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Whatever happened to the System Spotlight?


Some time ago there was the announcement of weekly System Spotlights (although the Shadowrun one lasted a lot longer than a week). Whatever happened to that idea?
Also, has the Shadowrun Spotlight been archived somewhere?

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Mod Squad
Staff member
The original System Spotlight stuff was done in collaboration with publishers - Catalyst Games was involved in the Shadowrun spotlight, for instance.

Making that collaboration happen on a regular basis can be a little difficult, and if the publisher isn't interested, then there's nobody sure to *drive* that spotlight.


I didn't know that the publisher is involved (and I also didn't really notice much of an involvement).
Has it been archived somewhere (at least all the forum discussions)?


Mod Squad
Staff member
If I recall correctly, those various threads were brought into the relevant forums, rather than archived specifically - so they're back there in the depths somewhere.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yeah, the idea was to extract threads for a while and then merge them back. SHADOWRUN was fun. I agree, we should do it again. Any ideas on who you'd like to see?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Well, Evil Hat games did just win something pretty spiffy for FATE Core, and did just put out the Atomic Robo game*...

Monte Cook, similarly, had a nice win for Numenera that you could capitalize upon.

Pelgrane might be called in to cover 13th Age...

Pinnacle just put out Deadlands Noir, which is perhaps a bit more niche, but hey...

*"Action! Science! Robots! Punching! More Science!"

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