WFRP's Death on the Reik Out In PDF

Death on the Reik, the second part of Cubicle 7's 'Director's Cut' of the classic Enemy Within adventure path for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, is out in PDF, with the physical book available for pre-order.

Death on the Reik, the second part of Cubicle 7's 'Director's Cut' of the classic Enemy Within adventure path for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, is out in PDF, with the physical book available for pre-order.


"Welcome to Death on the Reik, part two of the revised and updated Director’s Cut of the Enemy Within, one of the most highly regarded roleplaying campaigns ever written! Created by legendary WFRP writer, Graeme Davis, one of the original writers of the campaign, the Director’s Cut provides additional material to create an enhanced experience that maintains all the mood and paranoia of the original. Death on the Reik carries on from where Enemy in Shadows left off, taking your unlikely heroes on a grand adventure up and down the remarkable Reik, the largest river in the Old World and trade route to the heart of the Empire.

Death in the Reik includes a selection of ‘Grognard Boxes’ that add entirely new ways to play through the adventures, ensuring even those who have played the Enemy Within campaign before will find Death on the Reik new and exciting.

The Enemy Within is the campaign all roleplaying game enthusiasts should play at least once in their lives, making Death on the Reik an essential purchase for all gamers."

You can pre-order it from Cubicle7 here (you'll get the PDF straight away), or grab just the PDF from DTRPG.

You can also pre-order the special Collector's Edition! This comes in a slipcase along with the adventure's companion.


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How hard would it be to convert to a flavor of D&D? Any opinions on whether it is worth converting, or if I should really invest in a whole new set of game rules just for the campaign? And if so, which version of WHFRP supports the campaign best? I've read a lot about this campaign and would really like to run it, but I'm really not too keen on getting a whole group of somewhat casual gamers ramped up on another set of rules.


How hard would it be to convert to a flavor of D&D? Any opinions on whether it is worth converting, or if I should really invest in a whole new set of game rules just for the campaign? And if so, which version of WHFRP supports the campaign best? I've read a lot about this campaign and would really like to run it, but I'm really not too keen on getting a whole group of somewhat casual gamers ramped up on another set of rules.
The flavor of the game is very different than D&D. Combat is much deadlier, magic far less present. I think it could be done if you run the characters as basically 0-level options (if that exists somewhere). Even 1st level characters and their access to healing is too much. Certain spells (divinations, etc) can wreck the mystery of the game.
But the storyline, mystery, setting, and NPCs are fantastic, at the very least worth for inspirational reading. But before investing in the core rules, maybe take a look at the Starter Set, which is a really solid product to see if it fits your group.


I ran the Enemy Within campaign back in 90's. I can say that this campaign is the best pre-written campaign I have ever come a wide margin.


The flavor of the game is very different than D&D. Combat is much deadlier, magic far less present. I think it could be done if you run the characters as basically 0-level options (if that exists somewhere). Even 1st level characters and their access to healing is too much. Certain spells (divinations, etc) can wreck the mystery of the game.

Thanks for the insight, I appreciate it. I probably won't go for the conversion, in that case.

But the storyline, mystery, setting, and NPCs are fantastic, at the very least worth for inspirational reading. But before investing in the core rules, maybe take a look at the Starter Set, which is a really solid product to see if it fits your group.

That's a great idea! I'll definitely look into it.


Punk Rock Warlord
How hard would it be to convert to a flavor of D&D? Any opinions on whether it is worth converting, or if I should really invest in a whole new set of game rules just for the campaign?

Agree with what Retreater had to say, although I think you’ll be safe diving in without the Starter Set, and going straight to the core rulebook.

I’ve run the first book of this Enemy Within campaign in 1e, 3e, and 4e Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and also in D&D 5e. You can absolutely tell the story using 5e, but honestly you’d be cheating yourself. The WFRP system is a blast to play and worth the investment in a little effort to learn. It really does go hand-in-glove with the setting. The best thing I can relay to you is this. Every night after I run a WFRP 4e game for people trying it for the first time, I get texts and emails that night telling me they loved it so much they‘Ve ordered the rule book from Amazon. (I wish they’d order from Cubicle 7 or buy locally, but the enthusiasm is there.)

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