Savage Worlds with no combat?

Some folks following this thread might be interested to know about which is a really great free (but you can support them!) character generation site. I believe the owner/designer recently passed away so I am not sure what that means going forward.

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Now I have a nice shiny new PDF of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and am a bit more than halfway through reading it. I expect I’m going back for a few supplements later.

I found the Smilin’ Jack stuff from early on very annoying. Not Apocalypse World prose style level, but right up there. I keep being happily surprised by the style and tone of SWADE. It has the feel, for me, of sitting with a knowledgeable friend who’s enthusiastic and a good expositor - Ken Hite, Rob Heinsoo, someone like that.

I’m also really impressed at the elegance of the organization. I know from experience that useful modularity is hard.

Some folks following this thread might be interested to know about which is a really great free (but you can support them!) character generation site. I believe the owner/designer recently passed away so I am not sure what that means going forward.
Before his passing the creator made arrangements with Pinnacle for them to take over

I don’t play Deluxe, and I doubt anyone getting into the system would, either. The advice in SWADE boils down to ‘start with an enemy with a d6 in their combat skill and eyeball it from there’.
Due to people switching to SWADE, I've seen Deluxe in used stores. It's not unreasonable to note that someone just getting in might actually buy used Deluxe because it's half the price (or less) of SWADE (which is not hitting the used market much yet) new. I got my copy of Revised used when Deluxe was new.
I don't know when SWEX fits in the timeline, either. Never got it.

Now I have a nice shiny new PDF of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and am a bit more than halfway through reading it. I expect I’m going back for a few supplements later.

I found the Smilin’ Jack stuff from early on very annoying. Not Apocalypse World prose style level, but right up there. I keep being happily surprised by the style and tone of SWADE. It has the feel, for me, of sitting with a knowledgeable friend who’s enthusiastic and a good expositor - Ken Hite, Rob Heinsoo, someone like that.

I’m also really impressed at the elegance of the organization. I know from experience that useful modularity is hard.

They've got the advantage they've done this at least three times now. Which doesn't always seem to help, but never hurts.

Definitely. Lots of fascinating stuff here, a pleasant. Ix of “yeah, I always thought something like that would be a good idea” (a lot of the situational rules for combat) and “huh, that would never have occurred to me” (chases).

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