D&D 5E What are the highlights of D&D 5th edition for you?

Jolly Ruby

Should I assume you're just talking about WotC here?
Not really. I'm thinking about everything that was created to be played using the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset, both by Wizards of the Coast and third party/independent creators. At least in my view the non-WotC ecosystem is one of the reasons why 5e had a huge impact.

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Bounded accuracy and advantage/disadvantage are without a doubt the things that keep me playing 5E.

I have a whole laundry list of problems with 5E, and there are several components that I think 4E did much, much better, but the flat math and lack of modifiers makes it a great beer-and-pretzels game that I prefer running.

It's not at all my favorite system, but it is (as of right now) the system that gets played when my group wants to play fantasy superheroes.


I'm an enthusiastic optimist, but it has this weird drawback for me in that I tend to think of the good in things as inherent and expected, and the bad as things that I shouldn't have to put up with. Which has the effect that I tend to complain about the things I don't like, without even really considering the things that I do.

So, for example, 5e is probably my favorite edition of D&D of them all, but I struggle to articulate WHY, and I'd have an easier time telling you what I wish it had kept from earlier editions and what it could do better than it does.

That said, I can echo some of the posts here: Bounded Accuracy, Advantage, and magic items being cut from the math is Good Stuff.

I liked early 5e and how, after I had burnt out on 3e after a good decade of play, it reignited my interest in D&D and RPGs in general. The beginning hype of streamed RPG sessions, WotC's events around new books and the simplicity of a new streamlined edition with just three core books - all of that drew me in again.
Now the passion didn't last too long and I began drifting to the OSR and other games, but still I feel without 5e coming out at just the right point in time and having the momentum to gain pop cultural awareness, I might as well have called it quits.


For me, i like good balance between simple and complex. It's by far my favorite edition. It has that 2ed ad&d vibe, while still being modern.

Things i like, in no particular order.

Advantage/disadvantage mechanic - nice, clean, simple, easy to use.
Easy quick math- proficiency + stat modifier across the board (skills, saves, to hit).
Subclasses - not fan of all of them, but they give flavors to classes
Attunement and 1 concentration spell active per caster - no multiple buff stacking, no chasing one item for every slot
Magic items optional - see above
Feats optional - i still remember not so fondly trap choices and feat tax from 3.x. No more.
Easy grappling - I'm looking at you PF1. Fricking flowchart. Hated that with burning passion.
Pure ability checks - it makes characters with evenly distributed abilities more viable
Character creation is quicker
Combat is quicker

Bounded Accuracy, Advantage/Disadvantage, Backgrounds, Legendary Actions, Legendary Resistance, Lair Actions, Ability Checks

The rise of MCDM, Kobold Press, DMsGuild, DriveThruRPG, and Sly Flourish

The ability to check out from real world worries and immerse myself in a fantasy world with friends/family both near (at home, LFGSs, and gaming cafes) and far (online with the growth of Discord and VTTs)

Voidrunner's Codex

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