what does your DM do with your character when your gone?


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When I DM....

Your character will not die while you are not at the table. He will just be behind the scenes sort of assisting the party when needed and appropriate for your skills.

Unless there is a TPK of course and then it will be a cinematic ans heroic affair - unless that too is against your archetype (i.e. thief, or other weasel types) then it will be trying to get away.

You get 1/2 xp for the session and it is up to the party how to divide the treasure for the night. (Usually they are fair cause I have them incorporate and file a charter - without one they can't legally file a claim on a find or site and any treasure belongs to the local lord (Or, the King in the case of border or unclaimed territory!) That would have to be proved of course in court, however, the bad thing is that the items in question are taken as evidence until the hearing. Usually the king or lord wins these affairs. I also gives me a great way to unscrew a miscalculation on the power or effect of a given item. Happens every once in a while - about 3 times in last 5 years but it is plausible.


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normally, with the group I play in being spread out through three different cities, missing players are fairly common. Ussually the DM just plays them as if they where there. With full consequences and such. That said we do have a ranger (my brothers character) that has been stuffed in a bag of holding with a snorkel and a sustaining spoon for some time now


I've always used the "Magic Bathroom" approach. Hell, characters have to go sometimes. Once characters can afford mounts they graduate to "Tending the Horses." Sure it supplants realism a bit, but its a game and I don't want to meddle with another player's character. If the characters are in a situation that demands a missing player be present, I have the player write out a sheet of paper which will explain common answers to certain problems and maneuvers in combat.


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RobotRobotI said:
Man. If something like that happened to my character because I missed a session, I'd probably just quit.

Our DM just uh... NPCs characters if the player is gone. He doesn't do retarded things with them, though. (Death because your half-orc got a crumby roll in a fight while you're gone is different than death because your half-orc was acting like a retard while you're gone.)
the funny thing was latter when we got in a fight the smell of blood (being a mass murder) instantly snapped him out of his stupor! :D


We're playing Iron Heroes, and my Berserker (aka Barbarian) with 20 Con, Endurance and Die Hard feats has come down with a case of the runs.

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