What Would You Use for Fallout?


While prepping for my Fallout 2d20 campaign, I have been reading the game more closely and... I'm not impressed. i like 2d20 in general but I am not particularly pleased with the implementation with Fallout as I get into the details. SO, what would YOU use if you were going to run a Fallout game?

My first thought -- as it often is -- is to just use Savage Worlds. It is my "go to" for action oriented games if I don't have a dedicated system in mind and I think between SWADE and the SF Companion I should be able to cobble together something reasonably Fallout-like. At least SW has the swingy, deadly quality down.

I am also potentially drawn to using d20 Modern with the d20 Future and d20 Apocalypse supplements. it is a little more fiddly, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing for Fallout. Fallout has a fiddly TTRPG heart by way of GURPS (which i am absolutely NOT going to use).

Mutant year Zero is a really good Post Apocalyptic game but I don't think I would use it for Fallout.

What would you use, or have you used?

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I would probably go with Other Dust, probably the least well known of Kevin Crawford's games. It uses a considerably older version of the system in Worlds Without Number.

Apocalypse World could also be made to work, but I think Fallout probably works better with a slower and more deliberate system than the crazy chaos of AW.


I would probably go with Other Dust, probably the least well known of Kevin Crawford's games. It uses a considerably older version of the system in Worlds Without Number.
I really like Other Dust. It is chock full of wonderful tables.


I would use the Fallout TTRPG.
I found it undercooked and incomplete, and not nearly as tactical as I think a Fallout game should be. I like 2d20 in general, and really like the Star trek Adventures implementation, but I think they dropped the ball on Fallout.


If you do decide to go with Savage Worlds, you can track down some of the Darwin's World supplements... it's basically a Fallout-esque setting without the humor, but has a lot of analogs and NPC builds you can port over.


I have settled on Savage Worlds. I know it the best, and it can do both the exploration stuff and the tactical stuff pretty easily. I might have to cobble together a more robust gear grafting subsystem if any of the players decide they care about that, but on the upside there are like 50 post apocalyptic SW games/settings I can crib from.


@Reynard If you don't have it already, the Interface Zero 2.0 campaign setting for Savage Worlds is fantastic just for the gear, bioware, and gene mutation rules alone, even if you have no desire to use anything else in the setting.

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