I want to run an adventure (something like 6 3 hour sessions) focused around the PCs hunting a Great Wyrm that has recently awakened in a remote land. The king of that land tries to kill it himself and is destroyed, and his queen and heir send out the call for heroes Beowulf style. The PCs are the ones that answer. The conceit is that the PCs are dragon hunters by trade, so the players will know this (but not know anything about this specific dragon) and create characters based on that conceit.
Assuming a CR 24 Great Wyrm (I have not decided on the color yet; it might be something custom) using dragon enhancing options from Fizban's, what level should the party be? My assumption would be they have to track it to its lair and fight it there, but I also tend to run things pretty loose so maybe a party could lure it out? That's up to the players.
Anyway, what do you think? My gut says about 13th level. Especially against a solo creature, characters of that level punch above their weight. Does that make sense?
Assuming a CR 24 Great Wyrm (I have not decided on the color yet; it might be something custom) using dragon enhancing options from Fizban's, what level should the party be? My assumption would be they have to track it to its lair and fight it there, but I also tend to run things pretty loose so maybe a party could lure it out? That's up to the players.
Anyway, what do you think? My gut says about 13th level. Especially against a solo creature, characters of that level punch above their weight. Does that make sense?