What's This Mysterious D&D Book? [UPDATED!]

As long as it's not 5.5...


Snotling Herder
if I was a gambling man, I'd say the writing in the bottom left corner looks like the spelljammer logo.

But I'm not so I could be wildly incorrect :)

Edit - Good job i didn't gamble, just seen the twitter feed where he admits to trolling :)
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They are still replacing them for free, you know. The Twitter piece the photos come from has a discussion about it.

Yes. Unfortunately, it's also in that limbo place where the pages are noticably loose but they haven't as yet fallen out, so it's not yet faulty, just annoying.

If I'd played 5e as much as I did 3e in the same time-frame, I've no doubt the pages would have gone by now. But then, if I'd played 5e as much as I did 3e, I would have no issues with forking out for a new copy - it would be well worth it.

(And that last is not a criticism of 5e, BTW - sadly, life just doesn't allow me to spend 6 hours every Saturday playing D&D any longer. :) )


If I'd played 5e as much as I did 3e in the same time-frame, I've no doubt the pages would have gone by now. But then, if I'd played 5e as much as I did 3e, I would have no issues with forking out for a new copy - it would be well worth it.

(And that last is not a criticism of 5e, BTW - sadly, life just doesn't allow me to spend 6 hours every Saturday playing D&D any longer. :) )

That's partly why I haunt these boards, not enough game time. :)

I probably should become more computer tech savvy to run more 2-hour online sessions between the actual sit-downs with my group.
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"..MER" from Spelljammer?

It’s meant to look like the logo, but a later photo shows that it is from “Summer” because Nathan Stewart admittedly likes to be playful with teasing fake clues just to mess with us. At this point, unless he says something officially (or I suppose it’s fully mocked up like that PHB cover) don’t trust any of his hints. :)

(Which of course means that if he knows that we know that he can’t be trusted then he can make valid hints knowing that we will think they are more fake ones, so therefore future hints should be considered real ones. Unless he knows that we know that he knows...)

It is funny that in their notes, they could not even get the date right. It says Friday Jun 6, when the show will be on Friday, July 6. lol

As for the cover, why does it have to be the cover of a new book? What can't it be one of those wraparound covers that you buy to protect the actual cover?

No, it’s really a cleverly hidden Carl Jung reference meaning we will have more archetypes (aka subclasses) soon!


It’s meant to look like the logo, but a later photo shows that it is from “Summer” because Nathan Stewart admittedly likes to be playful with teasing fake clues just to mess with us.

And to go to the point of how much he likes to troll, the later photo that "shows" that it is from 'Summer' is actually spread across two pieces of graph paper, with "MMER" on the one page and a joined up "SU" (and a piece of the first M) on the second page. So he's trolls even as he admits to trolling.

Yes. Unfortunately, it's also in that limbo place where the pages are noticably loose but they haven't as yet fallen out, so it's not yet faulty, just annoying.

If I'd played 5e as much as I did 3e in the same time-frame, I've no doubt the pages would have gone by now. But then, if I'd played 5e as much as I did 3e, I would have no issues with forking out for a new copy - it would be well worth it.

(And that last is not a criticism of 5e, BTW - sadly, life just doesn't allow me to spend 6 hours every Saturday playing D&D any longer. :) )
Speed it along. There’s lots of fun things you can do when the pages give out (coil binding, plastic page protectors, professional rebidding).

Amusingly, the 3e books have the same type of binding. (I.e. perfect bind rather than saddlestitch.)

Interesting that "Player's Handbook" is not covered on the spine, but the area where the title would be on the cover is concealed by a book. Could it perhaps be the "Revised Player's Handbook," or "Advanced Player's Handbook," or something of the sort? That'd be one way to get around the issue of the PHB+1 rule making the addition of new or revised classes challenging.
But, really, a PHB with a fancy cover is basically just free money. No extra layout costs or development time. They just need to pay for the art and another small print run and collectors will snatch it up.

Plus, if they were going to do some kind of variant rules for classes, we’d have likely seen them in UA.


It is funny that in their notes, they could not even get the date right. It says Friday Jun 6, when the show will be on Friday, July 6. lol

This is a strange and pervasive attitude.

The D&D team is simultaneously completely inept while also producing a high quality game that you are interested enough in to talk about it on message boards.

And of all things to take issue with...
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41st lv DM
Wow, that's a really ugly cover. Worse even than the current PHBs ugly cover.

S unless the part being hidden by that other book says something like "6th edition" it won't be joining my shelf.

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