TSR NuTSR Sells Rebound 1E Core Rulebooks For $650 Each

Despite being embroiled in ongoing legal disputes with WotC regarding use of the TSR trademark (amongst other things), NuTSR has posted images of leather-bound compilations of AD&D 1E books they say are rebindings of old material, complete with the disputed logo. They're selling these books for $650 each. The Deities & Demigods book (middle top in the image) has a typo on the front cover...

Despite being embroiled in ongoing legal disputes with WotC regarding use of the TSR trademark (amongst other things), NuTSR has posted images of leather-bound compilations of AD&D 1E books they say are rebindings of old material, complete with the disputed logo. They're selling these books for $650 each.

The Deities & Demigods book (middle top in the image) has a typo on the front cover.


About these books, NuTSR says "Look what just came in. Sorry, we didn't have these in for TSR CON. (in the beginning, WotC said similar to what people below are saying. We said they are rebound of old material. Long story short, WotC said ok no problem, we have it in writing)"

As rebindings, these would be existing books simply being resold. However, the covers with the disputed logo are new.

In early March WotC launched a lawsuit -- (PDF attachment of filing) -- naming TSR, TSR CEO Justin LaNasa personally, and the Dungeon Hobby Shop museum. WotC seeks a judgement that TSR hand over all domains, take down all websites, pay treble damages and costs, hand over all stock and proceeds related to the trademarks, and more.

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Now, this is likely technically legal...under First Sale Doctrine in the United States, you have the right to resell any product you have legally purchased, even if you have modified it from its original condition. You just have to disclose the modifications.

The trick for media is it must be sold in its original format. I can buy a bluray of a movie and sell it with a custom case or paint on the label, but I can't rip it and sell it as a DVD. If I want to sell a book, I can rebind it in a custom cover but I can't print out a PDF and bind that.

Now I'm not saying that's what they're doing because I don't know...I'm just saying that the first and second printings of Deities & Demigods that include the Cthulhu Mythos and Elric material go for between $125 and $350 right now on eBay and there are only so many that are even available for sale in a condition that would survive rebinding...and the rebinding process on its own (not counting any restoration that needs to be done or actually making the covers themselves) starts at around $75 from what I've seen...


Now, this is likely technically legal...under First Sale Doctrine in the United States, you have the right to resell any product you have legally purchased, even if you have modified it from its original condition. You just have to disclose the modifications.

The trick for media is it must be sold in its original format. I can buy a bluray of a movie and sell it with a custom case or paint on the label, but I can't rip it and sell it as a DVD. If I want to sell a book, I can rebind it in a custom cover but I can't print out a PDF and bind that.

Now I'm not saying that's what they're doing because I don't know...I'm just saying that the first and second printings of Deities & Demigods that include the Cthulhu Mythos and Elric material go for between $125 and $350 right now on eBay and there are only so many that are even available for sale in a condition that would survive rebinding...and the rebinding process on its own (not counting any restoration that needs to be done or actually making the covers themselves) starts at around $75 from what I've seen...
Is it still legal if the new binding has another company's trademark on the cover?

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