The ongoing saga of “TSR3” continues as Justin LaNasa, owner of “TSR LLC”, allegedly stores and has emailed to others a spreadsheet containing customer financial information stored without any form of encoding or encryption.
In a video released by Don Semora of Wizard Tower Games, Semora claims Justin LaNasa emailed him a spreadsheet in May 2022 that included financial information from customers and business partners including full names, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, and even credit card numbers, all stored in plain text with no encoding or encryption. This includes customers of TSR or Dungeon Hobby Shop’s webstores purchasing products including Cult of Abaddon, Dungeon Crawl: The Board Game, TSR Dice, and others.
Screenshots of the spreadsheet (with private information redacted) show up in the video starting at the nine minute mark.
Wizard Tower Games also commented in the EN World thread “The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR” offering to confirm if anyone’s personal information was part of the spreadsheet he received. According to David Flor, transactions with the companies are processed under the name “Port City Kava”, an oxygen bar and vape/ecig store run by Justin LaNasa in North Carolina.
For those unfamiliar with the Saga of the TSR Trademark, EN World has a timeline of events with links to more information going back to the start in June of 2021 and, at the time of writing, updated through July 22, 2022.
The video from Semora is the most recent entry in a back-and-forth between himself and LaNasa following a Twitter post from Wizard Tower Games on August 29 confirming the company received two subpoenas related to the lawsuit with Wizards of the Coast. Michael K. Hovermale, former employee of TSR LLC, confirmed he also received a subpoena related to the lawsuit and confirmed in a post on EN World that he retained all information from his time working for LaNasa and informed LaNasa of this in June of 2022. In a video titled “OPEN LETTER LANASA” posted on September 1, Don Semora says he received a text message from LaNasa accusing Semora and Hovermale of “photoshopping documents”. The video consists of Semora posting screenshots of documents he claims were sent to him from LaNasa. In response, LaNasa claimed the documents in the video were Photoshopped by posting his own screenshots and calling Semora a "liar" on social media including in the title of a channel on the TSR Discord server, according to a screenshot from the private server posted by Kim Wincen. Semora responded with the video posted earlier today containing the spreadsheet along with other screenshots.
The trial between TSR LLC, the Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum LLC, and Justin LaNasa v. Wizards of the Coast is scheduled for a jury trial in October 2023.
In a video released by Don Semora of Wizard Tower Games, Semora claims Justin LaNasa emailed him a spreadsheet in May 2022 that included financial information from customers and business partners including full names, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers, and even credit card numbers, all stored in plain text with no encoding or encryption. This includes customers of TSR or Dungeon Hobby Shop’s webstores purchasing products including Cult of Abaddon, Dungeon Crawl: The Board Game, TSR Dice, and others.
Screenshots of the spreadsheet (with private information redacted) show up in the video starting at the nine minute mark.
Wizard Tower Games also commented in the EN World thread “The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR” offering to confirm if anyone’s personal information was part of the spreadsheet he received. According to David Flor, transactions with the companies are processed under the name “Port City Kava”, an oxygen bar and vape/ecig store run by Justin LaNasa in North Carolina.
For those unfamiliar with the Saga of the TSR Trademark, EN World has a timeline of events with links to more information going back to the start in June of 2021 and, at the time of writing, updated through July 22, 2022.
The video from Semora is the most recent entry in a back-and-forth between himself and LaNasa following a Twitter post from Wizard Tower Games on August 29 confirming the company received two subpoenas related to the lawsuit with Wizards of the Coast. Michael K. Hovermale, former employee of TSR LLC, confirmed he also received a subpoena related to the lawsuit and confirmed in a post on EN World that he retained all information from his time working for LaNasa and informed LaNasa of this in June of 2022. In a video titled “OPEN LETTER LANASA” posted on September 1, Don Semora says he received a text message from LaNasa accusing Semora and Hovermale of “photoshopping documents”. The video consists of Semora posting screenshots of documents he claims were sent to him from LaNasa. In response, LaNasa claimed the documents in the video were Photoshopped by posting his own screenshots and calling Semora a "liar" on social media including in the title of a channel on the TSR Discord server, according to a screenshot from the private server posted by Kim Wincen. Semora responded with the video posted earlier today containing the spreadsheet along with other screenshots.
The trial between TSR LLC, the Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum LLC, and Justin LaNasa v. Wizards of the Coast is scheduled for a jury trial in October 2023.