What is the game plane for implementing XGTE for AL?


Beyond what is specifically mentioned in the ALPG, we have not yet announced a "game plan."

I do hope that that XGE changes (if any) to reprinted content will end up in the official errata, but if that's not the case, I'd love for the "game plan" to include a document with such changes. Since players are required to use the latest version of whatever option they choose for their character, that could sound as if AL is implicitly asking them to buy a book they may not be interested into, simply to keep playing their existing character.

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Another thing to be taken into consideration is how do any of the expanded rules in XGtE, if allowed, fit into the PH+1 ruling? If they decide that some of the downtime activities, common magic items, or explicit 'available to AL' list of available potions & scrolls are in fact AL-legal how does that apply to characters that don't have XGtE as their +1? Rule that the PH+1 only applies to sub-classes and spells? It will be interesting to see.


First Post
AFAIK the PHB+1 rule only applies to Class, Race, Feats, & Spell Selection. Characters of any class can purchase gear from available books (eg. anyone can purchase a Monster Hunter's Pack if playing CoS). Not sure how this might affect XGE though, since that is an expanded list of equipment but I assume there is a good chance that the equipment section will apply to everyone.


Not that it matters, but:

The abuse potential from magic item combos is much higher than anything relating to race.

That is, of course you can create an overpowered race, but that will then likely be caught and handled straight away (as opposed to only becoming OP through a combo, which is what PHB+1 is about). Magic items are much likely to look okay at first blush, and only later be revealed as OP.

Which makes them a much more rational inclusion for PHB+1 than race.

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Not that it matters, but:

The abuse potential from magic item combos is much higher than anything relating to race.

That is, of course you can create an overpowered race, but that will then likely be caught and handled straight away (as opposed to only becoming OP through a combo, which is what PHB+1 is about). Magic items are much likely to look okay at first blush, and only later be revealed as OP.

Which makes them a much more rational inclusion for PHB+1 than race.

Sent from my C6603 using EN World mobile app
Except you can't buy magic items. You get them as loot. You can't tell a player, "Sorry. You won that Magic Sword of Awesome fair and square by the rules, but you can't use it because it's not your +1. Enjoy that wasted magic item count."

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Guidance for using Xanathar's in AL has been posted.


The first thing they address is the specific magic items (potions and scrolls) identified as being available to Adventurers' League are in fact, not available to Adventurers' League. I like that they preface this with a statement that their intent is to make as much of XGtE available but need some time to sort out the impact of those issues before officially countenancing them.


The first thing they address is the specific magic items (potions and scrolls) identified as being available to Adventurers' League are in fact, not available to Adventurers' League. I like that they preface this with a statement that their intent is to make as much of XGtE available but need some time to sort out the impact of those issues before officially countenancing them.

It is also interesting that common magic items will not count against a character's magic item count.


First Post
I should also note that XGE includes a section in the book on PHB+1 specifically, and even "strongly suggests" DMs adopt this rule in their home games. This is the final nail in the coffin on the endless threads requesting the removal/modification of the PHB+1 rule.

I should also note that XGE includes a section in the book on PHB+1 specifically, and even "strongly suggests" DMs adopt this rule in their home games. This is the final nail in the coffin on the endless threads requesting the removal/modification of the PHB+1 rule.

Come on. You KNOW that's not true! ;)

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