Savage Worlds with no combat?

Dammit. Now this thread has me digging out my SWADE books.
I’ve been known to have that effect when I start asking questions and people bring in the clue harvest. Sorry?

I’m starting an online Savage Pathfinder game myself. Waiting for my players to decide what AP they want to play (of the five choices sent them).
How will you handle the cards and stuff?

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I’ve been known to have that effect when I start asking questions and people bring in the clue harvest. Sorry?

How will you handle the cards and stuff?
We play over Foundry and it can handle card draws and Bennie’s. Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds both also handle card draws organically.

There are lots of websites where you can draw cards from a deck. You could use one of those and just have the GM share the screen (meaning they have to manually do all the drawing, but still).

Glad to help :)

I liked SWADE all the way through and, being me, got the Horror Companion, and like it too. It’s tempting to build a some solo play around things I thought about while writing for White Wolf but never had an opportunity to use, or that I’ve thought about the World of Darkness since then. But I’m having fun pondering, and deciding what to get as a second supplement. The supers companion most likely, but wow are there a lot of good choices. I’m running some stand-alone scenes to get a feeling for the game in action and liking the result.

SWADE Super Powers Companion is my personal favourite supers rules. It has a great mix of simulation and more narrative elements and occupies a fantastic mid-spot in terms of mechanical weight for me.

As someone who imprinted on Jim Stsrlin’s Warlock run at an impressionable age, I could wish for more at the cosmic end of things. But there’s a lot I love at lower power levels too.

Savage World is my goto system as a perma-GM, and we usually play very rp heavy campaigns with a low amount of combat and a focus on conspiracy, mystery and intrigue.

And I play it the same I do any trad rpg: I let social skills influence social encounters, but in the end it's the players roleplaying, arguments and rethorics that weight heaviest on the outcome. It works for us.

But by the book and raw, I think that SW doesn't play any different than any other trad rpg with skills.

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