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What aspect of geek culture does not resonate with you?


Most of the current popular TV shows. Everything from Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fringe, and especially Lost. I just don't see the attraction of the shows.

I was a toy/collectable hoarder, but sold off most of it on eBay when I moved to a smaller apt after getting divorced. The $ was most welcome at paying off debts from marriage.

Trolling: I just don't get the point of trolling or flame-baiting. Or arguing for the sake of arguing.

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Amen to that!

I find that hardcore competitive boardgame playing does not resonate with me.

That and antagonistic games that encourage singling out and picking on a weak player. We call games that don't do that "wife friendly". I find it odd that a demographic known for being bullied would design and favor games that bullying somebody is a smart tactic.


On the whole: LARPing and Cosplay. I see the appeal of it, and I have seen both done very, very well but it's just not something I get involved in personally. Tangentially to those: The SCA.
Older computer games. I have a pretty low frustration level, so the stupidly hard stuff of the past was always just an exercise in high blood pressure for me. Graphics had a lot to do with it as well. Until box art and what you saw on the screen became the same thing, I couldn't get invested in any of it. Something like Skyrim, I love.


Mod Squad
Staff member
That and antagonistic games that encourage singling out and picking on a weak player. We call games that don't do that "wife friendly".

A tad sexist, there*, but I understand the point. While I find the competition doesn't resonate with me, it anti-resonates with my wife. The best way to make sure she has a miserable time, is make it so in order to succeed, she has to make someone else fail.

Enter the new trend in cooperative games! Sentinels of the Multiverse is *awesome* - all the detailed gameplay, none of the "I'm gonna make a person lose!"

Oh, and want to be reminded of what good gameplay manners are? Play with a 12-year-old. They'll occasionally break from good manners, and it will be painfully obvious to you. And, if you have a soul, when *you* break from good manners, you'll feel like a complete heel. Excellent training. :)

I find it odd that a demographic known for being bullied would design and favor games that bullying somebody is a smart tactic.

Humans. *Sigh*.

*You are not a bad person for saying it, and I hope you take it in the constructive manner I meant it. I am trying to make a habit out of noticing the occasional casual, unconscious -isms that I run into with my peers, because I think it helps the world. And you're an intelligent person who would probably understand. Thanks for your patience.


A tad sexist, there*, but I understand the point.

*You are not a bad person for saying it, and I hope you take it in the constructive manner I meant it. I am trying to make a habit out of noticing the occasional casual, unconscious -isms that I run into with my peers, because I think it helps the world. And you're an intelligent person who would probably understand. Thanks for your patience.

Actually, you've read too much into "wife friendly" in this case. In my group, we actually use my wife's name, as she really doesn't like those kind of games. As this is the internet, I am not going to say my wife's name, and thus I substituted the word "wife" for her name. Perhaps there's a better term to substitute, but I was trying to get to the point about the antagonistic games.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Actually, you've read too much into "wife friendly" in this case.

I can only speak to it's outward appearance, which is kind of the point.

Perhaps there's a better term to substitute...


But, neither here nor there. I don't want to derail things further. On with the real discussion!

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