Week 23-24 New Releases at YourGamesNow.com


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Check out the new titles released at YourGamesNow from June 4-17.

From Fifth Element Games
Bloodline Levels introduces 42 bloodlines, including the 35 standard bloodlines, 5 undead bloodlines and 2 brand new bloodlines: the ettercap and the medusa. Rather than giving up one or more character levels (and the Hit Dice and attack and save bonuses that go with them) in order to have a bloodline, Fifth Element Games resolves these issues by adapting our Background Levels mechanics and applying them to bloodlines. Add some depth to your character today!

From Silver Branch Games
Legends Walk Truth & Justice - Pantheon: Celtic presents another pantheon for your Legends Walk mythic supers game! Discover descriptions and LWTJ power programmes for 23 gods, heroes and monsters from Celtic mythology: cunning crafters, furious warriors, mighty orators, noble kings and dangerous faeries, with notes on understanding the programmes for users of other games who want to make use of the descriptive material.

From Skortched Urf' Studios
Epic Feats & Familiars is designed to give players and GM’s more options when playing an Epic Campaign. Included in this PDF are 21 new Feats (19 Epic and 2 pre-requisites) and a section on Epic Familiars. Now instead of a small cat or a bird, you can have a Roc or an Elder Earth Elemental as your faitful companion and servant! Or if you prefer, you can imbue that faithful familiar that has stuck with you for so many levels with new Epic abilities.Rarely does a game “end” at 20th level, and now your epic game just got more interesting.

From Forever People Games & RPG
Gamesmaster's Forge is the 2nd Edition, higher resolution and overall smarter release of the popular d20 Gamesmaster's Forge, containing a host of useful tidbits and aids for the busy fantasy d20 GM, including: Gamesmaster's Forge headed note paper; NPC Cards for keeping track of your non-player-characters; Combat sheets, for figuring combat between monsters and players, with quick stat notepaper for inconsequential combat and more detailed notes for the more important battles involving protagonists or NPCs; Hex map, for quick and accurate map sketching; Private notes, unique notes for passing secret messages to players, include 'you hear', 'you see', 'you feel' and lots more; Four piece d20 GM Screen with loads of useful reference material; Full Colour Floorplans featuring a large assortment of printable floorplan tiles; Hex Combat Mats to print and use with miniatures; and more!

From Dreamscarred Press
Untapped Classes: Lightning Strike Virtuoso is the newest psionic prestige class from Dreamscarred Press. Within the pages of Untapped Classes: Lightning Strike Virtuoso you will find 6 pages of new material, including the full write-up of the Lightning Strike Virtuoso, as well as a fully-documented iconic NPC. In addition, a new psionic armor enhancement, psychoportive, is detailed. With a single shot, the entire course of history can change, and that is when the watchful bowman will strike.

From DragonWing Games/Bastion Press
Ink & Quill presents a number of diverse abilities, classes and items to expand on the force of words. A host of new feats specializing on the use of language and sound supplement the arsenal of any character, regardless of her previous background. In addition, skills such as Decipher Script, Profession and Perform undergo a startling transformation, while the Knowledge skill expands dramatically. Pick up this a free ENnie award-nominated supplement exclusivly at YourGamesNow and see how the pen is mightier than the sword.

From Blackdirge Publishing
Blackdyrge's Templates: Armored Apparition highlights the monstrous sage’s research into a new type of incorporeal undead. The armored apparition is a ghostly spirit that can inhabit a magical suit of armor, bringing many of its terrible life-draining attacks into the corporeal world. These powerful spirits can devastate foes with spectral energy or simply cut them to pieces with blade and skill at arms. In addition, the armored apparition takes on many of the aspects of animated constructs, making them exceedingly difficult to damage. So add a new dimension to your wraiths, ghosts, spectres, and shadows, with Blackdirge Publishing and the armored apparition.

Master at Arms: Cudgel Thug presents the cudgel thug, master that most primitive of weapons – the humble club. Part fighter and part rogue, the cudgel thug combines stealth and agility with the effectively brutal techniques of an uncompromising thug. The cudgel thug’s array of abilities includes old standbys like sneak attack, but also include new and innovative tricks designed specifically for use with the club. So return to the primitive, grab a handy table leg, and crack some skulls with Blackdirge Publishing and the cudgel thug.

From Arion Games
WWII Germans Set contains a variety of infantrymen, vehicles, officers and other agents of the Third Reich. This set of more than 50 figures is perfect whether playing as or against the German Army. The campaigns of World War II are a fertile source of inspiration for many role playing, skirmish and war games. This set is the first of several that will address the lack of good paper miniatures for this genre.

From 93 Games Studio
The Swing: Reality Guide is set in today’s modern world, with real world agencies using real world Magick (such as Wicca and Voodoo) and using a highly realistic game mechanic. Reality in The Swing is like a pendulum: it’s constantly moving and changing direction. Reality is not some stagnant force which has stood unchanged since the dawn of time nor is it a concept so far removed from mankind that he has no grasp of it. Reality is created and shaped by the minds of those who experience it. Join the Unexplained Broadcasting Network, the Men in Black, The Eleusinians or other factions in aiding mankind along its path towards enlightenment and evolution. Will you invent new technology, discover new drugs and therapies, and enjoy capitalism to its fullest? Or will you choose to seek out hidden civilizations, unlock ancient secrets, and discover what resides inside all mankind?

(vsM) Project Alexandria provides rules, statistics, and suggestions for people who want to role-play time travelers in our planet’s past. Everyone knows traveling through time can have dangerous unintended consequences, if only the vanguard time travellers understood the depth of their exploration. No one expected that they would break the universe. Using Philip Reed's vsM Engine, you too can travel back in time, fixing major paradoxes inadvertently created by these time explorers, and make sure the future happens.

(vsM) Future Broken provides rules, statistics, and suggestions for peoplewho want to roleplay survivors in a post-apocalyptic world. Future Broken uses the vsM Engine which allows for fast and easy play. The vsM Engine also is very easy to modify, so Game Masters (GMs) should feel free to remove or change anything that doesn’t fit their vision of a postapocalyptic world. The apocalypse has happened, and the few who survive are just trying to find a sense of normalcy in a broken world. This is Future Broken."

From Øone Games
Øone's Colorprints #4: Bridge Gatehouse details a bridge gatehouse may stand at the end of a river bridge or before one bridge leading in a great city or even before a big castle. This massive building extends for two levels in height and for one level underground. The bridge gatehouse mantains a well-armed garrison of soldiers as well as a duty office, which oversees the goods moving from one place to another. This product uses the Rule the Dungeon Feature with enhanced customization.

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Split the Hoard
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