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What kind of gamer are you?

Greg K

(note: Link has been fixed)
I thought I would link this old quiz: Law's Game Style based upon Robin Laws categories. The quiz rates you in the following areas:

Butt-kicker: You like a straightforward combat character. After a long day at the office, you want to clobber foes and once more prove your superiority over all who would challenge you (Note: Bold emphasis mine.)

Powergamer: The Power Gamer wants to make his character bigger, tougher, buffer, and richer. However success is defined in your game, that's what you want. You want the "game" put back into "roleplaying game," and you want the chance to add shiny new abilities to your character sheet. (Note: Bold emphasis mine.)

Specialist: favors a particular character type, which he plays in every campaign and in every setting. The most common sub-type of specialist is the player who wants to be a ninja every time. … The specialist wants the rules to support his favored character type, but is otherwise indifferent to them. To make a specialist happy you have to create scenes in which his character can do the cool things for which his archetype is known

Tactician:You're probably a military buff who wants to have the chance to think through complex problems. You want the rules, and your GM's interpretation of them, to match up what happens in the real world or at least be consistant. You want challenging yet logical obstacles to overcome.

Method Actor: You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.

Storyteller: You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Casual Gamer: You generally get left out when people talk about gamer types, but there's usually one in each game. You tend to be low key and come to hang out with your friends. But, you fill a very important and often underappreciated role of taking on the job nobody else jumps up at. And, typically, you also help to balance out some of the stronger personalities in the group." (Note: Bold emphasis is mine)

While not perfect*, I think it is interesting. If you take it, post your results: Player type and the breakdown by category.

* I think it needs an Exploration category for those whom exploring and learning about the setting is most important.
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Greg K

Law's Game Style
You scored as a Method Actor
You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.

Method Actor: 83%
Storyteller: 75%
Specialist: 75%
Tactician: 42%
Powergamer: 25%
Butt Kicker: 17%
Casual Gamer: 8%

I think that the tactician did not score higher, because, while simulation is important and I like detailed combat with maneuvers, I am not interested in puzzles or mysteries that are based on testing me rather than my character and its abilities.
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A Wicked Kendragon
I'm getting an invalid url from that. Had to find it through google.

You Scored as Casual Gamer

You generally get left out when people talk about gamer types, but there's usually one in each game. You tend to be low key and come to hang out with your friends. But, you fill a very important and often underappreciated role of taking on the job nobody else jumps up at. And, typically, you also help to balance out some of the stronger personalities in the group. Good on you!

Casual Gamer 92%
Storyteller 58%
Method Actor 50%
Tactician 50%
Specialist 50%
Butt-Kicker 50%
Power Gamer 8%

Huh. Everything in the middle, except those two.


You Scored as Tactician
You're probably a military buff who wants to have the chance to think through complex problems. You want the rules, and your GM's interpretation of them, to match up what happens in the real world or at least be consistant. You want challenging yet logical obstacles to overcome.

Tactician 100%
Specialist 75%
Storyteller 42%
Method Actor 42%
Power Gamer 33%
Casual Gamer 25%
Butt-Kicker 8%
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I had to google the link, as well. I found THIS

Storyteller 83%
Method Actor 67%
Specialist 50%
Tactician 50%
Butt-Kicker 33%
Power Gamer 33%
Casual Gamer 17%

Jacob Marley

You Scored as Tactician
You're probably a military buff who wants to have the chance to think through complex problems. You want the rules, and your GM's interpretation of them, to match up what happens in the real world or at least be consistant. You want challenging yet logical obstacles to overcome.

Tactician 100%
Specialist 75%
Method Actor 58%
Power Gamer 50%
Butt-Kicker 33%
Casual Gamer 25%
Storyteller 25%

Change military buff to history buff and that is probably a fairly accurate description.


Butt-Kicker 100%
Specialist 100%
Power Gamer 100%
Tactician 67%
Casual Gamer 0%
Method Actor 0%
Storyteller 0%

One-trick pony power gamer is me. I look at one aspect of a character and focus all my resources, stats, skills, and feats in order to trick out my character.

In the RPGA, I had a fighter who got up to 5th level before 4e rolled out. He was maxed out for AC so at 5th level, his AC was in the upper 20's and with mobility, had him in the lower 30's. Only a 20 could hit him in most encounters.

I had a wizard who was tricked out to pretty much go first (high Dex, Improved Init, Skittish nerves). Open up with encounter with a sudden maximized fireball. When I got the incantatrix prestige class (Forgotten Realms), I could cast three spells in a single round once per day. Pretty nice when you get to go first to boot.

I had another wizard who had a lot of hp. I looked at his character sheet and at 3rd level he had close to 40 hp, more than the fighters did. At 10th level, he had over 100 hp. He was a crafter so he made a bajillion scrolls, wands, and wondrous items.

But that's just me though. When I GM, I let my players pick whatever play style suits them. I have a whole range.


No real surprise for me here.

Method Actor 67%
Storyteller 50%
Butt-Kicker 50%
Specialist 42%
Tactician 42%
Power Gamer 25%
Casual Gamer 8%

I'm into cinematic, character-focused games. We may have combat every 2-3 sessions. Lots of politics and difficult choices.

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