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What makes up your campaign?


I'm a mish-mash GM. If I see something in any game book that looks interesting, I will pull it into my homebrew world. I play with the Modern rules in a Post-Apocalyptic/Magic-Heavy setting. It's set up similar to Rifts, but the more I run it's turning more into a D&D meets Gamma World meets Final Fantasy 7 & 8 meets Star Wars setting. Here's the list of pieces that I use in my games from various D20 books:

Arcana Unearthed: I have written in all of the races/species into my world.

Bastards and Bloodlines: All of the races see a little time in my game even if it's just merely telling the players that they see a Watcher or Trixie in the crowd.

AEG's Monster: Many of the crossbreeds are used.

Savage Species: I use a lot from this book. Any creature with a Level Adjustment uses has been given a monster class to take before gaining regular class levels. I even renamed a few of the Template examples as races/foes. The Anthropomorphic Templated animals are used as mutant animals in my world. (Since GWD20 didn't give me much to work with in that area.)

Psionics Handbook: I use several of the creatures in the book.

Mythic Races: Even more races for my players to choose from and for me to use against them!

Book of Vile Darkness: Many of the curses and vile effects are used. I have an entire area of the world (what used to be Russia) under the effect of the Warp Touch curse. I have written in cultists of the various demons into the world, but I haven't actually used any of them...yet... Some of the creatures are used as well.

Any and all monster books. I pull creatures from all of my monster books for use as PC's, aliens, and mutants in my world. The only monster books that I have that don't see a lot of use are the Bestiary of Loerem, Creature Collection 3, and the Tome of Horrors (although I have a player with a Grippli character right now).

Dragonlance: More races.

FRCS: Races, monsters, and locations are pulled from this great book for use.

Races of Faerun: Races and Race Options.

Unapproachable East: Races, monsters, and locations.

Underdark: I just got this book, and I'm in the process of writing the new races into the world where needed. Plus, I'm probably going to use the rules for survival underground for when my players delve into the earth. Also, some of the monsters will see some game time as well (I love the arachnoid template).

Manual of the Planes: Races, monsters, and many of the planes have a place in my world's cosmology.

Oriental Adventures: Races, feats, and monsters are all frequently used from this book.

Call of Cthulhu: Sanity rules and monsters.

D20 Modern: The foundation of the campaign

Urban Arcana: Expanded rules for magic users, advanced and prestige classes, races, and monsters.

Menace Manual: What else?

Gamma World: I use several of the races as written, except for mutants. Nanotech, mutations (converted for use with mutants from DW where needed), and critters.

Everquest PHB: Races.

Farscape: Weapons and Races (these needed some conversion work before use).

Star Wars RCR: Races, weapons, converted Jedi and Force Adepts for use with Modern, and a few of the prestige classes are used as written.

Ultimate Alien Anthology: What else? I also use a couple of the prestige classes.

Hero's Guide: Cybernetics and equipment.

The Rest of the Star Wars Line: Races, feats, PrC's, critters, etc...

Various bits from Dragon: Mostly monsters and races.

Rifts books: Flavor mostly, though I have converted many of the monsters and species over to D20 for use.

Star Trek Aliens: What else?

Darwin's World 2: I use most of these rules as a large part of the foundation of the D20 Modern system for the campaign.

Various bits from the internet and homebrewed pieces written by myself.

There you go. I was curious as to what everyone else uses in their campaigns, so speak up and let the kitbashing/mish-mashing ideas flow!


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First Post
I built my campaign world basically from scratch (really, from a hard boiled egg - see world building thread... ;) )

But I do the same thing. I mix and match - I build things into my world using inspiration from all over. Of course, I will likely change the name of something if it isn't "generic" or otherwise a good fit for my world. And I don't put in things that alter the flavor - instead I alter what I find so it fits my world's flavor. Sometimes that means a major change, sometimes that means a purely cosmetic one, from what is in whatever sourcebook i've used.

I like it that way because it allows me to have my own world and yet still get plenty of use and inspiration out of other supplements. I admit to buying all of the WotC stuff, but 3rd party d20 stuff I only buy if I look through it and see some things that I know I will use. So I've not gotten much 3rd party stuff, mostly because I haven't had the time to really thumb through it and make a judgment about buying. (With the exception of Ravenloft, which I knew I'd get everything for - love that stuff)

For specifics, well, I'll have to wait til tomorrow. One major thing I used was the specialty priests back in 2E. I took those as a base (a subset of them) to build my pantheon, which I then customized. I now have converted them partially over to 3E (which I used for my 3E campaigns) but due to the lack of spell circle stuff, I will have to do some things to balance the other abilities I gave them. I'm likely going to end up with a distinct cleric base class for each diety (or even more than one) by the time I'm done with it. To start off with, I just took domains from supplements like FR to augment my lists - because some of those were more approrpriate than any of those found in the base books for certain of my dieties.


I've found that I also have to change bit and pieces to fit my world. This came through with a lot of the setting-specific monsters. I rewrote their backgrounds so that they more easily fit into my world. Some of the Star Wars PrC's needed some balancing done to them to get them to fit. Overall, what I've got is a setting that started out just being about Earth and the creatures that were transported here, but has quickly become a setting that spans out into the deep reaches of space and into the planes...although the sessions have all been based on Earth...so far!


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