D&D (2024) What could One D&D do to bring the game back to the dungeon?


I'm not sure if this definition is valuable in improving the concept of a dungeon is a dungeon is 'a big delict space'.
I mean, that's not what I said. At all.
Because making me count torches and exhaustion makes me not want to go that, which is the issue at hand.
I mean, you have preferences. That's great. They aren't universal. Some people think counting torches is integral to the dungeon experience.

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One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
i think a problem in the premise of dungeons is that unlike alot of the rest of the world in a ttrpg it's not something you can really just make up on the spot, it's something that needs planning, and that's not to say other bits of the game don't too but if you're in a town you can just 'you want a new weapon? uh sure, there's a blacksmith's here round that corner' and it doesn't matter if you hadn't put one there when you envisioned the town in your head but for a really dungeony dungeon it tends to require this whole interconnected web that matters how it's all laid out, what's the answer to this puzzle? where's the key to this chest? is there a hidden doorway here? what monsters are there abouts?
so that being said i think what 1DnD really needs is a way to make actually designing dungeons and 3D spaces accesible for GMs, i know there are online dungeon mapper/creators,
also elaborate on rules for exploration, give a list of example traps and challenges and things to use


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I mean, you have preferences. That's great. They aren't universal. Some people think counting torches is integral to the dungeon experience.
Yes, but it is worth noting that “focusing the game on the dungeon” and “emphasizing resource and inventory management” are not conjoined goals. You can certainly have a game of dungeon spelunking that eschews inventory tracking in favor of abstract rolls to determine if there are inventory or resource complications, for example.

I'd love to see a modern version of D&D refocused on dungeon exploration, and with a new revision/spiffying up/half edition/whatever of 5E in One D&D, I wonder what rule tweaks could they do to the 5E chassis to make it work well as a dungeon crawler (as @overgeeked called it)?

The biggest issues with 5E as a good dungeon crawl game are that the exploration pillar is essentially ignored, especially in regards to resource management and environmental elements (like lighting). I think shoring up some DCs for common exploration tasks as well as upping the use of tables can help. More importantly though would be the curtailing of a lot of spells and class abilities that obviate dungeon exploration challenges. Light should not be a cantrip, for eample.

A focus on equipment could help. For example, having equipment (and proficiency in the equipment) modify DCs or even open up smaller exploration side quests.


I'd love to see a modern version of D&D refocused on dungeon exploration, and with a new revision/spiffying up/half edition/whatever of 5E in One D&D, I wonder what rule tweaks could they do to the 5E chassis to make it work well as a dungeon crawler (as @overgeeked called it)?

The biggest issues with 5E as a good dungeon crawl game are that the exploration pillar is essentially ignored, especially in regards to resource management and environmental elements (like lighting). I think shoring up some DCs for common exploration tasks as well as upping the use of tables can help. More importantly though would be the curtailing of a lot of spells and class abilities that obviate dungeon exploration challenges. Light should not be a cantrip, for eample.

That is not going to happen as a core mechanic but it is already there I think for anyone that wants to play that way. DOMM is 15 levels of nothing but dungeon.

For me I got no more interest in tracking torch, ration, making the mapping of an endless dungeon, we got apps to do that now!
The old dungeon crawling is like a vintage phone, it’s cool to have one on his desk, but no one will leave his smart phone.

Give me a reason to want to explore. pre-2e we had XP for GP which meant that every gold piece was important. In 5e gold is basically worthless and attunement plus increasing abilities means magic items aren't that great either unless they are actual quest items.

Then make combat faster.


Running my second 5e group through B2 and it doesn't feel massively different than the days of old... which makes me think I wasn't always paying attention to food and torches back in B/X and 1e as a DM (although I think I usually do/did as a player).

Having a variety of skills to roll when trying to do things now (convince the monsters of something and overcoming physical challenges) seems better to me than B/X and 1e. Not having a bunch of really particular skill rules I feel like I need to look up seems nicer to me than 3.5/PF.


When I want to do a dungeon crawl, which I do on occasion, it is easier to do in 5e than any other edition of the game, because 5e is easier to play than any other edition of the game. Combat still takes way too much time, but that is true of wherever it is happening.

Do I have trouble setting traps and puzzles and other "exploration" challenges in 5e? Nope. Do I have trouble building challenging combat encounters in 5e? Nope. I just don't see anything about 5e that discourages dungeon crawling at all. It's just that the game doesn't try to coerce campaigns into it like it did once upon a time, and it turns out that players and DM's aren't that into non-stop dungeon crawls when they don't have to be.

In other words, what the OP has is not a design problem, it's a player problem. I do not think anything should be done to the game to try to coerce players into one particular way to play it, so the only solutions I would suggest to the OP are ones that would be useful in any type of game. Like shortening combat encounters.

Here is a dungeon crawl I put together recently:


Voidrunner's Codex

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