D&D General What Do These People Eat?


Dances with Gnolls
Writing up a Twighlight/tidally-locked world right now. Did a good deal of research on what would be consumed along the differing horizontal parallels as the exposure to light increased or decreased.

So lots of root and ground crops the further shadeward you get as well as hunting and gathering. Sunward boasts herbs, maze, tomatillos, and other crops of the vine. Obviously 24/7 sun is still way more that what a plant that likes the sun would want. Luckily the Sunward nations are a bit more caste based and there is a thriving population of kobold workers who tend to these crops. Assisting every so often by dragging tarps over the farming fields to give the plants shade, and water.

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Guest 6801328

When the PCs encounter a new culture, I'd love to be able to sprinkle in some colorful cuisine references. Whether it's the snack brought to the king while the players are in audience, or the meal served in the tavern, having some interesting color/flavor would be nice. But I'm not sure I want to spend time preparing that ahead of time.

So what I want is a web/phone app where you can put in some parameters such as terrain (desert, mountain, ocean, etc.) and exoticness (high, medium, low) and it automatically generates some unique cuisine descriptors. Just a concise overview, with 2 or 3 specific examples, perhaps subdivided by high and low wealth levels.

Beverages, too.


Staff member
Here’s one for you:

A.K.A. Leipäjuusto I just tried this one yesterday- buttery, salty semi-hard cheese. Pretty dense. Works well with savory AND sweet food.

Leipäjuusto can be eaten warm or cold, and is served in a number of ways:[3][2]

  • The traditional way to serve it as slices, as a side dish with coffee.
  • A few pieces are placed in a cup, with hot coffee poured on. The Swedish name kaffeost ("coffee cheese") refers to this.
  • Served as diamond-shaped pieces, roughly 5 to 7 cm long and a little less wide, with cloudberryjelly or fresh cloudberries.
  • Slices of the cheese are cut into a cup or plate, with some cream poured on the pieces so that they soak a little, some cinnamon and sugar sprinkled over it, and grilled in the oven for a moment. Served with cloudberry jelly.
  • In modern Finnish cuisine, diced leipäjuusto is often used as a mild replacement for feta in various salads.
  • As a dessert, leipäjuusto can be served like Camembert, fried on a pan with butter until it softens, and served with jam, traditionally cloudberry

If you look at the wiki, they sometimes dry this stuff out and keep it for YEARS.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Here’s one for you:

A.K.A. Leipäjuusto I just tried this one yesterday- buttery, salty semi-hard cheese. Pretty dense. Works well with savory AND sweet food.

If you look at the wiki, they sometimes dry this stuff out and keep it for YEARS.
Oooo. A lot of ways you could go with that. Nice.

In my campaign, the dwarven sense of taste is very poor and blunt. It's so bad that dwarven food is a joke to most of the other races, and in fact, there's a whole running gag about how their racial resistance to poison comes from eating dwarven cooking.
Well... one way to build a tolerance for poison is to ingest small amounts of it. It could be that one of the dwarven staples of their diet is mildly poisonous.

Voidrunner's Codex

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