Ever Get The Feeling That The Date On A Thread Is Just... Wrong?


I was just looking for one of my old PbP threads and came across one that suggested I had last posted in it in 2022. That just seems... wrong. That was only two years ago, and I could have sworn I quit PbP closer to the beginning of the Pandemic at the latest. Certainly not the week before Russia invaded Ukraine. It feels like it has been way longer than two years ago since I gave PbP even a thought. And it probably sounds crazy to even think a thread date could be wrong. But it really feels like it doesn't add up.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
We can't really tell you much if you don't give us a link to what you're referencing.

We still might not be able to tell you much, but we could take a shot at it.


It was this thread: The Fall of Plaguestone OOC [CLOSED] . Having slept on it maybe I really was just having a moment of crazy yesterday. Having reviewed my Pathfinder group's Discord my last time posting in that thread would have been a couple of months after I rejoined a game after a hiatus from playing. So I guess it is conceivable I would have finally decided to quit my last PbP game right when I had gotten back into playing "live" . Sometimes the sensation of time is... weird.


Remember this piece of history. It is 20 years old now.


How about Vger launched in 1977 and traveling at 35,000 miles/hour is still sending messages back, as of a month ago. Time plays a weird role in our perception.

Voidrunner's Codex

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