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What is the best Schtick you've ever...


Staff member
In a Call of Cthulhu game, the big bad - a Damien Thorn type - had a thing for one of the female PCs (heiress of an aeronautics empire). They'd wine and dine long before he was revealed as the villain, and even then, he still pined for her. So, his weakness was love.

I was wondering where this was going. In a CoC game, an NPC who has a thing for a PC may just have...a THING...for the PC.

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Deuce Traveler

I played a martial artist in a superhero game that fought using ping pong paddles and could emit an energy ray chi blast by crossing the paddles, pointing them their faces at an enemy, and screaming CHI! And I wasn't drinking when I created him.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
Love this thread. Only thing I remember from games right now are collectors.

Early basic D&D game party was fighting skeletons often. And they all seemed to be using rusty short swords. So party started collecting them and decorating their house, and later with numerous +1 short swords and daggers.

Same group AD&D this time party was going through Castle Greyhawk. One of the players made his wizard character to be "addicted" to special herb tea. Other characters saw this as opportunity to sell water for 5 gp a mug. Party makeup was thief, thief, thief, mage, half-elven cleric-thief. So later same group started to make sanity rolls for themselves when crazy monsters happened. It kinda catched up, and one by one rest of party wanted to try out relaxing herb tea and got "addicted" as well.

Later one thief of party named Frek Horn started keeping inn "Little Dragon Inn" at greayhawk. And got little fat and lazy. But continued adventuring to get some exotic things to his Inn's menu. He also recruited lesser heroes to get easier stuff, but was really miserly with payments. He quested for exotic cooking books and invented things like pop-corny and Griffon-Meat-Burger. Group showed some desire to eat monsters during prior adventures as well. I ám not sure should I thank Castle Greyhawk module or Hack-computer game for itl.

The thief in group Nordeln the Thief, died often and got looted by party and came back, multiple times, no thanks to party. He didn't trust rest of party, So player of that character constantly healed himself in secret. And claimed to be out of spells when asked for healing.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
I have one of mine I now recall. Many years back I made AD&D 2nd ed character rolling 3d6 and I got 4 18 1 17 and 1 15. It was so crazy I asked if I could make my character bit crazy (but not adventure harming way), since there must be something wrong with such person.

So I started playing my character with bit alien quirks, who got her own sex mixed, claimed to have been male before when he was human. Sometimes called herself with wrong (her prior "human name"). She recalled being something very different before she got stuck/reincarnated into this frail and weird human body. Gm got curious about it too, and demanded I tell him what my character thought she had been in prior life. I didn't saying my character didn't even know yet, since she didn't know the human name for her kind. Some time passed and then she finally says what she had been, a "sharn mage". Gm didn't even know what that was, and neither did besides name and monster describtion in manual, but I had come up with quite a lot from mangled human perpective of course. Also that character was thief with profession in (fake) fortunetelling. And I did my prophesies including weird ways to navigate in dungeons and accidently hit strait to target few times too many. Naturally I brought some neat cultural tips to sharn culture when game was action lacking.

It was interesting character to play, we started from our home land Amn (in FR) and ended up in interesting places including Ravenloft (some place of crashed ships and Giant Shark), which we escaped, and Darksun, where my character gained few wild psionic talents (ejection and dream travel) thanks to evil grace of gm. And got party split for while with dream dravel thanks to not sleeping camp watchers. With various (mis)-adventures we managed to get back home, but into past though some planar timywhiny thingie. We did stuff there too. Game kinda ended and I never managed to get healed or learn if dm had intened to make my crazyness real after all. Not that it would have mattered anyhow. Her claim was that she had reincarneted those memories into this human when she was kid. Hehe my explanation to way too high stats to be humanly possible.

I once created an NPC called "eagle-eye fleagle" loosely based on the character from the Lil'Abner movie (weirdly) of the same name. He was an idiot that was inexplicably hired by all big bad's as a hit-man. He would turn up, accidentally cut his own fingers off (usually with a flick knife), collect them, and run away. For some weird reason everyone found this very funny.

It became a kind of in joke in the group at the time that no matter who was GMing, whatever the genre, he would make at least a fleeting appearance and revealed himself to be a surprisingly versatile character. There was no genre or time frame this idiot couldn't fail at and brought a smile to everyone’s face every time he was squeezed in.

Someone else in the group even fleshed out his trope to make him into an important and surprisingly deep and tragic character, cursed to be reincarnated in different realities and lose his digits.


Staff member
My current 4Ed character is a Dwarven Starlock. Becaus I almost always move in such a way to maintain my bonuses from ShadoWalk, this got nicknamed "capoira." I've run with it, with tales of my clan's love of steel drums and ragga jungle...as well as astronomy and fighting aberrations.

However, these days I'm contemplating how to get the party to play Angry Bards.;)


First Post
While adventuring in a Venice-like city, I had a PC in the group I ran who would frequently get around via gondola. And anywhere he went in the city he would go, Mario would show up. Mario wasn't following him, in fact, he was frequently alarmed by the PC's appearance as danger and adventure wasn't far off when it happened. But the PC was an excellent tipper, and Mario would go through hell with him.

One day, the party was in another city a hundred miles away. Said PC needed a getaway and jumped into a random boat. Mario was in town on vacation.


My halfling daggermaster rogue in our current game (we're playing Revenge of the Giants) is named Nebin Hamstringer. I'm playing him as a redneck halfling from the hills. His clan had to figt off giants, so killing giants is what he's good at. Feats like Underfoot to let him move thru big creature's zones, the Close Quarters utility that I always envision as him jumping and wrapping himself around something's leg, then stabbing over and over till he hits the femoral artery. Or jumping on the ir back and stabbing at their neck.

I gave him a Badge of the Berserker, Vanguard dagger for his offhand weapon and a Horned Helm, so he's really nasty in a charge. My DM keeps telling me I'm playing a Brutal Rogue instead of an Artful Dodger, but I play it off as he just doesn't think much of all these things that are bigger than him (which is pretty much everyone) and he just walks right past 3 enemies and ducks their attacks to get to the one he really wants to stab :)

Someone mentioned the necklace from Your Highness. One of our players suggested taking a trophy from a giant we had killed so next thing you know I've done some cutting so I can make a soup. One of my favorite memories of this game so far is offering Obenar some giant testicle soup and my wife saying how she and the rest of the group are standing behind him waving their hands and shaking their heads no.

In an OWoD Mage game I had a character named 8 Ball. Magical mishap in a bar had one of his eyes end up replaced by an 8 ball from a pool table. He could see thru it and it could spin in his socket and he could see in all directions. This was several years before the Harry Potter series started, so he was not based on Mad Eye Moody :) We were making characters and I asked the ST if I could get more freebies for flaws beyond 7 so long as I played them all. He said sure, so I made a mage who was very powerful, but had basically every mental issue in the player's guide heh. I sat at the table literally drooling sometimes, staring into space or speaking complete gibberish. He had rare moments of clarity where he cast the occasional spell and pulled the party's fat out of the fire. Altho one time he apparently turned all the water in a 3 block area into LSD. During Mardi Gras. On the moon. This included the water content in all the alcohol being consumed. It was also contagious so it quickly spread beyond the 3 block radius by touch. He was kind of a ridiculous character, but he was lots of fun to play.
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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
An ex-girlfriend of mine played a cleric worshiper of Eberron's Creator Dragons. Whenever she healed someone, she would chant and visualize out loud over the wound. She would invoke one of the three dragons and infuse the victim with that being's essence. After the wound was healed, a small, dragon-shaped mark in one of three colors would be visible on the healed person's skin for a few hours.

It was a nice touch and often gave the cleric an opening to talk about her religion... which lead to her asking questions related to her lifelong quest.

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