What is the game plane for implementing XGTE for AL?


What is the game plan for implementing XGTE for AL?

Will all the subclasses, elderich invocations, learning beast shapes, spells, and racial feats be allowed?

Will Divine Souls be required to pick a deity like clerics, can they be descended from dead deities like Murdane, Mulhorandi Gods like Ra or Hathor, Cosmic Beings like Great Old Ones, Primordials, Archdevils, Demon Princes? Demigods like Tchazzar or Gilgeam? Half Godlings like Empyreans and still born Atropals?

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Rotten DM
Game Plane. Game Plane.
Well roll 3 times on the Street Walker table.
Roll 2 times on the Adult beverage table
Roll 1 on the recreation illegal table.
Then we hop on the plane and game while flying all over the world.
I think I am forgetting something.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Why would XGTE not be available for AL? It's on the list of available sources in the version 7.0 Player's Guide.


First Post
Only clerics require a deity as stated in their class description. Paladins aren't required to have a deity so unless divine souls specifically mention a deity requirement there won't be one. If it does specify a deity then it will be.

Appendix A specifically notes items that are for sale in Adventurer's League with gp prices. This includes potions beyond those in the Player's Handbook (including all healing potion types) and spell scrolls from cantrip to 5th level. We'll probably need to have more info on this.


First Post
I would assume it's set in the Prime Material Plane since the title refers to Xanathar, a character in Faerun, and AL has been set mostly in the Prime Material Plane so far.


Oh, you meant game plan?


That guy, who does that thing.
Things that are non-mechanical (like the list of character names by race/ethnicity and the random backgrounds) are probably non-controversial to use as-written.

Anything else has the potential to be modified for AL, though there's no guarantee that any of it will be. We'll just have to wait for at least the official early release date for the official announcement. (My best guess for thing in XGtE that is most likely to be changed/not allowed for AL -- the new downtime activities.)

Lastly, keep in mind that things like the Swashbuckler which are reprinted from earlier sources will become the official version of the rule to use, even if you don't have XGtE as your +1. I suspect a reminder will also be included in the official announcement.


Voidrunner's Codex

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