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What kind of gamer are you?

Shades of Green

First Post
You Scored as Storyteller

You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Storyteller 100%
Tactician 92%
Butt-Kicker 75%
Specialist 50%
Method Actor 42%
Casual Gamer 17%
Power Gamer 17%

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First Post
You Scored as Method Actor

You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.

Method Actor 100%
Storyteller 92%
Tactician 83%
Specialist 75%
Casual Gamer 42%
Power Gamer 42%
Butt-Kicker 33%


First Post
Not me really, the rules are not just a necessary evil, they help define the game and all of it's characters, it's a vital part of the game!

You Scored as Method Actor You think that gaming is a form of creative expression. You may view rules as, at best, a necessary evil, preferring sessions where the dice never come out of the bag. You enjoy situations that test or deepen your character's personality traits.

92% Method Actor
75% Storyteller
75% Butt-Kicker
75% Specialist
75% Tactician
75% Power Gamer
8% Casual Gamer

The Shaman

First Post
You Scored as Tactician
You're probably a military buff who wants to have the chance to think through complex problems. You want the rules, and your GM's interpretation of them, to match up what happens in the real world or at least be consistant. You want challenging yet logical obstacles to overcome.

Tactician 75%
Storyteller 50%
Butt-Kicker 50%
Power Gamer 42%
Specialist 33%
Method Actor 33%
Casual Gamer 25%

Yeah, that sounds about right.

I think it's telling that Butt-Kicker and Storyteller came in in equal measure.

Also, it's interesting that only one of my scores broke 50%.


First Post
83% Storyteller
75% Tactician
67% Method Actor
42% Specialist
42% Butt-Kicker
42% Power Gamer
25% Casual Gamer

I want a story, with combat, with my PC playing an important role.


You Scored as Tactician

Tactician 83%
Storyteller 58%
Butt-Kicker 58%
Specialist 58%
Power Gamer58%
Method Actor50%
Casual Gamer 25%

I guess this makes sense. I like to play jack of all trades types with complex motivations, but at the end of the day I like to feel they have succeeded.


I've been a butt-kicker for a long time, but as an adolescent I was a powergamer/tactician. Eg:

Adult S'mon PC: Single-class Human Fighter.
Adolescent S'mon PC: Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Thief.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
(note: Link has been fixed)
I thought I would link this old quiz: Law's Game Style based upon Robin Laws categories. The quiz rates you in the following areas: (. . .)

I think there has always been an inherent falacy built into those roleplaying game "game style" options in that, on the one hand, a number of them require that roleplaying be assessed while others can be accomplished without any roleplaying whatsoever. There's been an increasing disconnect in tabletop hobby gaming over the years regarding what constitutes roleplaying and what attaching the word "roleplaying" in front of the word "game" means, both in tabletop gaming and in computer or console gaming. Don't get me wrong, I love all kinds of tabletop gaming but I find that a well-designed roleplaying game makes sure to emphasize the roleplaying across all aspects of the game and not merely as a just one separate aspect of the game. I think that the "laws" that Robin Laws has put forth serve as a reminded of that increasing disconnect and I've always felt that this particular meme was somewhat misguided in that regard.


You Scored as Storyteller
You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Storyteller 67%
Tactician 50%
Butt-Kicker 42%
Specialist 42%
Power Gamer 33%
Method Actor 25%
Casual Gamer 17%

Interesting. I think my storyteller score is less then some who were named as other types of gamers. I'm more conservative in my judgements I suppose in regards to how much I'll agree with something or not, at least in this survey.

Method Actor 100%
Specialist 75%
Power Gamer 75%
Storyteller 67%
Butt-Kicker 58%
Tactician 33%
Casual Gamer 0%

not a surprise at all. I play for immersion into my character as a primary goal.

Now I will build the most efficient character I can within concept, and tend to have concepts that are very good at combat.

The Specialist being high is the only surprise. I tend towards variation in characters, but there are distinct groups of character types I play - Holy Warriors, Monks, Supermages - I tend to follow the same in superhero games I play Martial artist types, mages, or supersuits. I almost never play straight fighters or brick, and I cannot play stealth types, that just isn't me. But the personalities and specific powers are different.

Well, I do like to play long games - decade or more with one character, so that may be the equivalent of 4 or 5 games for someone else. :D

As my sigline says 'Bulid 'em like a powergamer, play 'em like a roleplayer"
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