D&D (2024) What would you like to see in the new Monster Manual (2025)?


Getting a hang of this! (he/him)
Of the 2024 Core Rulebooks, I'm personally most excited for the Monster Manual! There's a few monster categories I hope are expanded upon or improved in it, as we move to a new edition.

Personally, I'd love to see creatures like the cyclops and the oni fleshed out more! I was sure we'd get some sort of variants for these two in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants, but Alas.
I'm also excited to see the couatl's new interpretation!

I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but I'm hopeful to see more interesting monsters!
What do you think?

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I'm hoping that the new Monster Manual gives most monsters new tricks. Creature design improved a lot even as early as Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, with many of those monsters having unique and interesting mechanics. The original 5E monsters are pretty boring by comparison and could really benefit from at least some new bonus Actions and reactions, which is one of the better features of Tales of the Valiant.

Even just giving some monsters new effects with their attacks akin to the weapon mastery properties would go along way; ogres could push with their clubs, dragons might could topple with their claw strikes, etc.


If we pumped up characters (even a potion slurp as a bonus action is a boost) I would like to see monsters improve by a like measure.

Anything that improves player ability to get attacks to their turn is a significant boost…

I am excited for most proposed changes…as long as monsters don’t become easier.

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