D&D General What would be the best and worst parts or living in a D&D campaign world?


Best: Dabble in the dark arts, become a Lich, summon thralls to do your bidding.

Worst: Pesky adventures coming to steal your hard won loot. Best make a dungeon full of traps to guard it. Curse the choice items for good measure.

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Depends on the realm of course. Assuming my campaign world and that you're not caught up in some conflict at the moment, practical magic is relatively common. Not quite Eberron magic train level, but certainly healing poultices, prayers making the crops grow and so on. With that in mind...

Best: magic and magical creatures are real. If you break you leg it's still going to take time to heal but the local hedge witch can use her magic to cut the time in half and make sure it heals correctly for example.

Worst: the supernatural is real and so are things that go bump in the night. There's always that chance the local hedge witch is really a hag in disguise.

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