years ago I stopped playing D&D with people I met on the interweb, I was fed up of players having too many other commitments (I realised even at the time that this was fairly unreasonable of me), of not knowing who was going to be in-game each coming session- no matter how many e-mails etc. got sent and promises made. I gave up on Fantasy Grounds and… well, that was that.

Or so I thought.

Then, maybe six months later I bumped into a friend (Pete) I used to DM back in the day, he introduced me to another friend of his (Rob) that I had met maybe once before- another gamer. We talked about D&D a lot, and the fact that we had no-one to play with, maybe we could get a little game going with just the three of us.

Then a strange thing happened, Rob’s wife Sandy played a couple of one-off scenarios with us, and she liked it. She liked it so much that she persuaded Jackie, Pete’s partner to give it a go.

That was thirty months ago- we’ve played 98 sessions of D&D since then (as of 21st Nov 2018), it’s like… it’s like… well, not all of my dreams have come true but D&D-wise I’m sorted, and sated.

It helps of course that my gaming friends, like me, are also rated mature, we’re not yet fogies (not quite), but we’re all in our late 40s or early 50s. We have a bit more time to spare- I’ll be semi-retired in the New Year (Woo hoo!)

So, this is a story hour of sorts- less of an in-game narrative, more of a DMs PoV of events- which, fingers-crossed, may make it easier to sustain, to keep on posting. It also helps that a lot of the games I am going to be talking about here have obviously already played out.

I’m posting this stuff here because I love ENWorld and although I am more of a lurker in the shadows here these days, I do want to contribute- I have something to say.

I’m not sure what you (the reader) are going to get out of these posts, although if you are DMing the modules we’re playing then hopefully there’ll be plenty of ideas that you can steal, or else things you should avoid (when things go bad). At the very least anyone reading this will hopefully get some ideas about how to construct a pathway through these adventures, particularly if you are new to the DMing malarkey.

Obviously if you’ve already DMed these modules then this narrative may serve to remind you of those heady times, and make you chuckle or wince a little as this DM falls into the same traps that you did on your journey.

I’m not an expert (by any stretch of the imagination) but I’m fairly certain that after 30+ years of DMing I can, with the help of a handful of good players, make an adventure come alive- make it a fun experience for all concerned.

But don’t take my word for it, read on- and judge for yourself.

Last bit, I’m a lecturer by trade so forgive me if I sound like I am trying to teach some of the time- it’s a perennial problem, it’s not meant to be patronising, just points to consider for experienced and neophyte DMs alike.


Obviously there are going to be spoilers, but that’s not the real problem- asides, that’s going to be the issue, I may go off on one as and when the mood takes me. Forgive me.


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PCs in Game.

Scenario #1 Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Sessions 1-14.
Adventuring Party: The Blessed Avengers.

Elvis Pickersgilly (played by Jackie) Male Forest Gnome Rogue (Spy).
Adventuring Party:
The Blessed Avengers.

Elvis is a weasel-faced, sneering, mischievous (and worse) little bugger, whose moral-compass was mislaid many years ago- possibly many generations ago. Elvis is out to fill his pockets, and to make anyone that threatens him bleed.

Elvis is introduced to Myrium & Sildar by Halia Thornton, a hard-talking but pleasant older lady who runs the Phandalin Miner’s Exchange, with a rod of iron- so it is said. Halia is also a member of the Black Network, that’s right- whisper it… the Zhent. Elvis is given the task of accompanying Myrium and friends wherever they go, and then reporting back to Halia everything that the adventurers discover- the gnome is in the Zhent gang too.

Adventure: Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Session #3 Level 2 Zhentarim member, joins the Blessed Avengers in Phandalin to replace fallen adventurer.
Session #6 Level 3 Defeat the Redbrands and save Phandalin from the mercenaries turned bandits.
Session #10 Level 4 Defeat the Green Dragon at Thundertree, and befriend Reidoth the Brown.
Session #14b Level 5 Defeat the Black Spider and clear out Wave Echo Cave for the Rockseekers.

Flint Chippins (played by Pete) Male Hill Dwarf Barbarian (Criminal).
Adventuring Party: The Blessed Avengers.

Flint is a ne’er-do-well itinerant thug, a paunchy middle-aged dwarf with bad jailhouse tattoos (in many ways he resembles Pete). He has spent the last three decades drifting down the Sword Coast from the frozen north, moving on when he has outstayed his welcome- and thus keeping one step ahead of the law. He is dirty, (very) angry and forthright- a career as an adventurer represents his final chance for glory (for ‘glory’ read money, he needs a hefty payday). Flint has debts, and people who are looking for him in order to make him pay…

Adventure: Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Session #2 RIP Killed by Goblins, bled out on the cold stone floor.

Gaukus Grom (played by Pete) Male Dragonborn Sorcerer (Outlander).
Adventuring Party:
The Blessed Avengers.

Gaukus is an intensely serious, somewhat dour, dragonborn with silver dragon ancestry. Something he is justifiably proud of- honour is vital to Gaukus- his word is bond.

Gaukus is introduced to Myrium & Sildar by Sister Garaele, an elven cleric of Tymora, and on the quiet a member of the Harper’s Guild. Gaukus, who is studying ancient texts at Garaele’s shrine, is asked to help Myrium. The dragonborn swears to provide what aid he can.

Adventure: Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Session #3 Level 2 Harper's Guild member, joins the Blessed Avengers in Phandalin to replace fallen adventurer.
Session #6 Level 3 Defeat the Redbrands and save Phandalin from the mercenaries turned bandits.
Session #10 Level 4 Defeat the Green Dragon at Thundertree, and befriend Reidoth the Brown.
Session #14b Level 5 Defeat the Black Spider and clear out Wave Echo Cave for the Rockseekers.

Myrium the Blessed (played by Sandy) Female Human Cleric of Lathander (Acolyte).
Adventuring Party:
The Blessed Avengers.

Myrium is a headstrong, beautiful young woman with cascading blonde hair. After her time at the seminary she worked with the poor and downtrodden in Neverwinter, bringing succour and enlightenment. Myrium always sees the best in people. She believes that she is destined to serve Lathander as an adventuring priestess, holding back the darkness.

Myrium is the only child of Sildar and Renee (deceased) Hallwinter. Sildar is not at all happy about Myrium’s new career but promised his wife- before she died, that he would not stand in their daughter’s way.

Adventure: Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Session #3 Level 2 Escapes from Cragmaw Goblin lair rescuing Sildar Hallwinter (her father), all of her comrades dead, makes it to Phandalin.
Session #6 Level 3 Defeat the Redbrands and save Phandalin from the mercenaries turned bandits.
Session #10 Level 4 Defeat the Green Dragon at Thundertree, and befriend Reidoth the Brown.
Session #14b Level 5 Defeat the Black Spider and clear out Wave Echo Cave for the Rockseekers.

Nimbus (played by Jackie) Female Tiefling Rogue (Charlatan).
Adventuring Party: The Blessed Avengers.

Nimbus is young, lithe and agile, and beautiful. She’s cautious and quiet- reserved even. She is Neverwinter born and bred. Nimbus knows of Myrium only slightly, she lifted the priestess’s purse once. Of late her roguish ways have come to the attention of one of the Thieves’ Guilds in Neverwinter, the Shoremen, adventuring represents a chance for her to escape Neverwinter and explore new horizons, while getting paid for doing so.

Adventure: Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Session #3 RIP Killed by Goblins, bled out on the cold stone floor.

Shagga, son of Dorf (played by Rob) Male Half-Orc Paladin of Kord (Outlander).
Adventuring Party:
The Blessed Avengers.

Shagga is a very large slice of holy half-orc, fair and even minded- and surprisingly a looker, in a rough-and-ready build-them-big sorta way. He doesn’t say much but he’s all action. His favourite saying being “I am Shagga, son of Dorf”, mainly because Rob loves GoT, and loves delivering the line.

Shagga is introduced to Myrium & Sildar by Daran Edermath, an ex-adventurer and member of the Order of the Gauntlet. The half-orc paladin visits with Daran every now and then, to catch up on old times and also to receive any Gauntlet orders, or gossip. Right now, Shagga’s orders are to help Myrium, and having been introduced to the beautiful priestess of Lathander he is very keen to help her (out of her armour). It would be fair to say from the get-go that he is smitten, which is handy because in real life Shagga (Rob) and Myrium (Sandy) are partners.

Adventure: Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Session #3 Level 2 Order of the Gauntlet member, joins the Blessed Avengers in Phandalin to replace fallen adventurer.
Session #6 Level 3 Defeat the Redbrands and save Phandalin from the mercenaries turned bandits.
Session #10 Level 4 Defeat the Green Dragon at Thundertree, and befriend Reidoth the Brown.
Session #14b Level 5 Defeat the Black Spider and clear out Wave Echo Cave for the Rockseekers.

Shah Mah’ha (played by Rob) Male Eladrin Wizard (Noble).
Adventuring Party: The Blessed Avengers.

Shah Mah’ha dresses in the finest adventuring gear money can buy and is spotlessly clean. He is tall, very handsome and a charmer, although arrogant by nature- the noble eladrin thinks that high elves are country bumpkins, the other ‘lesser’ races are almost beyond his notice. Dwarves are unspeakably dirty and vile- which if Flint is anything to go by is an accurate assessment.

Shah is slumming it, having arrived by ship from far off lands, he has set himself the task of becoming a great and powerful mage, so that he can return to his homelands and claim his rightful place. In reality Shah is the second son of a very minor noble family, and suitably unhappy (and frustrated) with his lot.

While in Neverwinter he has failed repeatedly to hire on with numerous ‘adventuring’ groups in the last two months or so, finally resorting to paying Gundren to join this group. Side note- Shah believes that he is the god’s gift to the fairer sex (his words), and thus tries it on all the time.

Adventure: Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Session #3 RIP Killed by Goblins, bled out on the cold stone floor.

Scenario #2 Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Sessions 15-41.
Scenario #3 The Rise of Tiamat.

Sessions 42-

Adventuring Party: The Brothers of the First Light (and the Extras).

Sgt Bobby Markguth (played by Pete) Male Human Fighter (Soldier).
Adventuring Party:
The Brothers of the First Light.

Big Bad Bobby, as he’s sometimes (affectionately) known is a large slice of Greenest Guard, a six foot two thick-set man with a voice like a foghorn, just how Pete likes his PCs.

SECRET: Bobby, at present, is hiding well the fact that his wife and kids are still unaccounted for, he watches from the walls of the Greenest Keep while his home town burns, thinking most likely his family are already dead. The thought is like a knife in his heart, and thus he volunteers to join the elite team- to find his family (dead or alive) or to make the bastards pay.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #18 (#004) Level 1 Joins the Brothers of the First Light et al after the death of Ray the Zealot.
Session #19 (#005) Level 2 The Cult of the Dragon raiders leave Greenest, the town is safe.
Session #22 (#008) Level 3 Camp Dragonclaw is infiltrated and information gathered, Leosin is rescued.
Session #24a (#010a) Level 4 Back to Camp Dragonclaw, the Dragon Nursey is investigated and prisoners taken, the Dragon Eggs destroyed.
Session #30 (#016) Level 5 The Cult loot arrives safely in Waterdeep, the Brothers of the First Light et al are still following the cache.
Session #35 (#021) Level 6 Castle Naerytar is taken- the Glorious Lizardfolk Revolution is a success.
Session #37 (#023) Level 7 To the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle, following Talis the White's orders- kill Rezmir.
Session #40 (#026) Level 8 The Dragon Cultists have all either fled or been killed, the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle is the Brother's to command.

Adventure: The Rise of Tiamat.
Session #46a (#005a) Level 9 Varram the White is captured after heavy fighting in the tomb of Diderius the Diviner.
Session #49b (#008b) Level 10 Old White Death is defeated, Maccath the Crimson rescued, on to the second Council of Waterdeep.
Session #55a (#014a) Level 11 Lots of meetings, including with the Great Dragon Council, and then a trip out to slay Chuth, the great Green Dragon, capture a Wyrmspeaker and grab the Green Dragon Mask.
Session #57b (#016b) Level 12 Yet more meetings, then a trip to Boltus Pit to slaughter more Dragon Cultists, the finale an assassination attempt on the Brothers and the Council of Waterdeep.
Session #62 (#021) Level 13 Another attempt to claim a Dragon Mask ends in failure, or else success- but the Dragon Mask gained is yet another fake. Lennithon the great Blue Dragon defeated, and Sgt Bobby released from Thay.

Lummins (played by Rob) Male Half-Elf Cleric of Lathander (Acolyte & ex-Dragon Cultist).
Adventuring Party:
The Brothers of the First Light.

A handsome, wiry half-elf who is much older than he looks. As with all the Brothers of the First Light, Lummins spent time as a member of the Dragon Cult, although he was only two years with the organisation- mostly running errands and attending fervent meetings in dark cellars. Leaving the cult was much easier for Lummins, he had spent little of his time on active duty and was not as committed to the cause as his colleagues, like Ray (Favric, as was). For the last three years Lummins has been shadowing Ray’s moves- travelling between Neverwinter and Waterdeep, a majority of his time has been spent in training for his present occupation.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #15b (#001b) Level 1 The Brothers of the First Light arrive in Greenest, the Cult of the Dragon are already in town.
Session #19 (#005) Level 2 The Cult of the Dragon raiders leave Greenest, the town is safe.
Session #22 (#008) Level 3 Camp Dragonclaw is infiltrated and information gathered, Leosin is rescued.
Session #24a (#010a) Level 4 Back to Camp Dragonclaw, the Dragon Nursey is investigated and prisoners taken, the Dragon Eggs destroyed.
Session #30 (#016) Level 5 The Cult loot arrives safely in Waterdeep, the Brothers of the First Light et al are still following the cache.
Session #35 (#021) Level 6 Castle Naerytar is taken- the Glorious Lizardfolk Revolution is a success.
Session #37 (#023) Level 7 To the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle, following Talis the White's orders- kill Rezmir.
Session #40 (#026) Level 8 The Dragon Cultists have all either fled or been killed, the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle is the Brother's to command.

Adventure: The Rise of Tiamat.
Session #46a (#005a) Level 9 Varram the White is captured after heavy fighting in the tomb of Diderius the Diviner.
Session #49b (#008b) Level 10 Old White Death is defeated, Maccath the Crimson rescued, on to the second Council of Waterdeep.
Session #55a (#014a) Level 11 Lots of meetings, including with the Great Dragon Council, and then a trip out to slay Chuth, the great Green Dragon, capture a Wyrmspeaker and grab the Green Dragon Mask.
Session #57b (#016b) Level 12 Yet more meetings, then a trip to Boltus Pit to slaughter more Dragon Cultists, the finale an assassination attempt on the Brothers and the Council of Waterdeep.
Session #62 (#021) Level 13 Another attempt to claim a Dragon Mask ends in failure, or else success- but the Dragon Mask gained is yet another fake. Lennithon the great Blue Dragon defeated, and Sgt Bobby released from Thay.

Lux (played by Sandy) Female Human Warlock (Zhent Agent & ex-Dragon Cultist).
Adventuring Party:
The Brothers of the First Light.

A beautiful headstrong woman who has always been drawn to great power. As with all members of the Brothers of the First Light, Lux was a member of the Cult of the Dragon. She joined the organisation in Waterdeep for the simple reason that she wished to quickly develop her own powers- the cult seemed to Lux to offer a way for her to pursue her agenda. For similar reasons she also joined the Zhentarim, serving the Black Network in a variety of ways. Lux has a cruel streak, although now (of course) she has seen the light of Lathander. The last three years have seen a change in Lux- a voice whispers to her and feeds her desire for power. She believes she has been chosen, and that some eldritch entity beyond her understanding is calling out to her. While she worships Lathander she also pays attention to the strange voice in her head. Lux is however ultimately out for herself.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #15b (#001b) Level 1 The Brothers of the First Light arrive in Greenest, the Cult of the Dragon are already in town.
Session #19 (#005) Level 2 The Cult of the Dragon raiders leave Greenest, the town is safe.
Session #22 (#008) Level 3 Camp Dragonclaw is infiltrated and information gathered, Leosin is rescued.
Session #24a (#010a) Level 4 Back to Camp Dragonclaw, the Dragon Nursey is investigated and prisoners taken, the Dragon Eggs destroyed.
Session #30 (#016) Level 5 The Cult loot arrives safely in Waterdeep, the Brothers of the First Light et al are still following the cache.
Session #35 (#021) Level 6 Castle Naerytar is taken- the Glorious Lizardfolk Revolution is a success.
Session #37 (#023) Level 7 To the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle, following Talis the White's orders- kill Rezmir.
Session #40 (#026) Level 8 The Dragon Cultists have all either fled or been killed, the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle is the Brother's to command.

Adventure: The Rise of Tiamat.
Session #46a (#005a) Level 9 Varram the White is captured after heavy fighting in the tomb of Diderius the Diviner.
Session #49b (#008b) Level 10 Old White Death is defeated, Maccath the Crimson rescued, on to the second Council of Waterdeep.
Session #55a (#014a) Level 11 Lots of meetings, including with the Great Dragon Council, and then a trip out to slay Chuth, the great Green Dragon, capture a Wyrmspeaker and grab the Green Dragon Mask.
Session #57b (#016b) Level 12 Yet more meetings, then a trip to Boltus Pit to slaughter more Dragon Cultists, the finale an assassination attempt on the Brothers and the Council of Waterdeep.
Session #62 (#021) Level 13 Another attempt to claim a Dragon Mask ends in failure, or else success- but the Dragon Mask gained is yet another fake. Lennithon the great Blue Dragon defeated, and Sgt Bobby released from Thay.

Ray the Zealot (played by Pete) Male Human Paladin of Lathander (Spy & ex-Dragon Cultist).
Adventuring Party: The Brothers of the First Light.

Six feet tall and thick set, a natural leader with a barking voice. As with all members of the Brothers of the First Light, Ray (or as he was known back then- Favric) was a member of the Cult of the Dragon. He joined the organisation for the thrill of it all- recruited in the backstreets of Neverwinter, he was a Dragon Cultist for seven years, until his conversion by Myrium the Blessed. Ray has seen things and done things that he is now terribly ashamed of. For the last three years Ray has spent his time travelling between Neverwinter and Waterdeep, at first training with and then working for the Church of Lathander, he has also spent considerable time at Helm’s Hold, and there developed a more martial aspect to his religious beliefs, gaining the moniker- Ray ‘the Zealot’.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #15b (#001b) Level 1 The Brothers of the First Light arrive in Greenest, the Cult of the Dragon are already in town.
Session #17 (#003) RIP Killed by Cultists & (mostly) Kobolds, attempting to secure the Mill in Greenest.

Watt (played by Jackie) Male Human Bard (Entertainer & ex-Dragon Cultist).
Adventuring Party:
The Brothers of the First Light.

A stick thin, tall (six foot six) emaciated figure, fond of jokes and when the occasion suits- story-telling, singing and other entertainments. Raised on the rough dockside streets of Neverwinter, Watt survived by being smarter, and quicker (with jokes or honeyed words) than others, he thus avoided being a victim. As with all members of the Brothers of the First Light, Watt was a member of the Cult of the Dragon. He joined the organisation in Neverwinter for the simple reason that it offered him a way out of his desultory existence, he previously made money as a street-hawker and story-teller. For the last three years he has drifted, earning money on the streets and Inns of the great cities on the Sword Coast, he has however during this time been perfecting his art, and gathering information.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #15b (#001b) Level 1 The Brothers of the First Light arrive in Greenest, the Cult of the Dragon are already in town.
Session #19 (#005) Level 2 The Cult of the Dragon raiders leave Greenest, the town is safe.
Session #22 (#008) Level 3 Camp Dragonclaw is infiltrated and information gathered, Leosin is rescued.
Session #24a (#010a) Level 4 Back to Camp Dragonclaw, the Dragon Nursey is investigated and prisoners taken, the Dragon Eggs destroyed.
Session #30 (#016) Level 5 The Cult loot arrives safely in Waterdeep, the Brothers of the First Light et al are still following the cache.
Session #35 (#021) Level 6 Castle Naerytar is taken- the Glorious Lizardfolk Revolution is a success.
Session #37 (#023) Level 7 To the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle, following Talis the White's orders- kill Rezmir.
Session #40 (#026) Level 8 The Dragon Cultists have all either fled or been killed, the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle is the Brother's to command.

Adventure: The Rise of Tiamat.
Session #46a (#005a) Level 9 Varram the White is captured after heavy fighting in the tomb of Diderius the Diviner.
Session #49b (#008b) Level 10 Old White Death is defeated, Maccath the Crimson rescued, on to the second Council of Waterdeep.
Session #55a (#014a) Level 11 Lots of meetings, including with the Great Dragon Council, and then a trip out to slay Chuth, the great Green Dragon, capture a Wyrmspeaker and grab the Green Dragon Mask.
Session #57b (#016b) Level 12 Yet more meetings, then a trip to Boltus Pit to slaughter more Dragon Cultists, the finale an assassination attempt on the Brothers and the Council of Waterdeep.
Session #62 (#021) Level 13 Another attempt to claim a Dragon Mask ends in failure, or else success- but the Dragon Mask gained is yet another fake. Lennithon the great Blue Dragon defeated, and Sgt Bobby released from Thay.


Hotlips Houlihan (played by Sandy) Female Halfling Rogue (Criminal).
Adventuring Party:
The Brothers of the First Light, hanger-on.

A local nuisance- the slight and swarthy halfling is a one-woman crime-wave. Hotlips grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, in a ramshackle abode in the poorest part of town, and to an alcoholic father. Hotlips (a moniker she gained from her incessant chatter- at least that’s what she tells people) never stood a chance, she has however been educated well in the school of hard-knocks, she is (by her own admission) useful in a fight. The halfling terror is hard to pin down, and even when disarmed she can (most times) talk herself out of trouble.

SECRET: Hotlips loves Greenest, and yet above all things she hopes one day to leave the place- when her family’s farm was raided (and destroyed) by orcs (when she was very young) and the Houlihan’s had to flee they found succour in Greenest, the people took them in- gave them food and (fairly squalid) shelter. She would die to save Greenest, although she’s reluctant to let anyone know this, it would mess with her tough-woman image.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #15b (#001b) Level 1 Character lives in Greenest, the Cult of the Dragon attack begins.
Session #19 (#005) Level 2 The Cult of the Dragon raiders leave Greenest, the town is safe.
Session #22 (#008) Level 3 Camp Dragonclaw is infiltrated and information gathered, Leosin is rescued.
Session #24a (#010a) Level 4 Back to Camp Dragonclaw, the Dragon Nursey is investigated and prisoners taken, the Dragon Eggs destroyed.
Session #30 (#016) Level 5 The Cult loot arrives safely in Waterdeep, the Brothers of the First Light et al are still following the cache.
Session #35 (#021) Level 6 Castle Naerytar is taken- the Glorious Lizardfolk Revolution is a success.
Session #37 (#023) Level 7 To the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle, following Talis the White's orders- kill Rezmir.
Session #40 (#026) Level 8 The Dragon Cultists have all either fled or been killed, the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle is the Brother's to command.

Adventure: The Rise of Tiamat.
Session #46a (#005a) Level 9 Varram the White is captured after heavy fighting in the tomb of Diderius the Diviner.
Session #49b (#008b) Level 10 Old White Death is defeated, Maccath the Crimson rescued, on to the second Council of Waterdeep.
Session #55a (#014a) Level 11 Lots of meetings, including with the Great Dragon Council, and then a trip out to slay Chuth, the great Green Dragon, capture a Wyrmspeaker and grab the Green Dragon Mask.
Session #57b (#016b) Level 12 Yet more meetings, then a trip to Boltus Pit to slaughter more Dragon Cultists, the finale an assassination attempt on the Brothers and the Council of Waterdeep.
Session #62 (#021) Level 13 Another attempt to claim a Dragon Mask ends in failure, or else success- but the Dragon Mask gained is yet another fake. Lennithon the great Blue Dragon defeated, and Sgt Bobby released from Thay.

The Extras-

Derek Pilch (played by Jackie) Male Human Druid (Emerald Enclave Agent).
Adventuring Party:
Hoard of the Dragon Queen Secondary (Spare) Character.

Derek is small (four feet eleven), fat, bald and getting on a bit- he’ll be six score and two on his next birthdaymass. Derek is proper country folk, “I wuz cobbin lumps at sum scraw badgers till Father Applemash cum callin’. Roiks! I’ll ‘ave ‘em! I sez to ‘e.” That’s the kind of thing Derek says a lot, no-one has a clue what he is on about, even the other country folk hereabouts. Derek has lived in the vicinity of Greenest all of his days.

SECRET: Derek has been an informant and member of the Emerald Enclave for the last three decades. He has one other terrible (and sad) secret- Derek was orphaned at the age of five, his family was killed by a Green Dragon, long enough ago for people to have forgotten. Since that day Derek has made it his life’s ambition to know everything there is to know about dragons, and in particular Green Dragons- he’ll be ready next time one of the bastard’s shows up. Derek is a Dragon Scholar.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #15b (#001b) Level 1 Character lives in Greenest, the Cult of the Dragon attack begins.
Session #19 (#005) Level 2 The Cult of the Dragon raiders leave Greenest, the town is safe.
Session #22 (#008) Level 3 Camp Dragonclaw is infiltrated and information gathered, Leosin is rescued.
Session #24a (#010a) Level 4 Back to Camp Dragonclaw, the Dragon Nursey is investigated and prisoners taken, the Dragon Eggs destroyed.
Session #30 (#016) Level 5 The Cult loot arrives safely in Waterdeep, the Brothers of the First Light et al are still following the cache.
Session #35 (#021) Level 6 Castle Naerytar is taken- the Glorious Lizardfolk Revolution is a success.
Session #37 (#023) Level 7 To the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle, following Talis the White's orders- kill Rezmir.
Session #40 (#026) Level 8 The Dragon Cultists have all either fled or been killed, the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle is the Brother's to command.

Adventure: The Rise of Tiamat.
Session #65b (#024b) Level 13 Member of Strike Team #1 for the attack on the Well of Dragons, the finale.

Sgt Harald Hardaxe (played by Pete) Male Shield Dwarf Fighter (Soldier).
Adventuring Party:
Hoard of the Dragon Queen Secondary (Spare) Character.

Harald, an experienced ex-watch sergeant, now older (and much fatter), he has retired at last, and to the relative peace and quiet of Greenest. He has never married and has no relatives south of Mirabar- and quite frankly he’s glad about that.

SECRET: Harald, as it turns out, is the one (and only) legitimate son and heir of Shieldmaiden Gazunda Hardaxe, who slew the terrible Red Dragon Arcanthraxus, and the fearsome Blue Dragon Cyclosophate, and… she was busy was Gazunda, right up until her mortal end. Harald is certain however that no-one in Greenest has ever heard of his famous mother, and for that he is extremely grateful, he can at last live his life in peace.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #15b (#001b) Level 1 Character lives in Greenest, the Cult of the Dragon attack begins.
Session #19 (#005) Level 2 The Cult of the Dragon raiders leave Greenest, the town is safe.
Session #22 (#008) Level 3 Camp Dragonclaw is infiltrated and information gathered, Leosin is rescued.
Session #24a (#010a) Level 4 Back to Camp Dragonclaw, the Dragon Nursey is investigated and prisoners taken, the Dragon Eggs destroyed.
Session #30 (#016) Level 5 The Cult loot arrives safely in Waterdeep, the Brothers of the First Light et al are still following the cache.
Session #35 (#021) Level 6 Castle Naerytar is taken- the Glorious Lizardfolk Revolution is a success.
Session #37 (#023) Level 7 To the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle, following Talis the White's orders- kill Rezmir.
Session #40 (#026) Level 8 The Dragon Cultists have all either fled or been killed, the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle is the Brother's to command.

Adventure: The Rise of Tiamat.
Session #59a (#018a) Level 12 Sgt Harald has been out fighting Dragons and Dragon Cultists while the Brothers of the First Light do all the cool adventuring, suddenly Harald is Level 12- because Pete needs him.
Session #62 (#021) Level 13 Another attempt to claim a Dragon Mask ends in failure, or else success- but the Dragon Mask gained is yet another fake. Lennithon the great Blue Dragon defeated, and Sgt Bobby released from Thay.
Session #65b (#024b) Level 13 Member of Strike Team #1 for the attack on the Well of Dragons, the finale.

Hard Bonk (played Rob) Male Half-Orc Monk (Criminal).
Adventuring Party:
Hoard of the Dragon Queen Secondary (Spare) Character.

An oddity, a placid and peaceful half-orc- Hard Bonk is sleight (five foot two), and nothing much to look at, and yet he is lightening quick and with a punch that can stop a mule. It’s all to do with his ‘chi’, or so he says- when he speaks at all. Hard Bonk was saved from savagery by a wandering monk- Leosin Erlanthar, who the half-orc served (or at least followed and imitated) for some considerable years after, eventually badgering Leosin to share the secrets of his monkish ways. Hard Bonk after completing his training went away from his master- to ‘visit’ the Sword Coast, he has wandered the highways and byways for the past year or so.

SECRET: Leosin has sent urgent word for Hard Bonk to meet him in Greenest, it seems it is time for the half-orc to pay his debt to his master.

Adventure: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.
Session #15b (#001b) Level 1 Character lives in Greenest, the Cult of the Dragon attack begins.
Session #19 (#005) Level 2 The Cult of the Dragon raiders leave Greenest, the town is safe.
Session #22 (#008) Level 3 Camp Dragonclaw is infiltrated and information gathered, Leosin is rescued.
Session #24a (#010a) Level 4 Back to Camp Dragonclaw, the Dragon Nursey is investigated and prisoners taken, the Dragon Eggs destroyed.
Session #30 (#016) Level 5 The Cult loot arrives safely in Waterdeep, the Brothers of the First Light et al are still following the cache.
Session #35 (#021) Level 6 Castle Naerytar is taken- the Glorious Lizardfolk Revolution is a success.
Session #37 (#023) Level 7 To the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle, following Talis the White's orders- kill Rezmir.
Session #40 (#026) Level 8 The Dragon Cultists have all either fled or been killed, the Cloud Giant's flying ice castle is the Brother's to command.

Adventure: The Rise of Tiamat.
Session #65b (#024b) Level 13 Member of Strike Team #1 for the attack on the Well of Dragons, the finale.

& The Player Controlled PCs & NPCs for the attack on the Well of Dragons.

Gargomel (played by Rob) Male Hill Dwarf Order of the Gauntlet Priest (Strike Team #1 NPC) RIP
Lady Love (played by Jackie) Female Half-Elven Knight of Silverymoon (Strike Team #1 NPC)
Mongo (played by Sandy) Male Human Flaming Fist Mercenary Veteran (Strike Team #1 NPC)
Ontharr Frume (played by Sandy) Male Mountain Dwarf Order of the Gauntlet Paladin of Moradin Lvl 10 (Strike Team #1 PC)
Wizard Nora (played by Pete) Female Human Harper Mage (Strike Team #1 NPC)

Corporal Jones (played by Rob) Male Human Waterdeep Guard (Strike Team #1 NPC) RIP
Corporal Smith (played by Rob) Male Human Waterdeep Guard (Strike Team #1 NPC)
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We D&D.

Scenario #1: Lost Mine of Phandelver.

#000 Character Creation.
#001 The Beginning of the End.
#002 The End.
#003 The Blessed Avengers.
#004 A Broken Promise.
#005 The One-Eyed God.
#006 The Road to Nowhere.
#007 Horse Power.
#008 The Cult of the Dragon.
#009 The Brothers of the First Light.
#010 Elvis the Killer.
#011 It's called Wave Echo Cave, you idiots!
#012 Pip.
#013 We Need To Talk About Kevin.
#014a Cunning Plans.
#014b The Black Spider.
#014c Review
#014d Next?

Scenario #2: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

#015a (#001a) Intro & PCs.
#015b (#001b) Enter the Dragon (Cultists).
#016 (#002) To The Keep.
#017 (#003) Once a Zealot...
#018 (#004) Save the Keep.
#019 (#005) The Light of Lathander.
#020 (#006) Camp Dragonclaw.
#021 (#007) Captured!
#022 (#008) Cyanwrath!
#023 (#009) Fight or Flight?
#024a (#010a) House Hunting with King Urp.
#024b (#010b) Beer & Bar Games.
#025 (#011) Mostly Admin Week.
#026 (#012) The Fields of the Dead.
#027 (#013) The Trollclaws.
#028 (#014) Terror Fungi.
#029 (#015) I'm Too Sexy.
#030 (#016) Dead Before Waterdeep.
#031 (#017) Random Encounters Are Go!
#032 (#018) Snapjaw.
#033 (#019) The Glorious Lizardpeople's Revolution Part 1.
#034 (#020) The Glorious Lizardpeople's Revolution Part 2.
#035 (#021) All Bullywugs Must Die.
#036 (#022) Talis Meets Frulam.
#037 (#023) The Hunger of Hadar.
#038 (#024) Fighting on/in Ice.
#039 (#025) Stupid Idea plus '1'.
#040a (#026a) The Dragon and the Vampire.
#040b (#026b) Review.

#041 (#027) Next... Downtime.

Scenario #3: The Rise of Tiamat.


#042a (#001a) The First Council of Waterdeep.
#042b (#001b) Into the Serpent Hills.
#043 (#002) Frottage, I would ask you to surrender all of your Philanderers.
#044 (#003) The Throne Guardian Toll Booth.
#045 (#004) Shot by Both Sides.
#046a (#005a) Varram the White.
#046b (#005b) Downtime in Waterdeep & the Lighthouse.
#047a (#006a) Sgt Bobby vs Orcaheart- Lummins FTW.
#047b (#006b) Barry the Suspicious Kobold.
#048 (#007) That is How it is Done.
#049a (#008a) Penguin-Slayer!
#049b (#008b) Downtime & the Cult in Waterdeep.
#050a (#009a) Death to the Brothers of the First Light.
#050b (#009b) The Second Council of Waterdeep.
#051a (#010a) M is for Toadalyser.
#051b (#010b) The Great Dragon Council.
#052a (#011a) Saving Irate Dragon.
#052b (#011b) Yet More Bloody Meetings.
#053a (#012a) Galin's Story.
#053b (#012b) Enter the Dragon('s Lair).
#054a (#013a) Chuth.
#054b (#013b) Neron(vain).
#055a (#014a) Lord Albert Ramsbottom Volmer.
#055b (#014b) Hefty with War Phallus and Plentiful Loving Sack.
#056a (#015a) Slaughter at Boltus Pit Part 1.
#056b (#015b) Slaughter at Boltus Pit Part 2.
#057a (#016a) The Third Council of Waterdeep Part 1.
#057b (#016b) The Third Council of Waterdeep Part 2.
#058 (#017) Plot Fail- Bobby Gone.
#059a (#018a) Rescue at Xonthal's Tower, maybe...
#059b (#018b) Rescue at Xonthal's Tower, really.
#060a (#019a) Elementals Go Home!
#060b (#019b) Sgt Harald Pops Out of Existence.
#0061a (#020a) Iskander at Last aka Hotlips FTW.
#0061b (#020b) Lennithon.
#0062 (#021) Away Day in Thay.
#0063 (#022) The Fourth (and Final) Council of Waterdeep.
#0064a (#023a) Air Raid!
#0064b (#023b) Die Rolls.
#0065a (#024a) Attack on the Well of Dragons.
#0065b (#024b) Strike Team 1 Part 1 Into the Well of Dragons.
#0065c (#024c) Strike Team 1 Part 2 A naughty word-Ton of Undead.
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We D&D.

Lost Mine of Phandelver #0 Character Creation.

What’s this then?

This is a write up of the D&D 5e Starter Set adventure- Lost Mine of Phandelver, a mixture of Fantasy Grounds sessions and real-world pen & paper games. Oddly we sometimes get much more done on Fantasy Grounds, the simple explanation being when we get to together other events often get in the way- children, family, alcohol and the politics of the day. This first adventure is obviously complete, all I have to do is write it up from my copious notes (and the Chat file on Fantasy Grounds), and then post it here.

Just a note to say that there’s a bit of story to be had here, but more often a reflection (from the DM’s PoV) of what happened- where the adventurers went and what they did, and the various way in which I tried to help/hinder or else kill them, that kind of thing. I’m not going to go in to lots of detail- no blow by blow battles (although), just the facts. That’s not to say there won’t be a little humour to be found here and there- usually at my expense.

Who are they?

A quick word about the players, not the PCs, but the players themselves- Pete (playing Flint Chippins) & Rob (playing Shah Mah’ha) have been playing D&D (and other RPGs) for a while now, Rob for the last decade or so- off and on, while Pete has been playing since dinosaurs ruled the Earth. So, for a while then. I used to be Pete’s DM of choice (so he tells me, he’ll lie to your face), back when the dinosaurs were about.

Pete is partnered (in real life) by Jackie (playing Nimbus), while Rob is living in sin with Sandy (playing Myrium). Sandy has played maybe three sessions of D&D previously, this is Jackie’s first venture in to gaming. Keep this in mind when we get to the first session of actual play.

We are mature individuals (average age approx. 50).

In truth, we should know better.

And so on, to the PC creation bit.


Each player was given an hour or so with me on Fantasy Grounds for character creation (including making up a bit of backstory) and the initial interview (roleplayed, briefly) with their patron, also a chance for them to ask any questions about the task ahead.

The PCs.

With just four players in game it was decided ahead of time, via e-mail, that the players would try to cover the core classes/skills needed- so a warrior-type, an arcane spell caster, a healer, and someone a bit sneaky who has access to rogue-like skills (like a rogue).

And so we have-

Flint Chippins (played by Pete)
Male Hill Dwarf Barbarian Lvl 1 (Criminal background)

Flint is a ne’er-do-well itinerant thug, a paunchy middle-aged dwarf with bad jailhouse tattoos (in many ways he resembles Pete). He has spent the last three decades drifting down the Sword Coast from the frozen north, moving on when he has outstayed his welcome- and thus keeping one step ahead of the law. He is dirty, (very) angry and forthright- a career as an adventurer represents his final chance for glory (for ‘glory’ read money, he needs a hefty payday). Flint has debts, and people who are looking for him in order to make him pay…

Myrium the Blessed (played by Sandy)
Female Human Cleric of Lathander Lvl 1 (Acolyte background)

Myrium is a headstrong, beautiful young woman with cascading blonde hair. After her time at the seminary she worked with the poor and downtrodden in Neverwinter, bringing succour and enlightenment. Myrium always sees the best in people. She believes that she is destined to serve Lathander as an adventuring priestess, holding back the darkness.

Myrium is the only child of Sildar and Renee (deceased) Hallwinter. Sildar is not at all happy about Myrium’s new career but promised his wife- before she died, that he would not stand in their daughter’s way.

Nimbus (played by Jackie)
Female Tiefling Rogue Lvl 1 (Charlatan background)

Nimbus is young, lithe and agile, and beautiful. She’s cautious and quiet- reserved even. She is Neverwinter born and bred. Nimbus knows of Myrium only slightly, she lifted the priestess’s purse once. Of late her roguish ways have come to the attention of one of the Thieves’ Guilds in Neverwinter, the Shoremen, adventuring represents a chance for her to escape Neverwinter and explore new horizons, while getting paid for doing so.

Shah Mah’ha (played by Rob)
Male Eladrin Wizard Lvl 1 (Noble background)

Shah Mah’ha dresses in the finest adventuring gear money can buy and is spotlessly clean. He is tall, very handsome and a charmer, although arrogant by nature- the noble eladrin thinks that high elves are country bumpkins, the other ‘lesser’ races are almost beyond his notice. Dwarves are unspeakably dirty and vile- which if Flint is anything to go by is an accurate assessment.

Shah is slumming it, having arrived by ship from far off lands, he has set himself the task of becoming a great and powerful mage, so that he can return to his homelands and claim his rightful place. In reality Shah is the second son of a very minor noble family, and suitably unhappy (and frustrated) with his lot.

While in Neverwinter he has failed repeatedly to hire on with numerous ‘adventuring’ groups in the last two months or so, finally resorting to paying Gundren to join this group. Side note- Shah believes that he is the god’s gift to the fairer sex (his words), and thus tries it on all the time.

Note, it’s always best (if you have the time) to get the players to come up with some motivation for them taking the leap in to an active adventuring career- Flint’s debts, Myrium’s crusade, Nimbus’ need to get out of Neverwinter and get on, and Shah’s desire for power. Apologies if I’m teaching you to suck eggs but the players should motivate themselves, the adventure is (most of the time) just the journey- the PCs are already primed and ready for change.

The Interview & the Task Ahead.

The PCs are interviewed individually in a backstreet tavern in Neverwinter by Gundren Rockseeker (dwarf merchant/miner), and his (meat-shield) factotum Sildar Hallwinter (grizzled ex-guard captain).

Sword Coast.jpg

The job is to transport a cart full of mining equipment and other supplies to Phandalin, a three-day journey. Gundren and Sildar will be leaving for Phandalin tomorrow, on fast horses, they are set to arrive at least a day ahead of the adventurers. During the initial interview Gundren also hints that there may be other tasks that the neophyte adventurers could help with- a little light exploring perhaps, the dwarf is however reluctant to go in to detail. Basically should part one (get the cart to Phandalin) go well, then Gundren may have some other work for the adventurers, more lucrative work- perhaps.

Note Sildar Hallwinter is the father of Myrium the Blessed.


Sildar Hallwinter, Gundren's muscle, ex-guard captain, and father of Myrium the Blessed. He's all business, and an active member of the Lords' Alliance. He's been chewing on his moustache since he grew it, aged 8.


The adventurers are given the opportunity to ask any questions they have about the task facing them.

Shah & Nimbus have nothing much to ask, although Nimbus is keen to learn the rate of pay- 10gp each as it happens for getting the cart and contents safely to Phandalin.

Flint, in an inspired moment, claims to be a long lost cousin of Gundren, the merchant doubts this but cannot be 100% certain. Flint also plays heavily (during the interview) on the- ‘we’re all dwarves together’ line, he likes to build bridges before (inevitably & often violently) destroying them. He has, however, no questions to ask about the task.

Myrium, over the course of twenty or so minutes, asks more than twenty questions including a great many doozies that put Gundren (and me, your kindly DM) on the back-foot. These include-

What dangers lie ahead on the road to Phandalin?
What’s in the cart?
What’s the value of the items in the cart?
Why are you paying 40gp to transport goods of about the same value to Phandalin?
Why are you two going ahead- and not travelling with the cart which would be a much safer thing to do, and probably save you some money on hired help?
Why do you have to get back to Phandalin so quickly?
Who is waiting for you there that you need to get to in a rush?

And lots more…

Players, gah!

At the end of the fusillade Gundren (and the DM) is sweating, while Sildar is grinning like a loon- a father’s pride.

Eventually Gundren allows a little more of the plot to slip out- he and his two brothers (Tharden & Nundro) have found an old mine. His brothers are at present camped there, and eagerly awaiting his return- they desperately need food and supplies but cannot leave the mine in case someone else finds it.

The dwarf merchant further adds that should the PCs get the cart to Phandalin safely then they will be offered employment exploring the long-abandoned mine, this could prove to be lucrative work.

Myrium is delighted to make some headway- further stating that the ‘mine’ must have been lost for some time and possibly famed in its day for whatever it produced.

Gundren is suitably aghast- how did she know this, he eyes Sildar (Myrium’s dad) suspiciously.

Myrium points out that the dozy DM, in a previous e-mail, mentioned that the module we would be playing was called… the Lost Mine of Phandelver.

Paying attention it seems can get you places.

And so… to Phandalin.


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We D&D.

Lost Mine of Phandelver Session #1: The Beginning of the End.

Flint Chippins (played by Pete) Male Hill Dwarf Barbarian Lvl 1
Myrium the Blessed (played by Sandy) Female Human Cleric of Lathander Lvl 1
Nimbus (played by Jackie) Female Tiefling Rogue Lvl 1
Shah Mah’ha (played by Rob) Male Eladrin Wizard Lvl 1

It starts with a three-day cart journey to Phandalin and quickly descends in to bickering, this is the first chance the adventurers have had to get acquainted, which very quickly goes horribly wrong. What is it with players- they roll up their PC, figure their backstory et al and then decide (on a whim) what variety of lunatic persona they are going to adopt?

Shah (eladrin wizard) calls Flint (dwarf barbarian) ‘vile and dirty’ in the opening 30 seconds of play, he also tries to grab Nimbus’ (tiefling rogue) ass, and when that doesn’t go well he makes a play for Myrium (human cleric). Flint meantime hits the bottle, gets pushy and then loud, and then later sleeps one off in the back of the wagon. Myrium slaps Shah, and then gets frustrated and goes all school-teachery (Sandy is a school-teacher in real life). Nimbus threatens to stab Shah- and draws her blade to prove it, and is talked down by Myrium, and then threatened by Flint (after Shah pays the dwarf barbarian over to his side).

In short chaos (almost real-world tears before bedtime), and they’ve only just met- the guys have gone all alpha male with the roleplaying and managed to piss off both of their real-life partners- who are new to the game, remember.

Ten minutes later and the swearing has stopped and the players are at last talking to each other, rather than shouting- a step in the right direction. And so…

Next a ten minute DM interlude with a bit of scene setting- the geography and weather, including a brief chat/encounter with a trio of road wardens- ‘the road ahead is clear’, and lastly sorting out a watch rota for the gang for their first night’s camping.

Then skip the next day’s travel and to the morning of day three, on the Triboar Trail with the Neverwinter Forest to the north, only half-a-day’s journey to Phandalin. Note, I moved the ambush site so that it was closer to the town, it just works better for me.

So, time for the ambush- the adventurers spot a pair of arrow studded dead horses in the road ahead, Flint and Nimbus go check it out. Things go badly quickly, there are two goblins hidden with bows and another two ready to charge out and mix it with the guys. Glory be the DM’s collective goblin stealth check is very high- surprise is achieved.

01 Goblin Ambush 75.jpg

Seconds later both Flint & Nimbus have taken multiple hits- an arrow strike, followed by a close encounter with a charging goblin’s scimitar. The result- Flint is barely standing, while Nimbus is unconscious and bleeding out.

Welcome to your first D&D session Jackie, your partner has upset you already, and the first roll your character is going to make is a death save (alright, after Initiative).

Flint turns the tide, beating the two charging goblins down dead, Shah’s Fire Bolt from the safety of the wagon ends another (with a Crit), while the last goblin standing attempts to flee the scene. Myrium (Sacred Flame) and Shah (another Fire Bolt) make difficult shots to take the miscreant down.

Note I’m playing the goblins fast and loose because- a) they’re on the look out for Dwarves- and Flint is 100% Dwarf and actually the first on the scene, and b) this is the guys first encounter, and there are noobs in our midst. The goblin attackers make poor decisions.

Myrium heals Nimbus, the rogue spends the entire fight (only four rounds) rolling death saves- she fails two of them, the priestess gets to her in the nick of time.

A rest stop is called.

The adventurers discover that the two dead horses were the mounts of their patron Gundren, and his bodyguard Sildar- Myriam’s father remember. The pair were ambushed yesterday, there are no signs of their bodies. Myrium is distraught (but keeps it together), Shah thinks about trying to comfort her but in real life Sandy (Myrium) snarls at her husband-to-be Rob (Shah). Flint finds the goblin’s trail, and then in a moment of reckless idiocy swears to follow it and to find Sildar and his ‘long lost cousin Gundren’ (still a lie).

Flint loves grandstanding, he’s a limelight thief.

The adventurers hide the cart as best they can and then head off, Nimbus leading the way. She locates a snare trap, and then a disguised pit trap- and is soon feeling a whole lot better about herself (and the game of D&D).

Thirty minutes later the goblin trail leads in to a clearing at the base of a rocky scarp, a dark cavern entrance ahead from which a shallow but fast running stream flows.

02 Goblin Lair Guards 75.jpg

Nimbus sneaks closer and spots two more goblins, hidden in the bushes to one side of the cavern entrance. She signals back to her compatriots. Flint attempts to creep forward to join her- not a resounding success. The goblin guards hear the dwarf coming, one charges and stabs up Flint (now badly wounded again). Nimbus leaps out of hiding and kills the second goblin. Shah’s Ray of Frost ends the other. The fight is won- and Jackie (playing Nimbus) now officially loves D&D.

Specifically, she loves Sneak Attack and has now got her confidence back, as it turns out she is (in her own words), ‘tougher than the stinky, and very rude, dwarf’ (aka her husband). Go girlfriend!

The adventurers retreat in to hiding quickly- wait a while watching the cavern entrance- nothing. They briefly discuss the need to take a goblin alive- they need info, if only to find out if (and where) Sildar and Gundren are located within. Myrium applies her healing touch to Flint, Shah Mah’ha feigns hurt in an effort to feel the beautiful priestesses’ hands upon him. Myrium uses some very hurtful and dirty words in reply.

Shah (Rob) is channelling Terry Thomas in-game, “I say… Ding-Dong!” He’s moved on from playing a creepy lascivious pervert to an up-for-it posh English dandy, and it’s working for him.

Some players, IMHO try too hard to make something new with their PCs personalities, or else throw everything at it from the get-go. My advice is to relax in to it- think of someone your PC is like, if it helps (and it probably will)- either someone famous, or that you know about (even only as a bunch of stereotypical, or not, behaviours) and then mould it around your PC. It doesn’t have to be someone famous of course, just someone you know well enough to mimic a little- your mad uncle, or the crazy kid that lives near the shops.

Back to the game.

Nimbus creeps in to the cavern and is immediately spotted (stealth ‘1’) by a trio of wolves located in an otherwise empty cavern close by. The fast-flowing shallow stream rushes down the inclined passage, ahead only darkness.

The wolves attempt to break free- they’re staked and chained. One of the trio escapes (strength check ‘20’) and leaps at Nimbus- she flees to hide behind Flint at the cavern entrance.

Jackie (Nimbus) is immediately rewarded for her ‘stinky dwarf’ comment, and when in doubt hides behind her real-life husband Pete (Flint- the aforementioned ‘stinky dwarf’).

03 Wolf Attack 75.jpg

A second wolf breaks free (I roll a second ‘20’), the pair rush for the exit and the dwarf barbarian there. Flint is bitten, he Rages and then flails incompetently- missing repeatedly (soon enough Pete is raging too). Myriam applies the last of her healing to the dwarf, Shah Mah’ha proves his worth and spreads a carpet of flames, his Burning Hands spell- incinerating one wolf and badly burning the other. Nimbus slices the injured beast down.

The last wolf in the chamber, still staked and chained, is eventually killed (also by Nimbus), after several more rounds of flailing and missing by Flint who just charges in to the beast- no tactics, he’s Raging remember.

And with that the first session comes to an end.

Jackie (Nimbus) loves the game, and the fact she is doing a lot of the wet work (slaying). Pete (Flint), her partner, kinda stomps off at the end of the session- we’ve had four rounds of the dwarf’s Rage and he hasn’t hit once. Rob (Shah) and Sandy (Myrium) are a little more relaxed about things but enjoying the fact that Nimbus and Flint seem to now be in competition.

A few days after the game Pete (Flint) gets in touch with me, he has a confession- he has played this scenario previously, although not a lot of it- it ended very badly. A TPK in the group’s second session at the hands of Klarg, the Bugbear, and his Goblin friends- which is where the guys are now.

Pete has a plan, and he badgers me- he’s insistent, and so foolishly I go for it… you’ll see next time.
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This is great fun!

Thanks very much appreciated, particularly at the start- Thanks.

And so...

We D&D.

Lost Mine of Phandelver Session #2 The End.

Flint Chippins (played by Pete) Male Hill Dwarf Barbarian Lvl 1
Myrium the Blessed (played by Sandy) Female Human Cleric of Lathander Lvl 1
Nimbus (played by Jackie) Female Tiefling Rogue Lvl 1
Shah Mah’ha (played by Rob) Male Eladrin Wizard Lvl 1

Flint (dwarf barbarian) is Raging you’ll remember and has so far not hit a single enemy (with four attacks), the wolves however are dead- alas the dwarf barbarian’s comrades are unable to calm him. In translation Pete, who plays Flint, is out to do something heroic/stupid (delete as appropriate- time will tell), he’s been looking forward to this all week.

The crazy dwarf spots, sniffs at (dramatically- he even acted this bit out), and then roars and scrambles up a narrow chimney exiting the chamber. Pete has played this scenario before remember, he talked me in to allowing this foolish course of action.

Flint emerges- screaming (he’s roleplaying this at volume 11), in to a much larger cavern chamber furnished with a roaring fire, several bedrolls and lots of crates and barrels. Also present- staring open-mouthed at the newly arrived ‘crazy’ dwarf, are a pair of goblins, a ferocious looking wolf (called Ripper), and an equally terrifying bugbear- Klarg, the leader of the Cragmaw Goblins. Flint (Pete) will have his revenge!


Klarg, the Bugbear, the (disputed) leader of this happy band of Cragmaw Goblins. He likes to think of himself as the brains of the operation. Klarg can count up to (and including) Wednesday, and has a 'sustificate in woodwork'. He worships Hruggek, the Bugbear god of violence and combat, and spends a lot of his spare time patterning and sewing large (and complex) cross-stitch depictions of Hruggek's 'lighter' side- specifically moments of whimsy. Klarg is single, and has all his own teeth (and some others he picked up along the way). His motto is "Grrr…"

He charges in to melee.

And misses.

He spends his Inspiration Point.

And misses, again.

Back down below his three compatriots swear loudly, profoundly and profusely. Myrium (human cleric) scrambles up the chimney and to Flint’s side- eventually. Shah Mah’ha (eladrin wizard) beats her to it- he Fey Steps to the top of the climb (clever), and then drags himself up the last few feet. Only Nimbus (tiefling rogue- go figure) fails to make any headway up the narrow passage.

04 Klarg Attack 75.jpg

Shah Mah’ha’s second Burning Hands spell incinerates the two goblins and leaves the wolf smouldering, but alive- just. Flint still hasn’t landed a hit (Pete really is Raging).

The wolf bites Flint.

Klarg’s shouts and screams brings the three goblins in the next chamber in to the fight.

At last Flint smashes the badly injured wolf down.

Nimbus takes down another goblin- leaving Klarg and two goblins standing.

Seconds later Nimbus is cut down and left on the cold stone floor bleeding out (again).

Flint hits Klarg, the bugbear hits back.

Shah blasts one of the goblins dead with a Fire Bolt.

Shah repeats the trick, and there’s just a screaming Klarg left.

The bugbear attempts to surrender, Flint is having none of it and refuses to stop the fight- he insults Klarg some more and swings hard again, remember he’s Raging still.

Flint misses.

Klarg thumps Flint and ends the dwarf’s Rage instantly, the barbarian is left sprawled, unconscious and dying.

Nimbus meanwhile has passed three Death Saves in a row- stable, for now.

Shah hits again, another Fire Bolt, and at last Klarg falls.

The fight is won, however…

Myrium checks Nimbus (stable) and then Flint- her Spare the Dying cantrip instantly stabilises the reckless dwarf. She has no healing spells left. Shah quickly moves to the northern exit, he can hear goblin voices, and they’re coming this way.

DM note- there was another goblin drawn to the fracas earlier (the guy on the bridge), this fellow is however loyal to Yeemik, Klarg’s goblin rival. The miscreant has seen and heard, and then reported back. Yeemik and his friends are coming…

The players are having a little bit of a panic, and the recriminations have already started- Pete (Flint) is getting a real-world earful from Jackie (Nimbus), his wife. Their PCs however are both unconscious so I’m mostly ignoring this in-game.

Myrium quickly assesses their options, which are-

1) Find something in the chamber to help them to heal their unconscious colleagues (the DM indicates that this is a distinct possibility).

2) Dump their comrade’s bodies down the chimney, climb down themselves and then attempt to flee with them (difficult, and dangerous- particularly for the unconscious folk).

Shah comes up with another option-

3) Cut and run.

Myrium votes 1) and frantically searches the chamber, Shah Mah’ha votes 3), and moves to the chimney.

Myrium rolls a ‘19’ plus bonuses for perception.

She finds a chest, unlocked and with two labelled Potions of Healing within it (I should have put more potions in it), seconds later Nimbus and Flint are back on their feet, and the players- all of them- are grinning like fools, and ready for action.

Flint has almost been forgiven.

The dwarf barbarian kicks the dead body of Klarg, a lot.

At which point Yeemik (12 HP goblin) and his followers get close enough to start shouting the odds. The two groups exchange unpleasantries for a while. Yeemik lets the adventurers know that he has positioned another group of goblins at the bottom of the chimney (slight bluff, there’s one goblin guarding the bottom of the chimney). Yeemik demands that the adventurers surrender.


Yeemik, the Goblin, would-be leader of this band of Cragmaw Goblins, preferably grabbing the title from the cold dead hands of Klarg, the Bugbear. Yeemik is as cruel as he is flatulent.

Also, during the back and forth chatter it becomes apparent that Yeemik has Sildar (Myrium’s father, remember) held prisoner elsewhere in the complex. Yeemik holds pretty much all of the cards, certainly all of the aces.

The adventurers are now however on a bit of a high, I even allow a little 10 minute break (ostensibly to refresh drinks) while they have a chat about what to do next. Nimbus and Flint are for the killing spree, Myrium has her doubts but Shah is coming over to the dark side, the eladrin has no spells to speak of (only Cantrips) but has not yet taken a wound.

The kindly DM lets the PCs know, after they ask- repeatedly, that there are probably only half-a-dozen goblin enemies facing them. And, as they asked so nicely, that should they manage to kill or incapacitate half of them, or else kill Yeemik then their enemies will surely retreat.

Red rag to a bull…

However, Yeemik and his followers are a little smarter than the other goblins the adventurers have faced (I know, cruel of me)- in Melee they employ a Move-Attack-Disengage-Move Away approach, for Ranged they Move-Fire-Move Away-Hide. Also the little buggers are not going to be lured in to Klarg’s chamber.

The guys are going to have to come to them.

And so, the adventurer’s attack, I even give them a surprise round because Myrium, now onside with the plan, convinces Yeemik (excellent deception roll) that the gang are going to surrender.

05 Yeemik Attack 75.jpg

The adventurers however miss all but one of their opening attack rolls- which is harder to do than you think, particularly with Advantage. The one hit is with Shah’s Fire Bolt- for one fire damage, so there’s that.

The enraged Yeemik orders his followers to “Destroy the Anterlopers!”

And so…

Myrium takes a javelin to the gut (a Crit) and sprawls unconscious and dying.

Shah stops another javelin- the wizard however is only wounded.

Flint, for want of anything better to do, Rages.

And continues to miss.

Myrium, miraculously rolls a ‘20’ for her first death save and is soon after back on her feet again.

Flint is hit by a javelin.

Nimbus cuts down a goblin- one dead. Two to go- or just kill Yeemik.

Note the goblins are hard to get to, scampering backwards and forwards, cutting and slicing while others throw javelins in to the mix.

Flint is slashed and cut down (another Crit)- he’s bleeding out again and dying (again).

Nimbus is hit by a javelin, she falls too.

Shah’s Fire Bolt ends another goblin- that’s two dead.

Myrium, now back on her feet and swinging hard (no spells you see) is slashed, she falls (again).

Yeemik leads the goblin charge and seconds later Shah’s down and dying.


Or is it… and that’s the end of the second session.

Remarkably there’s very little in the way of recriminations, it’s all very subdued but the thing about the last fight was the guys made 12-15 attack rolls, only four of them hits. The goblins on the other hand didn’t miss much.

On reflection I could of course have gone much easier on them- more Healing Potions in the chest, the goblins retreat, or else one of the bad guys killed was Yeemik. But I didn’t.

I just thought, I guess, you got yourself in to this mess- I spent a good while warning Pete between sessions that it could happen again, another TPK, but he wanted to try- to put a little extra crazy in his guy.

Also, the second fight- with Yeemik and friends, the guys could have talked their way in to a better position, or even avoided it- they however collectively decided that combat was the way forward, in truth if their surprise attacks (or more of their other attacks) had hit then the goblins would have been done for.

The rest of the evening was spent rolling up new PCs. I am happy to report that none of them were in the mood for quitting, Jackie (Nimbus) was the most upset, she was just getting in to her tiefling rogue, of course everyone (eventually, and repeatedly) blamed Pete.

Which is as it should be (Mu-hahaha).
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We D&D.

Lost Mine of Phandelver Session #3 The Blessed Avengers.

Myrium the Blessed (played by Sandy) Female Human Cleric of Lathander Lvl 2

Myrium (human cleric) opens her eyes, all about her is in shadow- the fire glows rather than burns, she shivers- she has only the dead for company.

She quickly determines that all of her comrades have passed over, no signs of life- the chamber of Klarg the bugbear is pretty much as she last saw it, before she fell. Perhaps a little more haphazard, the place has been roughly searched.

DMs note- at the end of the fight (and the last session) there were four goblins left standing, one of them barely standing- Yeemik was down to 1 HP.

One hit point, that’s all that stood between victory and defeat, still the players were not to know this.

Until I told them, repeatedly.

There were also a lot of Death Saves at the end of the last session, and only Myrium managed to clock up three successes before three failures- for Flint (dwarf barbarian), Nimbus (tiefling rogue) & Shah Mah’ha (eladrin wizard) it’s the great hereafter. May Lathander light their path.

Back to the action, such as it is…

Note we played through some of this via e-mail between sessions.

Myrium gets to her feet, and after prayers, and healing- she cautiously explores the rest of the goblin caverns.

The place is deserted, she thinks… that is until she spots, in the last chamber she visits, the still breathing body of a tough grizzled ex-guard captain, Sildar Hallwinter, or as she knows him… dad.

Note the family resemblance in the image below.

06 Dad 75.jpg

Several hours later, after more tears, and more healing- and food & water, the Hallwinter family slowly, in the early dusk, make their way back along the goblin path to the Triboar Trail.

The ox and the supply cart have moved perhaps 500 yards, nothing has been touched.

Four hours later the pair arrive in Phandalin, hand over the cart and its contents to an old provisioner called Barthen, as Gundren had requested, and then started asking questions. The Hallwinter’s it seems are not for giving up.

More later about where Gundren is, keep reading.


Over the next few days the pair, between bouts of rest and recuperation- and on the down low, meet with concerned citizens of Phandalin- all is not well here (see later) and in the process they recruit fresh blood for the adventure.

The three new members of the group are-

Shagga, son of Dorf (played by Rob)
Male Half-Orc Paladin of Kord Lvl 2 (Outlander background)

Shagga is a very large slice of holy half-orc, fair and even minded- and surprisingly a looker, in a rough-and-ready build-them-big sorta way. He doesn’t say much but he’s all action. His favourite saying being “I am Shagga, son of Dorf”, mainly because Rob loves GoT, and loves delivering the line.

Shagga is introduced to Myrium & Sildar by Daran Edermath, an ex-adventurer and member of the Order of the Gauntlet. The half-orc paladin visits with Daran every now and then, to catch up on old times and also to receive any Gauntlet orders, or gossip. Right now, Shagga’s orders are to help Myrium, and having been introduced to the beautiful priestess of Lathander he is very keen to help her (out of her armour). It would be fair to say from the get-go that he is smitten, which is handy because in real life Shagga (Rob) and Myrium (Sandy) are partners.


Gaukus Grom (played by Pete)
Male Dragonborn Sorcerer Lvl 2 (Outlander background)

Gaukus is an intensely serious, somewhat dour, dragonborn with silver dragon ancestry. Something he is justifiably proud of- honour is vital to Gaukus- his word is bond.

Gaukus is introduced to Myrium & Sildar by Sister Garaele, an elven cleric of Tymora, and on the quiet a member of the Harper’s Guild. Gaukus, who is studying ancient texts at Garaele’s shrine, is asked to help Myrium. The dragonborn swears to provide what aid he can.

And lastly…

Elvis Pickersgilly (played by Jackie)
Male Forest Gnome Rogue Lvl 2 (Spy background)

Elvis is a weasel-faced, sneering, mischievous (and worse) little bugger, whose moral-compass was mislaid many years ago- possibly many generations ago. Elvis is out to fill his pockets, and to make anyone that threatens him bleed.

Elvis is introduced to Myrium & Sildar by Halia Thornton, a hard-talking but pleasant older lady who runs the Phandalin Miner’s Exchange, with a rod of iron- so it is said. Halia is also a member of the Black Network, that’s right- whisper it… the Zhent. Elvis is given the task of accompanying Myrium and friends wherever they go, and then reporting back to Halia everything that the adventurers discover- the gnome is in the Zhent gang too.

Jackie (formerly Nimbus) desperately wanted to play a rogue again, while Pete (formerly Flint) has swapped his bad to the bone barbarian for a dry and learned sorcerer, while Rob (formerly Shah) has gone a little the other way too- from a flighty eladrin wizard/womaniser to a dependable mooning half-orc paladin.

We’ll see…

DM note- obviously the three new characters don’t tell each other, or indeed anyone else, that they are members of the Order of the Gauntlet, Harper’s Guild and Zhentarim, respectively. This info is for you alone, and it’s safe to tell you because we’ve completed this adventure.

Oh, and Myrium is level two now also, and she may- or may not- be a member of the Lords’ Alliance, like her dad- Sildar Hallwinter.

And so again, back to Phandalin, and the present conundrum.


The adventurers, after much chatter, have two major issues-

1) Find Gundren.

Their dwarven patron is missing. Gundren’s importance is emphasised by Sildar, the ex-guard captain, he believes that Gundren (and his two brothers- Tharden & Nundro) have located Wave Echo Cave, the lost mine of Phandelver. Further explanations follow- Phandelver was the name of a pact between humans, dwarves and gnomes who together created a magical forge which allowed them to craft magic items. Alas a barbarian invasion of the Sword Coast half a millennium ago put paid to the Phandelver pact, and all those involved with it. The location of Wave Echo Cave was thus lost to time.

Sildar further reasons that a strong Phandalin would be a good thing, a buffer for the great cities of the Sword Coast. Sildar is a member of the Lords’ Alliance, a faction which seeks to bring order and security to the land, and gain access to the magical resources the lost forge could offer. The Lords’ Alliance is therefore offering a substantial reward for Gundren’s return.

Sildar, during his captivity overheard that the goblins were following orders from someone called the Black Spider, and that Gundren was deliberately targeted- it seems the Black Spider is also searching for Wave Echo Cave. It is therefore likely that Gundren has been taken to the Black Spider.

Alas little else is known, and after discreet enquiries no-one in Phandalin can add anything to the story, save more confusion- Tharden and Nundro, Gundren’s brothers, were last seen in town three weeks past. They too are, very likely, missing- sat tight somewhere awaiting Gundren’s return.

In short the adventurers have no clue what to do next to find Gundren.

2) The Redbrands in Phandalin.

A case of out of the frying pan and in to the fire, Phandalin is in the grip of the Redbrands- a mercenary company originally hired to provide security for the town. Of late the Redbrands have taken to demanding protection money from local businesses and roughing up those that fail to pay. Rumour has it the local carpenter- Thel Drendrar, has been murdered by these foul fellows, and his wife and children ‘disappeared’. The Redbrand problem needs resolving now.

The adventurers are provided with more details (and an offer of recompense).

Daran Edermath (ex-adventurer, Order of the Gauntlet) explains that the Redbrands are laired in the cellars beneath Tresendar Manor, the ruined great-house of a long dead local lord. The leader of the bandit gang is a villain called Glasstaff.


Daran Edermath, ex-adventurer and active gossip for the Order of the Gauntlet. Daran had the adventure scared out of him by a Red Dragon the best part of two decades past. He retired to Phandalin to grow apples and drink cider.

Sister Garaele (priestess of Tymora, and Harper) further encourages investigation of the Redbrands, convincing three of the four adventurers to do the right thing and free the people from the foul bandit’s shackles. The unconvinced adventurer (Elvis) nods along, happy to fake his concern for the foul and wretched townsfolk.

Jackie (Elvis, formerly Nimbus) spent the first two sessions badmouthing Flint for his antisocial ways, and then rolled up an antisocial bugger of her own.

Halia Thornton (owner of the Phandalin Miner’s Exchange, and Zhent) will pay handsomely for proof of Glasstaff’s demise, and also for exclusive access to any correspondence the Redbrand leader possesses. Halia believes a larger conspiracy is at hand.

The above facts are enlarged on (slightly) by various members of the local community- it seems that everyone wants the Redbrands gone.

Sildar further confesses that he is the second agent sent by the Lords’ Alliance to Phandalin, the first Iarno Albrek- a bearded human wizard, reported that he had arrived in the town three months past. His task was to set up a defence force. Iarno’s last message to his superiors was received just over two months ago. Sildar’s recent investigations have revealed that the wizard was last seen near Tresendar Manor, he fears the worst. Sildar will pay for Iarno to be found, alive or dead, and for his story to be told.

Much of the above information is gathered, distributed and discussed during a series of secret meetings in the back room of the Inn, during the meetings it also becomes apparent to all that Myrium is now ‘in charge’ of the group, furthermore the adventuring company have a name. Which is either- ‘The Blessed’, or, ‘The Blessed Avengers’, depending on who you ask. Three of the four adventurers think the name is great, the fourth- the new official surly bugger, Elvis, couldn’t give a rat’s ass.

Jackie, playing Elvis, is spamming the obnoxious button at times- it’s great fun to watch from this side of the DMs screen.

And so, early evening The Blessed Avengers pay a visit to a group of Redbrands who spend their time drinking in a spit and sawdust tap house called The Sleeping Giant.

And so back to the action.

The adventurers bust in on a quartet of Redbrands (you can tell they’re Redbrands, they wear red cloaks), Grista the dwarven proprietor of the tavern doesn’t want any trouble, but she’s unlikely to get her wish.

Insults are traded, the Redbrands are not up for answering questions- they are however keen for the adventurers to subsidise their earnings. In short, the conversation turns to armed robbery- with menaces. The peace doesn’t last.

07 Sleeping Giant 75.jpg

Elvis (gnome rogue) creates a Minor Illusion, the paralysing scream of a woman in terror, one of the Redbrands cowers beneath his table. The other three however take it in turns to stab Shagga (half-orc paladin), soon enough he’s bloodied.

Note Minor Illusion obviously shouldn’t leave one of the bad guys paralyzed in terror, however when something like this happens I (your mild-mannered DM) roll a d20 and interpret the results- low is bad for the Redbrands, high is good for them. I rolled a ‘1’, and so one of the Redbrand’s cowered in terror.

Elvis skewers a Redbrand with his rapier, Gaukus’ (dragonborn sorcerer) icy Breath Weapon finishes it off and wounds the other two. Myrium ends another with a mace to the skull- and then demands the last pair surrender. The terrified Redbrand continues to cower (he’s now suitably intimidated). The other swears a lot and then slashes Shagga again, the paladin hits back, hard- the previously feisty Redbrand surrenders.

Two dead and two captured- good work.

An hour or two later, after an extended chat with the prisoners, the adventurers have learned some very interesting things, such as- Glasstaff, the Redbrand leader, is a bearded human wizard- just like Iarno Albrek (the missing Lords’ Alliance agent). Note in-game none of the players seem to make the connection. Also, the Redbrands are working for a mysterious figure called the Black Spider.

Which, of course, makes the players sit up- it seems the Redbrand problem may also be the key to unlocking the mystery of where the missing Gundren Rockseeker resides.

Lastly the adventurers discover that the Redbrands have taken prisoners- the family of Thel Drendrar (the murdered carpenter) are being held within their lair below Tresendar Manor.

The prisoners are escorted to the cells located beneath the town hall, the mayor of Phandalin- Harbin Wester (a nervous ninny) objects, but is swiftly over-ruled by Sildar who has already taken possession of the town hall keys

The adventurers take time to make themselves look like wannabe Redbrands, donning the red cloaks and hiding any symbols of their faith, or station. Somehow in the midst of the dressing up game Elvis manages to persuade Shagga to wear a little eye shadow (who knows), the paladin is going for the half-orc armoured goth look.

Myrium slightly approves of the bad boy look.

Back to the action, and next stop the cellars of Tresendar Manor, after a sneaky investigation of the surface ruins, and so it goes…

The adventurers descend cautiously, Elvis sneaking a little way ahead, in to a well-provisioned cellar. A full cistern, barrels and crates of rations, all lit by a pair of torches. The place is clearly inhabited- there are two exits, a door to the north which the gnome investigates- it leads in to dark and dusty corridor, and a door to the west door- beyond which is silence. Elvis declares the chamber is clear the adventurers begin their search.

Note Elvis rolls a ‘1’ for his perception check, remarkably the gnome rogue has the same problem that Jackie’s previous PC Nimbus (tiefling rogue) had- her dice seem to be broken.

The adventurers make just enough noise to alert the three Redbrands resting up beyond the western door. The Redbrands file out- weapons drawn, the mouthiest of the three challenges the adventurers (who are wearing red cloaks and disguised as Redbrands, remember).

08 Redbrands Cellar 75.jpg

Myrium however has all the answers, the priestess explains that they were told to report here and to seek out Glasstaff. When pressed she describes Glasstaff (or rather Iarno Albrek, she’s a clever lady- none of the other adventurers picked up on this earlier) and states that they were hired three months past in Neverwinter, they’ve been recruiting allies in the city.

Two of the three Redbrands are convinced, the third is subjected to a personal appeal by Myrium (the beautiful priestess, remember), she has been on the road for last tenday with only a gnome, a dragonborn and a half-orc for company. After a chat with Glasstaff she will be looking for someone to show her a good time...

That gets her Advantage on her next roll as she drapes herself over the doubter.

Shagga seethes.

The wavering Redbrand is instantly convinced.

Moments later two of the now polite and attentive Redbrands show the adventurers through the secret door on the western wall, along a natural cavern passage and in to a much large natural cavern chamber, bisected by a deep dark crevasse. Cautioning against the use of the first bridge- it’s rigged to collapse the enamoured Redbrand confides, they continue on to the northern bridge and head over, exchanging pleasantries all the while.

09 Cecil the Nothic 75.jpg

The adventurers are half-way across the ‘safe’ rope and wood slated bridge when a voice suddenly whispers- “I know who you are”, the voice is followed by a sibilant giggle.

All four adventurers come to an abrupt halt- two of them realising immediately that the voice is in their heads only, looking down Myrium sees a shadow shift in the crevasse, this she points out to Gaukus who is also staring hard in to the dark. Meantime Shagga stands like a lighthouse, slowly turning- trying to figure where the voice is coming from; Elvis has his hand on his rapier- in a much more menacing pose, “Who are ya?” The gnome enquires loudly.

The voice, of course, belongs to Cecil (pronounced See-Sil, with all the whispering lisp I can give it). Cecil is a Nothic, and Nothic’s are a gift to DMs everywhere- you’d be hard pushed to make up something creepier than a Nothic. The one eyed telepathic mind-reading, secret snatching monster lairs within the crevasse, and he’s about to put the adventurers on the spot.

The two Redbrand guides meanwhile turn to see the performance, the nearest cautions- “Let’s get out of here, it’s… odd, I sometimes hear voices.” The last part of the sentence is uttered reluctantly, like a confession.

The voice from the dark sounds again in the adventurer’s heads- “You will bring me five bodies, throw them in the crevasse- if you do not I will make it bad for you, I will tell them who you are and what you intend to do. I could be a great help to you, if you help me- I know many things. Swear to it- now!” The voice ends in a hissing gurgling giggle.

I love doing a few voices every now and then- Cecil was a delight, and while the players know where the creature is- in the crevasse dummy, they have no idea what it is.

The Redbrands are still watching the adventurers, wondering exactly what is going on- “Awright!” Elvis states loudly, Shagga nods, reluctantly- after sharing a look with Myrium and Gaukus, who silently reply in the affirmative.

“Careful then, Glasstaff- or as you know him- Iarno, is not to be trifled with. He’s a meanie!” The voice finishes, the adventurers move off at last- following their Redbrand guides, looking about them- and particularly behind them as they exit the chamber.

That however is the end of the third session.

Nice moral conundrum there, what will the goody-two-shoes priestess and paladin do, or for that manner the honourable dragonborn. Elvis, the gnome rogue is suitably spooked but doesn’t give a stuff about throwing a few corpses in to the crevasse.

Here’s the thing though- the players want to know what it is in the crevasse, and that is exactly what I was trying to achieve- they’re officially spooked.

Good session, and the players seemed to have recovered their cool (and delight) after the near TPK last time. They are particularly delighted to be level 2, and to see their hit point total double up. Obviously they’ve not fought anything much yet, so… well, we’ll see how long their new found confidence lasts.


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We D&D.

Lost Mine of Phandelver Session #4 A Broken Promise.

Myrium the Blessed (played by Sandy) Female Human Cleric of Lathander Lvl 2
Shagga, Son of Dorf (played by Rob) Male Half-Orc Paladin of Kord Lvl 2
Gaukus Grom (played by Pete) Male Dragonborn Sorcerer Lvl 2
Elvis Pickersgilly (played by Jackie) Male Forest Gnome Rogue Lvl 2

And so here we go again, the Blessed Avengers are mid-infiltration of the Redbrand’s lair, and being lead to the gang’s leader- Glasstaff, otherwise known as Iarno (the former Lords’ Alliance agent).

Down a short corridor and to a pair of doors, the first Redbrand guide knocks on the northern portal and then opens it to reveal what looks to be an alchemical lab, “this way”, the fellow adds.

Meantime the second Redbrand barges open the other door- revealing a messy chamber in which four more Redbrands sit at a table and bicker and argue, cards in hand and the pot piled high.

“Damnation!” Myrium (human cleric) hisses- then nods at Shagga (half-orc paladin), pointing the paladin towards the newly revealed enemies with a meaningful glance. Shagga grins and slowly nods back.

Seconds later and the leading Redbrand, three of the adventurers following, heads through the neat alchemical lab and to another door, after knocking once more- only this time waiting to be told to “Enter.” The chamber revealed is a well-lit, and well-appointed bedroom-cum-study. A short middle-aged bearded man in rough robes stands, a staff clutched in his hand.

10 Glasstaff 75.jpg

“Iarno. I mean- Glasstaff.” Myrium states with a wink, which causes the Redbrand leader to rethink what he was about to say, and in the same instant gives the game away.

Too late.

“Go!” Myrium shouts- and the adventurers are in action, the priestess of Lathander mutters a prayer and Blesses her companions. Shagga blocks the corridor behind, draws his longsword and slices the nearest Redbrand who is left screaming- and heavily wounded. Gaukus (dragonborn sorcerer) fills the wizard’s chamber with a gout of swirling cold- his frosty Breath Weapon, Iarno and the Redbrand within are both left shivering and numb. Moments later Elvis (gnome rogue) plunges his rapier in to the same Redbrand’s thigh, the unfortunate fellow instantly folds- clutching the spot, artery severed the fool dies quickly, although far from quietly.

Through the screams Myrium stares hard at Iarno and calls for his surrender. “Never!” is the mage’s hissed reply.

Out in the hall Shagga cuts down a Redbrand, the other four gamblers stagger away from the card table and go for their blades, they’re drunk. Shagga grins. That is until three of the four launch themselves at the paladin- the half-orc is cut twice and bloodied. The fourth drunken Redbrand tries to rush past the half-orc, to get to his leader’s side, Shagga slices him open- shoulder to belly, he dies thirty or so seconds later, whimpering and pleading all the while. Trying to hold himself in.

Back in Iarno’s chamber Gaukus fires a trio of Magic Missiles in to the bandit wizard- he drops, seconds later Myrium is on hand with a Spare the Dying cantrip, she checks Iarno’s pulse- nods at Gaukus, he’s alive, job done.

Meantime the three-remaining drunken Redbrands have forced Shagga to give ground, one of them races past the half-orc and in to Iarno’s chamber, he takes in the situation there and then attempts to repeatedly stab Gaukus- a flickering blue Shield suddenly appears before the sorcerer to block both of his attacks.

Elvis skewers the fellow with his rapier, at which point Myrium shouts in her sternest voice over the chaos- “Glasstaff is captured, the rest of your colleagues are dead- put down your weapons and surrender. NOW!”

The wounded Redbrand facing Myrium, Elvis and Gaukus complies immediately, however out in the corridor the other drunken pair are still swinging furiously at Shagga. Elvis and Gaukus move to help the half-orc, together the trio cut down another Redbrand before the last attempts to run.

It doesn’t get far, Elvis buries a dagger in its back- dead.

Iarno captured, a Redbrand taken prisoner- and four bodies. The adventurers police-up the area and retire to the bandit wizard’s quarters, after grabbing the cash strewn on the card table.

The Blessed Avengers rest up, search the chamber and interrogate, a little, the drunken Redbrand. Iarno, Myrium determines, will not be conscious for a good while- the wizard is gagged, bound and made uncomfortable.

Elvis gets a little alone time with the wizard while the other guys are busy, the darling gnome uses the pommel of his dagger to hammer Iarno’s hands until most if not all of the bones are broken. He’s a piece of work…

The captured Redbrand is a low-level recruit- he knows the bandits have prisoners within their lair- the Dendrar family, wife and kids of the dead carpenter, he is happy to show the adventurers the way. He also knows ‘sorta’ that they are working for someone called the Black Spider- their orders were to look out for adventurers and the like coming to Phandalin, and more specifically to locate a trio of Dwarven brothers- the Rockseekers. The latter were to be captured alive, other than that… the fellow knows nothing. Not even what it is that lurks in the depths of the crevasse and whispers to passers-by.

There’s plenty of incriminating evidence to be found in Iarno’s chamber, including a letter from the Black Spider-

Black Spider Letter 75.jpg

Which confirms what they have already been told. The unconscious wizard also has plenty of coin, and better still a magical staff made of what looks to be glass, “actually a glass-steel compound” Gaukus advises, and then retires with the item to examine it further, muttering “most interesting” every now and then.

An hour or so later- time enough to complete their search and for Shagga to tend to his wounds, the dragonborn sorcerer has attuned the item- a Staff of Defence.

There follows a very brief chat- prior to the adventurers heading out to rescue the Redbrand’s prisoners, the subject of the chat is ‘what do we do about the promise we made to the voice in the crevasse?’ The unanimous answer is, after Elvis withdraws his “shove the dead ‘uns in the ‘ole” with a sheepish grin that they are not going to pander to the voice in the dark. In fact… well, you’ll see.

A few minutes later, back in the crevasse chamber- with Shagga carrying an unconscious Iarno over his shoulder, and the Redbrand prisoner bound and leashed leading the way, the sibilant voice from below comes again.

11 Cecil Revisited 75.jpg

“You promised…”
“That’s as maybe.” Myrium states out loud- mostly for effect, “but we don’t know what you are or what you intend, we will not exchange dead flesh for either your silence or your favour.”
“Show yourself then- what manner of creature are you?” Myrium replies sternly.
“YOU… I KNOW THINGS!” The hissing voice is strident now, “I can hear their thoughts, as I can yours- I could tell you their secrets… I can help you?”
“We have the wizard”, Myrium nods at the unconscious Iarno, “we don’t bargain with fiends, or monsters. Show yourself and accept the light of Lathander in to your soul, turn from your dark flesh-eating ways. Show yourself and we will treat with you.”

The priestesses last statement hangs in the air for a good while, there’s no reply- not until the adventurer’s head on their way again, then the voice comes again- quieter, much quieter, and this time full of menace. “You will regret your choice”, the unseen creature hisses, and then is silent.

Fellow DMs don’t give up your Nothic too soon, there’s fun to be had with them- as I will demonstrate. Obviously the key is make sure that your thought stealing Nothic may (or may not) have some deliciously devilish nugget of information that the players are really going to want to learn. Cecil, the Nothic, has told the players this but right now they don’t believe him, or else they’re convinced that they have all the pieces of the jigsaw- they just need to find a bit of edge, or else a corner.

There follows a short-ish debate amongst the players as to whether they should just head down in to the crevasse and sort ‘the voice’ out, popular opinion is maybe after the prisoners have been rescued and the Redbrand’s lair secured.

And so onwards…

The Redbrand guide leads the Blessed Avengers to a blank wall, which turns out to be another secret door, situated in the store room to the north of the crevasse. Through in to a narrow passage, a locked door is opened by Elvis, after the Redbrand is made to tell what lies beyond- a storeroom. Iarno and the Redbrand are shoved within, their bindings secured, the pair gagged and bagged. This after the Redbrand has indicated the route to the prisoners- through the southern door ahead.

The adventurers ready themselves and then head on in, to an unlit crypt- as they had been told, the way to the prisoners- a door in the eastern wall, but first… three skeletons rise from floor of the tomb, their bones dancing in to the air and then knitting together.

12 Crypt 75.jpg

Elvis and Shagga are ready for them- the pair rush to take down the first undead to rise, however both fail to land a blow.

Shagga takes an arrow to his thigh and grimaces, the last undead has fetched out a bow.

Myrium steps in to the chamber, lofts her holy symbol and with great authority says the words- a dazzling light like the first rays of dawn causes all three undead creatures to clutch at their eye-sockets and fall back.

At which point the eastern door is flung open and a cloaked Redbrand rushes out and stabs the priestess twice in quick succession, the first blow cuts deep (a Critical Hit), leaving Myrium gasping for breath. She swings her mace and clobbers her attacker- just as a second Redbrand joins the fight.

Gaukus lights the chamber up with a Burning Hands spell, alas the flames only serve to singe (3d6 fire damage = 5 fire damage, and both Redbrands make their save = 2 fire damage).

Elvis steps in and stabs the Redbrand attacking Myrium in the back (actually in the arse, the gnome is not that tall), the fellow falls. The last Redbrand is sliced by Shagga, he drops to his knees-spills his blades, and begs to be spared.

Meantime the three skeletons clamber and claw at the wall in the furthest corner away from Myrium the Blessed. “Finish them- take them out one by one”, she orders- her three companions make short work of the trio, while the priestess binds and secures their newest prisoner.

Just a DMs note here to say that Sandy, who plays Myrium, is really starting to get the hang of being in charge. What is obviously even odder is that Sandy has been playing D&D now for a little over three month’s maybe (that’s seven sessions). She hasn’t read a book, or bothered to learn any rules beyond what she needs to know to make her PC work. The guys with 20+ years’ experience of the game are eager for her to make the decisions, they’re enjoying the backseat, which is not how the adventure started if you remember back to Flint and Shah (both of whom were fairly loud and obnoxious).

Back to it…

Weak voices filter out when the noise dies down, from the chamber recently vacated by the Redbrands, “help us… please, help us…”. The adventurers cautiously venture in and discover Mirna Dendrar and her two young children- the trio are filthy and have been much abused- for three of the adventurers the sight is all the motivation they will ever need.

Shortly after the trio are released, and tended to, and given food and water; and after the Redbrands and Iarno are all locked up (in different cells), the trio are listened to- they tell their story.

It’s a very common story, a very depressing story- the one about the little folk oppressed and made to suffer by the greedy powerful people. A story we’ve all heard before.

Mirna, with a final sob, and through gritted teeth while clutching her cowering children to her, hisses- “make them pay, all of them- make them all pay!” She is however preaching to the converted, the Redbrands- if indeed any survive, are all going to pay.

Myrium, Shagga and Gaukus swear it.

Elvis, when the other three adventurer’s turn to stare at the unmoving (and unmoved) gnome, finally nods once- shrugs his shoulders in a ‘who me’ sorta way, and then mutters “alwight”.

The adventurers are going to finish what they started, their original plan was to grab Iarno, rescue the prisoners and then be on their way- not any more, they’re all going to pay- all of the Redbrands.

And with that the fourth session of play comes to a close.

A short session, this one was around the table- with a myriad interruptions in play for family affairs- and it must be confessed to top up drinks. I (your glorious DM) do not partake of the foul and noxious substance that is alcohol. The players are however less stoic in their resistance to the demon brew.
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Good call - I never touch the stuff myself.

I'm enjoying the write-ups! 5E's a little different from what I'm used to (we never advanced beyond 3.5), but I'm enjoying the adventure and watching the behind-the-scenes interactions as well.


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