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What's the most cinematic thing one of your character's has ever done?

justinsluder said:
I'd have to say that my most "cinematic" event would have to be the time I set fire to half of a city just to watch it burn. I was playing a multiclass psion/psychic warrior trying to become a pyrokineticist.

Anyways, that's my story.

- Justin Sluder

I'd call that more "cindermatic"

:p :p :p :p

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Minimalist style can be cool

This was in a Feng Shui campaign a couple of years back. Our heroes - a ninja, a modern-day thief, a transformed dragon, and my character, a masked avenger called the Silver Scorpion - were in the 2067 juncture.

I forget the exact circumstances, but we entered a parking garage at the same time as a bunch of Buro troops with (IIRC) automatic weapons. Guns were being fired, people were dodging left and right, kicks and punches were thrown...

And the Silver Scorpion - clad in his grey suit, trenchcoat, and a chainmail mask - walked calmly into the open. The laser dot from his silver-plated automatic pistol paused on one enemy. BANG! Man down. He turned and walked to where he had a line on another enemy hiding behind a car. BANG! Another down... and so on.

Azzemmell, I liked the "rope" story, but... if the PC cut the rope, why didn't her pursuer fall to his death then and there?


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I can remember so many scenes that would translate well onto the screen, but the one that sticks out the best right now is a huge battle we fought in a 1E campaign (circa 1983). We were on a quest to assemble an artifact in 9 parts, and we'd just reached the chamber where the 3rd or 4th part was held.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be guarded by 3 vrock and 2 marilith. After a long grueling battle the party's dwarf fighter was left helplessly watching my flying elven ftr/mage battle the 2 airborne marilith. Badly bleeding and one hit away from unconsciousness, I used the last charge of my staff of power to finish the demons, getting lucky and beating the spell resistance on both.

Second might be the human fighter I played who tracked the tribe of orcs who pillaged his village to their mountain lair. The orcs turned out to be much tougher than the party had dreamed, and it looked like we'd be wiped out. Feeling guilty and responsible for leading his companions to their doom, my fighter lured the bulk of the orc tribe into a large chamber and then brought the roof down with a horn of blasting while the rest of the party ran. I and about 3 or 4 dozen orcs were crushed under tons of falling rock.


I don't get to play much so I have a limited pool of experience to draw upon for this, however I like trying heroic/foolhardy things with my characters so it's a rich pool :)

The one that came to mind immediately was a half-elf Bounty Hunter (a kit) thief/fighter in 2nd ed. I can't remember his name, but I'd modelled him after Indiana Jones. His core weapons were a whip and a hand crossbow.

The party happenstanced across a white dragon's lair. Embedded in the ice floor of a massive cavern was his treasure. Being thief, my character immediately tried to figure out a way to get the treasure and since the dragon was nowhere to be seen, he started to investigate.

Of course, the dragon sprung us and as we were getting slaughtered, my character decided that enough was enough and so, from a ledge of the cavern wall, he wrapped his whip around a stalagtite and leapt outwards to land on the dragon's back.

Climbing up the neck, he wrapped his legs around and proceeded to poke sharp objects into it's head. It was an epic struggle to hold on, jab, and not get himself smashed against the cavern roof.

IIRC, he got thrown off eventually, and the group ran, less one party member, who was currently being consumed :)


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I don't know if this is truly cinematic but it was the one scene that most of our group talked about for a long time in which a PC had died in a rather shocking way...

The group was traveling from a small town to investigate a even smaller logging camp for the halfling that runs the tavern. At the logging camp there are three cabins, and six characters. Having decided in which cabin the six kobolds were hiding, the six characters split up into groups of two, investingating the cabins. The two that investigated cabin two, a rogue human female and a sorceror/psion, opened the door and saw six shadows with light crossbows aimed at them. Suddenly, six bolts were flying their way, and I rolled three misses for the sorceror, but three criticals for the rogue. Needless to say, she died to sneaky kobolds. That was the only time I ever rolled that good (and I roll all my combat rolls in front of the players).

We laughed more than anything and our mouths were hanging open for a few minutes at the rolls. Imagine two characters, both second level, opened a door and six bolts fly at them, three missing one character and the other three doing all criticals, and then she drops to the ground, dead.

Kobolds rock.


Well, here's a couple...

Playing BD&D, I was a first level thief, scouting ahead of the party. I failed my 'Find Traps' roll rather badly, and found myself caught by the classic rope snare - the kind that leave you dangling upside down in midair. And I heard voices - bugbears, who had probably set the trap.

Rather than cut myself free, I twisted myself up to where I could grab the rope and climb it - I intended to get free and then hide in the branches, or move from tree to tree. As I balanced carefully on the branch, I could see the bugbears below me, and I pulled out my dagger.

I couldn't tell what they were saying, but I imagine it was on the order of 'What the heck, we heard the trap go off, it was right here, where is the guy?' And one of them started to look up.

I jumped from the tree, as far out as I could, letting the rope stop me and swing me back in an arc, my dagger held out in front of me with both hands.

Natural 20.

The other bugbear sees a screaming human swing from the tree and plant a dagger in his friend's chest (dropping him). Out of sheer surprise, he misses his own blow, and I'm able to climb back up the rope and hold him off until the rest of the party arrives.

* * * * *

Another one, that I was not actually present for. The characters had to find a way to deal with some sort of alien biomechanical spacecraft that was (if I recall) implanting people with 'seeds' and controlling them. Their plan: they'll make a diversionary attack, and one of their number will sneak into the spacecraft, plant a large explosive device, and sneak back out, when he'll call the guy with the detonator and tell him to set off the bomb. Spaceship goes boom, world is saved.

So the character sneaks inside the living ship with the bomb. The outside attack is going well, the ship has no idea he's there. He gets to the central 'brain chamber' though, and things change. Huge tentacles form from the walls to snare him (and the bomb). He struggles, but they're too strong for him.

So he turns on his communicator and says, "It's planted. Do it."

* * * * *

There's some great ones coming up in my Freeport Story Hour, but I don't want to spoil anything, so you'll just have to wait for those...



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I played a pacifist monk (fighting was OK, but not killing) in a murder-mystery themed campaign. A knight challenged me, and charged me when I said no. In one flurry of blows, I sundered his weapon and his shield, using a free action to ask for his surrender.

My high level wizard/loremaster was attacked by her nemesis, a rival wizard. I won initiative and cast maze. Knowing that he'd return in a couple of rounds, I cast evard's black tentacles, pulled a folding chair and a tea set out of my handy haversack, cast prestidigitation to warm the tea, and relaxed to enjoy the show.



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I was playing Kethoth, from FRCS. Kethoth is a Thayan renegade, originally trained in the Thayan army, and then as a Necromancer after his natural aptitude and intelligence become evident to his superiors. After completing the basics of his wizardly tutelege, he left Thay and discovered the church of Kelemvor and took up the fight against the undead, especially with his burning hatred for Szam Tam and his belief that the zulkir ordered the execution of his parents. At the time of the encounter in question, he was a Ftr4/Clr4/Nec5.

---> We were fighting a pair of undisclosed age-category green dragons (undisclosed because the DM didn't tell us how old they were). I was at the time using a +2 bastard sword, and one of the greens decided to use a roll-over crushing technique. Instead of dodging (and Reflex saving out of the way), I dropped to a knee and steadied myself and my sword (pointing up) against a tree-stump and let the bastard roll over me, letting his weight drive my sword into him. We (me and the dragon) later ended up caught together in a crushing tree-growth spell, yelling profanities at each other in Draconic as I continued to stab him. Luckily... I won that fight... :D
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I would have to say mine would be with my Human Barbarian, Kegan. The party was facing a mounted Blackgaurd. We knew his favorite tactic was to charge with his heavy lance. I was in the front of the party when he approached. I pulled out my magical halberd and set for the charge. The arrogant Blackgaurd attempted to charge me, then try for an overrun to plow through the rest of the party. I hit the Blackgaurd's mount as I was hit by the lance. My hit landed square and did a massive amount of damage to the fendish warhorse. It was then up to me to stop the overrun. With some really nice rolls I stopped the mounted rider right in front of me. The rest of the party quickly jumped him, taking him out rather quickly. The DM was totally not expecting the situation of the Blackgaurd to be dismounted so quickly.

Another great moment was with the same character. The evil cleric that the Blackgaurd was protecting threw up a blade barrier right on top of my. I supprisingly made the reflex save jumping onto the side of the barrier the cleric was on. I then grappled the cleric and tossed him threw the blade barrier. If it wasn't for the SR he had, it would have been diced cleric.

Ok I have a couple through the years. I'll post a humorous one first. There are spoilers for Tomb of Abisthor.

The party looks into a room. There is a big pit that is apperently meant for sacrifies above which a huma woman is being lowered into by a chain. Over looking the scene is a huge statue of Orcus. I don't exactly remeber what sort of creatures were in the room but they were tough. My character has a movement of 90 and a jump bonus of over 50. Base of 45 move, ring of jumping and boots of springing and striding. I rush into the room and make a jump check. My plan is to catch onto the chain. my dm has me make a dex check, I fail horribly. He says that i continue on to the full distance of my jump check which would be the statue of orcus. Make another dex check to see if you can grab hold of the statue. Again I fail. Splat! I slide down the statue and fall in the pit and the creature quickly surround me. It turns out that a great heroic rescue resulted in a hilarious dibocile. The scantly clad sacrifical madien actualy saved me be strangleing one creature with her chain after I made her invisible with a potion.

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