CharlesWallace is a reminder of my hubris
Dune for me.
Lord of the Rings is a very strong contender, even with the Bakshi movie (sorry not sorry) and the Jackson Hobbit movies bringing the average down.If I'm looking at influence primarily, for sci-fi I'd have to go with Barsoom and for fantasy Lord of the Rings. Their impact is both enormous.
I could go on and on, but I had few complaints about the gameplay. I think open world was oversold for this title, but most of its failure to me was in the writing room.I like Mass Effect: Andromeda. It's a flawed and an obviously rushed game. But Ryder is a charming protagonist to play, I love the jump jets and I'd rather drive the Nomad then the Mako.
You can pick one SF and one Fantasy (ie two picks)? Or you can pick only one SF or Fantasy, regardless of genre?Spinning out of another thread: What's the best science fiction or fantasy franchise? You can only pick one.
Just one.You can pick one SF and one Fantasy (ie two picks)? Or you can pick only one SF or Fantasy, regardless of genre?
Because clearly several folks are doing the former, while I read it as the latter