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What are you Reading? July 2018 edition

Not going to slack this time on the new thread for July!

I'm still reading Robert Jordan's The Knife of Dreams. But the end is in sight, with only three more books after it to go!

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Still on my Terry Pratchett kick, though my TBR pile of other books looms at me.

Just finished up Going Postal, like the newly introduced Moist von Lipwig. What a horrible name. Quite the thrillseeker, and I love the idea that anyone can shoot for the possible, so shoot for the impossible.

Started the next book with him, Making Money. Trying to avoid spoilers, I'll say I'm far enough in to appreciate Topsy's style.


I'm still working my way through some Drizzt books by R. A. Salvatore I lost track of. I just started Rise of the King: Companions Codex II last night. But the whole series seems like one long novel with mostly arbitrary breaking points, so I'm glad I'm reading the series one right after the other without year-long breaks in between to forget what's going on.



First Post
It's July already?
Yeah, tempus fugit!
I still haven't started reading a new novel after finishing 'The Abyss Beyond Dreams' by Peter F. Hamilton. Part of the reason is that I really should read the sequel 'A Night without Stars' next, while I still remember something about the characters and setting, but I'm currently a bit burned out on 'epic' soap operas. I also felt that 'The Abyss Beyond Dreams' wasn't as original and inventive as Hamilton's other novels. The basic scenario reminded me a lot of Anne McCaffrey's 'Dragonriders of Pern' series with a tiny dose of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' for good measure. Oh, and somehow I cannot get warm with his 'Nigel Sheldon' character. He's not very likable to begin with and has turned into a really annoying Mary Sue type.


Not going to slack this time on the new thread for July!

I'm still reading Robert Jordan's The Knife of Dreams. But the end is in sight, with only three more books after it to go!

Ahh - The last 3 get the series back to something that is actually worth reading :) Yay Brandon Sanderson!

I've just finished Artemis by Andy Weir. It's ok, but sadly nowhere near as good as The Martian. Now I'm on to the latest in the cycle of Galand series - The spear of Stars by Edward W Robinson. So far so good...


Just finished "The Bridge" by Iain Banks. I'm now reading the Pathfinder AP volume "City in the Lion's Eye" (though, sadly, this path has not lived up to my expectations).

Next up will be "Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes"...


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Star Wars: Aftermath (a trilogy) seems to be the first novels set in Disney's version of the galaxy far far away. It covers events after Ep6.
Already we see the foreshadowing of the bleak background to Ep7.

To be honest, I’m not sure I would’ve tackled the Wheel of Time but for Sanderson’s work at the end. I’ve enjoyed the series, but some of those books in the middle, oof, they were slogs of nothing much happening.

Ahh - The last 3 get the series back to something that is actually worth reading :) Yay Brandon Sanderson!


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Ahh - The last 3 get the series back to something that is actually worth reading :) Yay Brandon Sanderson!

Yeah. My only quibble is that I really disliked how Sanderson wrote ... okay, SPOILER ...


How the Band of the Hand interacted with Matt. Sure, to the original girls he was the puckish prankster they treated like a butt monkey. But to the band, he was the once-in-a-generation tactician who was loved by Lady Luck. It ruined for me many of the scenes he was in, and Matt and Perrin (before long-boring-quest) I preferred reading about vs. Rand.

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