What's the difference between Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy?


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I saw the Rogue Trader core book and the Gamemaster's Kit on Amazon and I was wondering... What's the difference between this and Dark Heresy?

I know they are both Warhammer 40K RPG books, but I recall that DH was a Black Industries product and Rogue Trader is a FFG product. Did FFG get the rights to all WH40K and Warhammer Fantasy RPGs and this is simply "their version"?

Is the 40K world as dark and gritty as the WHFRPG world? (NOTE: I know very little about either one, but the ideas are intriguing.)

I am considering getting the WH Fantasy RPG boxed set, only $62.97 from Amazon, but I like 4e for my fantasy gaming already.

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I haven't played (or read) Rogue Trader yet - but from the limited bit I've picked up is that it focuses on playing as or around Rogue Traders in the WH40k universe. It is supposedly able to work in conjuction with Dark Heresy.

The version of Dark Heresy I have is also an FFG product.

The 40k world can be very dark and gritty, at least by fluff - and certainly the rules of Dark Heresy help reflect that in many ways. I've run a ship boarding with half the party fully dieing in most brutal (and sometimes random) fashions to a variety of nasties. Sometimes it was their fault, sometimes mine for misjudging how strong an enemy could be. Ruleswise at least it never seemed to lack in ability to make things worse for the players.

I'm not familiar with the WHFRPG game other than a short review / preview I read a few weeks ago here on enworld.

I just read some more and it sounds pretty good.

Is it totally compatible with Dark Heresy or does it use a slightly different/modified ruleset?

I believe, but cannot be 100% sure, that is it uses the same base system (d10 w/ levels, experience, and purchased skills). One of the main things I heard was the a system of economics in terms of credits has been basically removed - you just roll some dice to see if you can find the equipment you're looking for. Beyond that I can't offer more insight without purchasing and reading the books for myself (on my to-do list :P )

It may also introduce space combat.
I think it uses the same combat system.
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Rogue Trader starting characters are the equivalent of 5th rank Dark Heresy characters. Rogue Trader simplifies weapon proficiencies and has a different flavor of character generation that isn't random.

Rogue Trader is the 'next part' of Dark Heresy. To put it in 4e terms, if Dark Heresy were the Heroic tier, Rogue Trader would be the paragon tier.

In Dark Heresy (the first game to come out and the "lower level" one) the players are all working for and under an Inquisitor, rooting out evil and corruption whereever it might lie.

In Rogue Trader (the second and "higher level" game to come out) the players are all working for and with a Rogue Trader, which is the 40k equivalent of being Han Solo if he worked under contract for the Empire.

I can't comment on the mechanics difference, as I only have Dark Heresy.


Dark Heresy is grunt soldiers and luckless saps in the Inquisition. Lots of dark humor, bleak combat where everyone dies.


Both are insanely fun

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