D&D 5E What are the highlights of D&D 5th edition for you?

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Could be true. I haven't tried Level Up.

What does Level Up do with Backgrounds that is different than 5E?
the main differences are
1. they're where you get your starting ASIs (as opposed to floating or racial ASIs)
2. they provide a bit more choice in the skills they give (typically you'll get a set skill and then a choice between two others)
3. they give some detail on how the background might effect future play

so, for example, compare the acolyte background from each game. in 5e, you get proficiency in insight and religion, a couple languages, possibly some gear, and assistance from followers of your god. some personal characteristics are also suggested. in level up, you get a +1 to wisdom and another ability, proficiency in religion and either insight or persuasion, a language, some suggested gear, and assistance from followers of your god. on top of that, it's pointed out that smaller settlements might turn to you for help with criminal or supernatural matters, and that after helping your faith enough you could be promoted within your order, provided access to leaders of it, and given the free service of up to 4 acolyte NPCs.

in short, level up backgrounds tend to have a bit more meat to them, and advice on tying them into a wider campaign.


Book-Friend, he/him
I liked the concept of backgrounds. I wish they would have been explored more.

Sorry to see them being cut from time game.
They are not being cut from the game at all, like half of the released page previews from the PHB are from the Backgrounds...?

On the main topic:

Bounded Accuracy, Advantage/Disadvantage, and the Proficiency Bonus system are so good that going back to any form of D&D without them is extremely unpalatable, at least the d20 era.


Where is that Singe?
what were the highlights of 5th edition?
Honestly for me? Nothing.

I've had awesome adventures playing 5E, but the adventures/stories/fun would have been just as awesome playing them in any prior edition. Nothing about 5E really stands out as a highlight. Lots of decent stuff, but that's true for the prior editions as well.

Argyle King

They are not being cut from the game at all, like half of the released page previews from the PHB are from the Backgrounds...?

On the main topic:

Bounded Accuracy, Advantage/Disadvantage, and the Proficiency Bonus system are so good that going back to any form of D&D without them is extremely unpalatable, at least the d20 era.

Earlier previews had indicated that Backgrounds -as they are in the 5E PHB- will no longer be part of how the game functions.

I was of the impression that 5.5 "backgrounds" would function more as a way to choose a level 1 bonus feat and would no longer have the narrative background features.

Voidrunner's Codex

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