D&D (2024) What would you put in 1D&D from 4E?


without a review how do you know it is a "bigger" 3pps? heck, how does the player know what you consider 'bigger' without telling you and showing you??
they don't, which is why they ask in the first place. I never said they could just use it at will, I said I do not need an in-depth review, but would instead do a quick look over.

As to bigger 3pp, it has the name of the publisher and/or author on it, so for some that might already be all it takes to allow it (with the caveat of addressing things as they pop up - but that is true for WotC material as well...), others need a quick glance. We are not talking hours here, so the 'I do not have time to review three classes' feels a bit odd to me (but then my game is more 'loose' anyway and not tight tactical where it might matter more)

now remember there are atleast 4 warlords on DMsguild... so If I am the DM and Ross brings me 1, and I don;t like it, I used to just go look for 1 I did and say "how about this?" I don't have the time to look them all over.
What I am generally not doing is reviewing e.g. all Warlords and saying 'use this one', that is more work, I am just saying yay or nay for the one. If this comes up early enough in advance though, then even that is an option, as my review is not going to be so detailed that it takes so long.

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they don't, which is why they ask in the first place.
that ask is for a review... I never said how in-depth of a review... even 5 minutes if spread over 4 books is 20 minutes... if spread over 6 books it is half an hour.
What I am generally not doing is reviewing e.g. all Warlords and saying 'use this one', that is more work,
right what I would have done in college, and just out of college is exactlly what I am saying I (and my friends) no longer wish to do. We want to spend our time at table BSing and catachign up and playing not double checking builds classes feats spells from 3ppp... and away from table we are working on encounter s plot hooks and NPCs not double checking the above.
am just saying yay or nay for the one.
if it was just 1 thing, once that wouldn't be bad... but once you do 1 you open the door to being asked for more. I spend my time focusing on the what 3-5 books a year WotC puts out. how much more time would it take to do that if anytime someone wanted they could just drop "Steely dan's warlord" on me
If this comes up early enough in advance though, then even that is an option, as my review is not going to be so detailed that it takes so long.
what is early enough? We normally discus a new game while the old one still has at least a month or 2 before it ends (baring some bad endings) then we normally do a session 0 (we used to call them character creation night) anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks before we start.... I still don't have the time or energy to take on 3pp stuff


that ask is for a review... I never said how in-depth of a review... even 5 minutes if spread over 4 books is 20 minutes... if spread over 6 books it is half an hour.
no, you did not say how in-depth, but you said you have no time for it which at a minimum implies we are not talking about 30 seconds for it, and probably about more than 5 minutes too.

what is early enough? We normally discus a new game while the old one still has at least a month or 2 before it ends
that to me is early enough.

So what you are saying is that you do not have half an hour of time spread out over two weeks (close to 300 hours) or so to review some class options (and once every 6 months or so, not constantly). Ok, I mean, I cannot tell you how much time you have…
I do not expect this to be the norm however, which is why I found this ‘I do not have time to review classes’ a bit odd, ie either expected it to come up late or you spending more than a few minutes on a review
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So what you are saying is that you do not have half an hour of time spread out over two weeks (close to 300 hours) or so to review some class options (and once every 6 months or so, not constantly).
that is correct.

I mean I already am putting a bunch of hours each week into reading, writing, making NPCs, making maps, and coming up with plot hooks. I would say a better way of looking at it is, I choose to spend 20-40 hours during that 336 hours keeping up with WotC stuff, making plots and writing sceneros... that half hour I spend on 'double checking has to come out of that time... cause remember I need 100-112 hour to sleep 20-30 hours to eat I need 90 hours for work+ commute so before doing any family stuff before buying food cooking food doing laundry vacuumizing or walking dog I am using 210-232 hours of that 336 hours in two weeks... and I am planning a wedding, sometimes THAT feel like it eats 20-30 hours of that time too... oh and I can't forget doing lawn work, or watching TV shows, or spending time with my fiancé
Ok, I mean, I cannot tell you how much time you have…
I can tell you the average human sleeps 6-8 hours that is 84-112 hour in 2 weeks (again 336 hours so almost 1/3) I can tell you the average meal takes 25 mins to eat but if you cook it takes 30+ mins to cook and there are 2 of those a day for most people (if you are healthy 3) most of us work 40+ hours per week that eats up 80+ hours...
I do not expect this to be the norm however, which is why I found this ‘I do not have time to review classes’ a bit odd, ie either expected it to come up late or you spending more than a few minutes on a review
again even if we say it's 5 minutes... every 2 weeks, that is 5 minutes you aren't doing something else... that is called priority...

and as I get to the end I remember that we have to shower and go to the bathroom. We joke Ross takes at least 2 hours a day in the bathroom, and we all joke Kurt takes so long in the shower it is a crime against water... but my time most likely isn't that long...

I never realized how little time we all have

edit: I am a numbers (normally finance) guy... this is sending me down the rabbit hole of extestantial dread accounting for my time
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Yeah, and that's why it fails.

People want psionics, not just a lazy repaint of magic.
D&D Psionics have always been one of two things:
  1. Bad (have you ever tried using the 1e Psionics rules?)
  2. A lazy repaint of magic designed to pad the page count
The big thing that people don't mention much is that the 5e Magic system is far closer to the 3.5 Psionic system than it is to the 3.5 Magic system. You have the augments in there by casting spells at a higher level. And you know spells and then cast them as often as you can feed them spell slots/power points. Power points which by the way are worked out on a formula based on the spell slots a wizard would have. (The Aberrant Mind of course is an actual power point class).

The main thing the aberrant mind doesn't have that the 3.5 psion did is 70 pages of shovelware "psionic" spells including such gems as Darkvision, Psionic.

People who want Psionics have psionics. People who want their class to be made special by having a little more disguise and by having reprinted spells are the ones who think the Aberrant Mind doesn't qualify.

And for the record I grew up not on D&D psionics but GURPS psionics as my supernatural psionic system. From that perspective it's obvious just how lazy a repaint D&D psionics have always been.

D&D Psionics have always been one of two things:
  1. Bad (have you ever tried using the 1e Psionics rules?)
  2. A lazy repaint of magic designed to pad the page count
or in the 2e case for complete psionics... its BOTH.

contact checks for all telepathy and mental attacks and defenses.... but then I end up with spells anyway.
The big thing that people don't mention much is that the 5e Magic system is far closer to the 3.5 Psionic system than it is to the 3.5 Magic system. You have the augments in there by casting spells at a higher level. And you know spells and then cast them as often as you can feed them spell slots/power points. Power points which by the way are worked out on a formula based on the spell slots a wizard would have. (The Aberrant Mind of course is an actual power point class).

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