D&D 5E What requested rules change have you refused to change?

There's really only been one rules change request I've consistently refused (generally I operate fairly close to RAW/RAI anyway note in 4E and 5E, not so in earlier editions).

Critical Fumbles - I've players ask for critical fumbles a ton over the years, and because I've had experience with them, and it's been purely negative, I've always said no, and will continue to say no. Rolling a 1 is too common for something dreadful to happen, and I have never, in my life see a critical fumble table that didn't either turn the game into straight-up Three Stooges-type slapstick, or some kind of weird gory festival of broken bones and so on. Or I guess, into the episode of Supernatural with the Rabbit's Foot, which is like, hilarious for that episode, but I don't want D&D to permanently be like that. With critical fumbles it pretty much is. A combat might very easily feature 10+ attack rolls a round, maybe twice that sometimes. That basically means half to most of all rounds include a critical fumble with a four-five person party and a few monsters.

Critical hit tables - For similar reasons. I conceptually liked the idea back in the '90s, but every implementation I saw was total arse, like simultaneously too specific and repetitive, and not specific enough.

EDIT oh and:

Rolling for HP - You think you want it, but you don't.

Every time people are like "Oh rolling for HP is cool" (except, notably, the one guy who was consistently burned by it back in 2E), "Can we roll for HP Ruin?" "No. You know what'll happen." "But this time we'll just live with it instead of moping because we kept rolling really badly and now have less HP than the Wizard!" "No.".

It's just a great way to make so your character might be absolutely unplayablely bad (and yes, a frontliner like a Fighter or Barb rolling 1-3 on HP consistently is unplayable levels of bad, esp. if the did put CON secondary). Yeah everyone dreams that they'll just roll 12s but that doesn't happen.

we have a requirement to resolve your turn in 30 seconds
Christ, I think most of the people I play with would literally have a heart attack and die if put under than kind of time pressure. 30 seconds is barely long to even describe the effects of most spells, let alone to resolve stuff like multiple attacks and grapples and so on.
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Christ, I think most of the people I play with would literally have a heart attack and die if put under than kind of time pressure. 30 seconds is barely long to even describe the effects of most spells, let alone to resolve stuff like multiple attacks and grapples and so on.
That is working as intended. You don't have a lot of time to think, you just have to go, go, go! It feels more combat-like to us, and is just more exciting, then our old way of discussing and debating every choice.

There was a critical hit system in Dragon Magazine (reprinted in Best of Dragon) that I used for a little while that's definitely not repetitive. It's just ridiculous, lol. Nothing like having a leg severed by a piercing attack and losing half my hit points each turn due to blood loss. :rolleyes:
in 2e I had a DM carry around a binder (bigger then my high school trapper keeper) full of role master charts, and if you rolled a 1 or a 20, or if you hit the AC by more then 10 (keep in mind that was hard cause ac only had a 20pt swing) you had to break out D100s and roll on multi charts...


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
They were looking for an examples of "Mother May I?" design choices in another thread, if you want to know why it is a problem look no further.

Player (thinking): Hmm at 5th level I can select "One beast of challenge rating 2 or lower" and get double the number appear.
Player: I cast 5th level Conjurer Animals, can I have a pair of Saber-toothed Tigers?
DM: No you can have a Frog and riding a Camel and be happy about it.
You may be right, I'm just letting you know what the actual rules are. If you have a problem with it, put it on a Wizard's survey when they get around to redoing spells with One D&D. In the meantime, the rules are the DM picks.

You may be right, I'm just letting you know what the actual rules are. If you have a problem with it, put it on a Wizard's survey when they get around to redoing spells with One D&D. In the meantime, the rules are the DM picks.
when was that clarified... I though we didn't know the intent?


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
when was that clarified... I though we didn't know the intent?
That's been on their for years. Hmm, let me see if I can find it. Here's a list of all the Sage Advice Compendiums, linked in the Wayback Machine.

It looks like it was added back in 1.03, recorded on Feb 22 of 2016. So that was clarified about eight and a half years ago.

I don't know the intent. The other poster was talking about Mother May I and I said that if they have a problem for it that there are surveys sure to be coming up for spells for the 2024 Anniversary edition they can provide their feedback for.

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