D&D 5E When do players "gain" their actions?


Say for example a player starts their turn unconscious, and so cannot take actions, or move, or XYZ. However, there is some "at the start of a turn" effect that heals them for damage. Can the player still take their action and move and XYZ, or is this something granted to them (or denied to them) at the beginning of the turn?

Another example would be, a player that can't take actions moves over to something that removes that inability (perhaps a spell that was inhibiting them but then they move into an anti-magic field). Can they now take their action?

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B/X Known World
Say for example a player starts their turn unconscious, and so cannot take actions, or move, or XYZ. However, there is some "at the start of a turn" effect that heals them for damage. Can the player still take their action and move and XYZ?
Another example would be, a player that can't take actions moves over to something that removes that inability (perhaps a spell that was inhibiting them but then they move into an anti-magic field). Can they now take their action?

If it's not clear from most of the rest of 5E, the core aesthetic is letting the characters be awesome. If there's ever a question between taking power away from the characters or giving them more power, 5E always...always...always defaults to giving the characters more power.


Your turn starts when your initiative comes up in the sequence and ends when the next creature's initiative comes up. You can move, take actions, use bonus actions and use free actions in any order you like.


Victoria Rules
Say for example a player starts their turn unconscious, and so cannot take actions, or move, or XYZ. However, there is some "at the start of a turn" effect that heals them for damage. Can the player still take their action and move and XYZ, or is this something granted to them (or denied to them) at the beginning of the turn?
By RAW, I think they can take their action etc.

In the fiction, this would have to translate as the healing mostly taking effect before the character's turn, such that when the turn arrives the character is awake and ready to go. Otherwise you run into realism issues of the character having to wake up, get up, get its bearings, and then do its thing all within the very few seconds of an initiative pip.
Another example would be, a player that can't take actions moves over to something that removes that inability (perhaps a spell that was inhibiting them but then they move into an anti-magic field). Can they now take their action?
Pedantic question: as move is an action, if a character can't take actions how can it move?

That said, if the freeing effect moves on to the character then yes, it can act normally.


I would say that you can take all your actions if something triggers at the start of your turn. I cannot think of much except regeneration.

There are also spells that allow you to make a say on each of your turns to end. I thought these happen at the end of your turns, so if you are held or something and you end it on the end of your turn, you cannot use the other actions- even moving.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Say for example a player starts their turn unconscious, and so cannot take actions, or move, or XYZ. However, there is some "at the start of a turn" effect that heals them for damage. Can the player still take their action and move and XYZ, or is this something granted to them (or denied to them) at the beginning of the turn?

Another example would be, a player that can't take actions moves over to something that removes that inability (perhaps a spell that was inhibiting them but then they move into an anti-magic field). Can they now take their action?
Characters "gain" their actions when created. They always have them unless something is preventing them.

Start of turn heals the concious - is there anythign preventing them anymore? No? Then they can take them.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
That's generous of it. :)
Best way to think of movement in 5e is as a resource you can expend to change your character‘a position. You have a number of feet of movement equal to your character’s speed, which you can spend on your turn to move your character 1 foot per foot expended. The Dash action gives you additional movement equal to your speed.

Characters don't "gain" actions in 5e, an action is simply something you can do during your turn, unless something specifically prevents you from taking actions. If it is your turn, and there is no such thing in effect (because it was removed at the start of your turn) then you can take actions.

An implicit question in the OP is perhaps "when does a character's turn end?" If you can't take actions, does that mean your turn is simply skipped, like it would be in many computer games? As far as I remember the 5e rules do not say anything about this (maybe someone can correct me) but the normal convention for turn-based games is that a turn ends when the current player says that he is done with the turn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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