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What's your gaming history before coming to 3e?

What's your D&D history look like?

  • 3e D&D was the first version of D&D I played (whether or not I've played other RPGs)

    Votes: 24 6.8%
  • I started with 2nd edition AD&D, and now play 3e

    Votes: 68 19.2%
  • I started with 1st edition AD&D (or earlier), moved to 2nd edition, and now play 3e

    Votes: 147 41.5%
  • I started with 1st edition D&D (or earlier), [b]didn't[/b] play (or gave up on) 2nd edition, and now

    Votes: 104 29.4%
  • I started with 1st or 2nd edition D&D (or earlier), and [b]still[/b] play the older edition instead

    Votes: 11 3.1%


First Post
I started out with home made fantasy and Ninja games (5th grade) and moved to Top Secret, Boot Hill, Gamma World, James Bond, MERP, Battletech, Car Wars, Home made space and Amber games and stopped gaming for awhile.

I picked up D&D 2nd Edition, even though the system completely sucked, because it was easy to find players. I very eagerly switched to 3rd edition and really like it. I think people are too caught up in rules, but that comes from playing in so many home made games where it was more about story and atmosphere than rules.

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You forgot to add this one:

I started with 1st edition AD&D (or earlier), argued a lot and had to make house rules up the wazoo, moved to 2nd edition, argued somewhat and had some house rules, and now play 3e and hope to argue less and have fewer house rules. :)

aka. Washu! ^O^


First Post
I don't know when I started playing. Some of my earliest memories are of my parents and Mormons playing the D&D basic set.

When I was eight (I think) I started by playing Paranoia, then I found the red box when I was 12, 1992, in my parents bookshelf. DM'd a whole lot of games since then, until 1994 I think.

I have never played AD&D, except for a game on "nostalgia night" when it was basic hack'n slash. I have played GURPS Forgotten Realms tough.

Otherwise I have played anything in roleplaying in it. Call of Cthulhu, In Nomine, cyberpunk, Mekton, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Rune Quest, and a whole lot of systems and games I don't remember at the moment.

January is the first time I am going to GM D&D 3e (I did play in a RPGA sanctioned tounament sometime in 2000).

-Angel Tears


Us weirdos

HellHound said:
I'm one of the weirdos that took a 100% skip on second edition - at the time I felt it was a half-assed patch-kit on the 1st ed rules.

Guess I'm a weirdo, too. 2e happened to coincide with my going off to college, when I figured I had to "grow up." That, added to the utterly atrocious art and layout of the 2e line, put me off completely (Planescape was cool, though). In the year or so after college, I picked up the 2e PHB and DMG. A few years later, I sold them. While some things had improved, too many things got worse (including the art), and it was still light-years behind (imo) games that had been out for decades (Champions, Runequest). Frankly, I consider myself lucky.


1. Blue Book Basic D&D, c. 1980

2. AD&D1e

3. Bunch of games from the "golden years," e.g., Champions, V&V, Star Frontiers, Space Opera, Runequest, T&T, TFT, CoC, Stormbringer, Traveller, Dragonquest, etc.

4. College years (after giving up on "growing up"): Rolemaster, Champions 4th, CoC, and WHFRP (used mainly as an idea mine)

5. Games purchased but never played in the "Storytelling/CCG" era of the hobby: CORPS and FUDGE

6. D&D3e... which led to HERO5e, CoCd20, SAS, BESM, Alternity, d20M, and even the purchase of a few GURPS books.

Step #5 was about an 8-year span of virtually no gaming, and few, if any products purchased. In fact, I sold a huge chunk of my collection then.

3e brought me back to the hobby in full force. Similarly to another poster, I now spend more money and more time on gaming than I probably ever did before. I've attended an ENWorld Game Day, my first con-type-thing ever, and joined a group in my area I found via the Internet.

As you can guess, I think that the "d20 is killing the hobby crowd" are a bunch of loons. :) If it weren't for d20, there'd be about $90 a month less the hobby would be taking in.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Started with original D&D, migrated to 1e, migrated completely to RuneQuest2e and stayed there for many years, with forays into my homebrew Starguild RPG, Traveller 2300 and such like. Never played with 2e rules, accidentally blundered across Erics site in, what, late 1999? got caught up in the excitement and now play 3e (alongside StarWars d20)


Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
Started with the Red Basic Set, moved up to Expert and on to Champions. Never really checked out 1st Edition. Picked up the 2nd edition players handbook and didn't like it. Played lots of other games and bought even more that I never got a chance to play. Heard rumors of a 3rd edition of D&D and started checking it out. Quickly realized I liked what I was seeing and picked them up soon after being released.

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