TSR Whatever Happened To TSR's Michael?


He / Him

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
The individual that made those tweets is no longer with TSR.
You have done absolutely nothing to demonstrate that the individual who made those tweets wasn’t Ernie. It was, after all, his personal Twitter. The vagueness of this statement only makes it look more suspect.
Ernie addressed the Trans Community directly in this press release.

But in that address, he does not apologize for the things he said on camera, nor does he do anything to assure us that your table would be a place we would be safe, let alone want to play in. All he does is try to deflect responsibility, which is the opposite of what we want from him.


5e Freelancer
The individual that made those tweets is no longer with TSR.

Ernie addressed the Trans Community directly in this press release.

So, you're still not addressing the anti-trans comments that came out of Ernie's mouth in this interview? You're just gonna ignore those, and sweep the tweets under the rug because those you can at least claim were "hacked" or "made by someone that isn't with TSR anymore"?

(And, you know, also pretend like you blocking quite a few of us was somehow an accident.)

And, again, that linked statement by Ernie was not an apology. It's a cop-out.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I notice there's still no apology in there.

And, let us be clear of what a basic full apology entails:
1) A sincere statement of regret for what you did,
2) A statement of what you did and why it was wrong (so that it is clear you understand the problem), and
3) A statement of what you are going to do to fix the harm you caused.

Those who work in public relations need to know this. If folks over there are really serious about making things better, this is a bare minimum of what is required. Many people's pride does not allow them to make real apologies - but if you are not willing to set your pride aside, then you aren't all that serious about making things better.
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Mod Note:

What the heck? What on Oerth made you think that was appropriate to post on these boards? That someone else said it, or that you feel it was "evidence" does not mean it is fair game to put such inappropriate gunk here. Use better judgement, please and thank you.

And, let us be clear of what a basic full apology entails:
1) A sincere statement of regret for what you did,
2) A statement of what you did and why it was wrong (so that it is clear you understand the problem), and
3) A statement of what you are going to do to fix the harm you caused.

Those who work in public relations need to know this. If folks over there are really serious about making things better, this is a bare minimum of what is required. Many people's pride does not allow them to make real apologies - but if you are not willing to set your pride aside, then you aren't all that serious about making things better.
1) I truly am sorry for posting a screen shot of such an inflammatory statement. In hindsight it wasn't a good use of judgement or in the spirit of the rules of this site.
2) That screen shot shouldn't have been posted not just for the crudeness of it, but because it also could have had triggering impacts to people.
3) Won't happen again. As a general rule I'm giving myself, if a it's a statement (even a screen shot) that wouldn't be allowed under the rules of the forum by a poster here, I will not post it as part of my post. Similar to quoting someone who used profanity. Just don't do it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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