TSR NuTSR Declares Bankruptcy


NuTSR, owned by Justin LaNasa, has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which will liquidate the company's assets.

NuTSR's gross revenue so far for 2023 is $621.93 according to the documents filed in North Carolina. This is balanced against total liabilities of just over $384,000.

The company made the news over the last couple of years, emerging in 2020 when then-owners Justin LaNasa and Stephen Dinehart registered the defunct TSR trademarks and launched the new venture with the involvement of Ernie Gygax, one of D&D co-creator Gary Gygax's sons. Over the following months, NuTSR generated controversy after controversy, attempted to sue D&D publishers Wizards of the Coast via a crowdfunding effort, and in March 2022 eventually found itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit from them.


As a consequence of the bankruptcy petition the current lawsuit between WotC and NuTSR is on hold, postponed until March 2024. NuTSR's website is still active.



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Damn keep mouth shut, get lawyer it's not that hard.
As noted by Tom, one thing Justin really struggles with is shutting up - he kept talking over the trustee, over elaborating on answers and putting in "unhelpful comments" in his non-answers (often where a simple "Yes", "No" or a single name/location was all that was required).

His lawyer tried to help him a few times... but like... there's only so much a lawyer can do with a client like that.

As noted by Tom, one thing Justin really struggles with is shutting up - he kept talking over the trustee, over elaborating on answers and putting in "unhelpful comments" in his non-answers (often where a simple "Yes", "No" or a single name/location was all that was required).

His lawyer tried to help him a few times... but like... there's only so much a lawyer can do with a client like that.

Exclude the lawyer part keep mouth shut I was 12 or 13 when Iearnt that.

As noted by Tom, one thing Justin really struggles with is shutting up - he kept talking over the trustee, over elaborating on answers and putting in "unhelpful comments" in his non-answers (often where a simple "Yes", "No" or a single name/location was all that was required).

His lawyer tried to help him a few times... but like... there's only so much a lawyer can do with a client like that.
Knew someone getting a law degree. He once told me, "This is the one and only piece of free legal advice I will ever give you. If you are ever involved in any legal proceeding of any kind, shut the @#$% up. Do not talk to anyone you do not have to. Do not write down anything you do not have to. The only person you should talk with is your lawyer, in private. Otherwise, shut the @#$% up."

He was not joking. This was possibly the most serious thing he ever said to me.

Generally my attitude as well. As mich as I disapprove of WotC, I have to root for them on this specific issue lest we give people like LaNasa a larger platform which is detrimental to the hobby as a whole.
If the corporation does, in fact, happen to be in the right, then I will certainly root for them.

It just happens to be the case that corporations are usually not in the right. Sometimes, however, they will be. It's honestly a shame if one must jump through hoops to explain that.

Knew someone getting a law degree. He once told me, "This is the one and only piece of free legal advice I will ever give you. If you are ever involved in any legal proceeding of any kind, shut the @#$% up. Do not talk to anyone you do not have to. Do not write down anything you do not have to. The only person you should talk with is your lawyer, in private. Otherwise, shut the @#$% up."
I mean, I learned this in traffic court... it's not rocket science.

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