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What non-"essential" characters do you play?


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I play a:

1) Dragonborn Paladin of Sehanine, replacement character in a campaign where I previously played a Warforged Warden for 12 levels.

2) Dragonborn Great Weapon Fighter, the only straight man in a room full of crazy ditzy elves, half-elves and eladrin that speak Tagalog in place of Elvish.

3) Tiefling Psion, a silly Russian-accented worshipper of the Blood of Vol in Eberron.

4) Changeling Wizard, a look before he leaps spellcaster who works in a detective agency. Campaign temporarily on haitus.

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My current players are:

IRL game: Points of Light : Marauders of the Astral Sea

Shifter Warden (PHBII)
Wilden Shaman (PHBII)
Goliath Wizard (PHB)
Half-Orc Rogue (PHB)

Dark Sun: Builder's Cry

Dray Shaman (PHBII)
Human Thief/Executioner (Essentials) [Will change to executioner if it is any good]
Tiefling Pyromancer (Essentials)
Thri-Kreen Monk (PHBIII)
Human Battlemind (PHBIII)

Eberron: Dark Prophecy

Drow Rogue (PHB)
Gnome Wizard (PHB)
Hobgoblin Paladin (PHB)
Human Artificer (EPG)
Warforged Assassin (Dragon?)

So a few essentials classes creeping in, but mostly in "iconic" spots. I am not sure if I will ever see certain essentials builds much in play. Most of my players are pretty old hat to roleplaying and so the limited options don't appeal to them so much (some exceptions).

Single-classed Valorous Bard with only Melee Weapon powers. The warrior skald's always been my favourite character archetype, and I wanted to prove that a Bard didn't have to multiclass into every freakin' Class to be a good frontline fighter. I'm only going to take one (or actually, two) Multiclass Feats at level 21, and that's only because I want to take Chosen as my Epic Destiny.


First Post
Single-classed Valorous Bard with only Melee Weapon powers. The warrior skald's always been my favourite character archetype, and I wanted to prove that a Bard didn't have to multiclass into every freakin' Class to be a good frontline fighter. I'm only going to take one (or actually, two) Multiclass Feats at level 21, and that's only because I want to take Chosen as my Epic Destiny.

Interesting -- I want to do a Valorous Bard myself some day, but I would be multiclassing for the skill training, daily heals, etc., and not to improve fighting ability.

What is your current level, and approximately how many THP do you hand out in a typical encounter? Do you feel that those THP substantially alter the durability of the group? How frequently do the THP go to waste because the killing or bloodying blow goes to someone who already has THP?

What is your current level, and approximately how many THP do you hand out in a typical encounter?

Well, we stopped playing for almost a year and only recently started playing again, so we're still only level 6. As for how many THP, it's hard to say, really; it all depends on how many monsters the DM puts against us, and since our group is large (6 players), we tend to face quite a number of monsters per encounter. I'd say 36-48 is a reasonable value (I started with CON 14; I needed STR 15 and DEX 14 for Armor Proficiency: Scale and Shield Proficiency: Heavy, and also for future Feats like Heavy Blade Opportunity).

Do you feel that those THP substantially alter the durability of the group?
By themselves, no, except against minions. But they do help in reducing the amount of surges the party has to spend after combat, especially when coupled with Song of Rest - and even more especially now that I have Song of Conquest as my level 6 Utility power.

How frequently do the THP go to waste because the killing or bloodying blow goes to someone who already has THP?
A little bit frequently; most of the time, the PC that bloodies/kills a monster is the archer Ranger, who's rarely hit, and the Warden has an At-Will that gives him THP. However, both the Mordenkrad-wielding Paladin and the Rogue are very grateful for any THP I can hand out to them.
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If we're going to include players you DM for, then I've got a lot:

In my Chaos Scar game, I've got:

Dazzle, a Gnome Warlock
Darkwing, a Dwarf Pursuit Avenger (prone to using loads of thrown consumables)
Trask, a Kobold Battlemind
Ulrik, a Dwarf Battlerager Vigor Fighter.
Squint, a Halfling Prescient Bard

(two other characters are Essentials classes, a Warpriest and an Enchanter Mage)

In my Eberron game, I've got:

Gabriel, a Human Cleric of the Traveler
Charity, an Eladrin Cunning Sneak Rogue
Aedan, a Half-Elf Paladin of Dol Dorrn
Feral, a Longtooth Shifter Earthstrength Warden
Eagle, a Tiefling Thaneborn Barbarian
Asterion, a Minotaur Runepriest

In my Dark Sun game, I've got:

Halimshan, a Human Polearm Fighter from Urik
Kleopas, a Human Artful Dodger Rogue from Balic
Nathanael, a Human Inspiring Warlord from Balic
Sharavi, an Elven Seeker
Tenzinn, a Thri-Kreen Monk

Interestingly, all but one of the characters are played by women. My regular group is mostly women actually. Two sisters, my girlfriend and a husband and wife couple.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Darkwing, a Dwarf Pursuit Avenger (prone to using loads of thrown consumables)
That sounds like... the Masked Mallard!!!


I have four:

Gloom: a tiefling Rogue|Warlock hybrid multiclassed into Assassin. Level 5.

His patron is the Blood Oak from the Underdark sourcebook (fey pact, but with an entity of the feydark rather than the feywild). He has a bit of an eladrin inferiority complex, so he takes teleport powers whenever he can. He plays a bit like Nightcrawler -- sneaking and bamfing around the battlefield and stabbing you in the face when you least expect it. In the last encounter, he teleported from hiding onto the back of a flying drake 35' in the air for a sneak attack on its rider.

Zal: a level 6 human ensnaring Swordmage|Warden hybrid, my attempt to make the stickiest defender I possibly could.

He can maintain two marks constantly (aegis plus one adjacent target) and extend it to three if needed. His opportunity attacks inflict slow, as does his aegis teleport. His warden daily is Form of Winter's Herald, which makes every square within 2 of him difficult terrain for his enemies. If that's expended, his fallback is the swordmage utility 6 power Treacherous Ice, which prevents enemies from shifting out of squares adjacent to him. And thanks to Impaling Thrust, his crits immobilize (since I would almost never choose the damage on a crit; we have a perfectly good Ranger in the party with a +2 Vicious Longbow for that). Because he's so sticky, he ends up soaking up a ton of damage -- his mark is almost always respected. But hey, he's the defender! And he forms a solid front line duo with the party's dragonborn bravura Warlord. We started in the Chaos Scar, but he and the party are currently in search of the White Lotus Academy.

Gral: a level 3 malediction Invoker of Kord.

I loved the malediction Invoker when I read the build. Born to a plains tribe, the first in seven generations to forge a divine covenant, he has a Destiny with a capital D -- or at least, he thinks he does. He's a true debilitator, inflicting penalties to attacks and damage, causing enemies to take damage when they miss, slow, or even stun (save ends) with his daily. He's built primarily with burst and blast attacks, so he belongs up in the front lines of our party with the warden and avenger, getting in the enemy's face and setting them up for his allies.

Joharn: a level 1 whirlwind Barbarian multiclassed into Monk. Dual-wielding bastard swords at level 1, need I say more?

Maybe a little. His father was the equivalent of a Crusader who "went native," settling in southern lands and raising a family. Joharn was so taken with the military traditions of his heritage that he went north to a military academy (Monk multiclass for Stone Fist Flurry of Blows), but his fighting style was too undisciplined, so he became a mercenary. The rest of the party is entirely martial, so Joharn is the only one who can attack multiple enemies per round. It's pretty hilarious having the barbarian as the "controller," but with his Flurry of Blows, he can hit two enemies with his bastard swords and then a third with the pommel of one of them. Of course, he doesn't inflict status ailments, he just kills the crap out of whatever's in his way. This game seems to be dying, though, which is disappointing because Joharn is a ton of fun both RP-wise (personality-wise, he's a bit like Karsa Orlong in the Malazan books) and in a fight.
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Forgotten Realms: Aniz el-Turath, Tiefling Hybrid Paladin/Barbarian (PP: Turathi Highborn)

He is from the Turath tribe of the Bedine. The leaders of his tribe have always manifested as tieflings due to an ancient pact the first cheiftan of his tribe, Bael Turath, made. His tribe was destroyed when his elder brother tried to make a deal with the Netherese. Now Aniz travels with a group of Cormyr militia working to save the Dalelands from Sembian/Netherese invasion, working on the side to reunite Bedine refugees into one massive tribe to overthrow the Netherese and reclaim their ancestral lands.

He wears full-plate, fights with a pole-arm, and manages to be VERY mobile and good at placing the enemy in no-win situations.

Voidrunner's Codex

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