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When you as DM cry foul in the players' favor


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CruelSummerLord said:
Similarly, in reading through the 3E Forgotten Realms campaign setting, I read of a lich who wasn't statted out but was described as being able to cast spells that could steal memorized spells right out of a victim's mind. This time, I was the one who cried foul, stating that sort of tactic was grossly unfair. It's also dangerous; this is a wizard spell, which means that if the lich can cast it, the PCs probably can too. Can you imagine a spell that would allow the PCs to steal the BBEG's memorized spells?
In 1e, it's a 7th-level spell that allows a save. Using that to rip a spell out of a spellcaster's mind seems a lot tamer than, say, just killing the spellcaster with finger of death.

But otherwise, yeah, I grok ya.

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Gneech: I remember the tale. That's why I used the Ice Worm. :D

That Conan MADE the worm in the story (The Frost Giant's Daughter IIRC) explode is one thing. Very clever Conan, big heap monster slayer that he is. Doesn't exlpain why ALL ice worms explode. And for that much damage to boot.

Anyway, I digress. I mostly wanted to say that it is a cool story. One of my fave Conans. (My absolute fave is Red Nails.)



"The Frost Giant's Daughter" is a different story, actually, written by Robert E. Howard. 0=) I'm pretty sure the one with the ice worm was, simply enough, "Lair of the Ice Worm". :)

But yes, having all ice worms explode is dorky. ;)

-The Gneech :cool:

Mr. Patient

Maure Castle. I like the adventure quite a bit, but...

Near the start of the 2nd level of the dungeon, there's a tapestry, behind which are *three* symbols of death. If the party is careful, they might detect them before moving or pulling down the tapestry, but they're a real bear to disable, even for a rogue with max ranks (Disable Device DC 33, IIRC), and they are real, real hard to dispel as well (CL 17th). However, it's quite likely that the party won't even get a chance to disable/dispel them ahead of time, as the adventure calls for guards to pull down the tapestry preemptively in the middle of combat (the guards are of course immune). So unless the party has death ward up for some reason, they all face three DC 22 Fort saves to avoid death. The dwarf fighter *might* make all three. Who else will?

So call me a weak-kneed DM, but I changed them to a single symbol of weakness.


First Post
Age of Worms, the Swords of Kyuss. Their ability to 3/day sling a negative energy fireball that deals 1d6 per HD of the creature is crazy business the first time the players meet them. The fact that it also heals the Swords takes it over the edge.


Doug McCrae said:
A lot of old school monsters like to do that. Because they're :):):):)s.

Counts? I had no idea the old school monster makers had noble titles.

It does explain some things, though.

PS: In before the warning about trying to bypass the profanity filters! Boop!
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Don't bypass the profanity filter. It causes ice worms to explode in your pants.

And I do NOT mean that in a sexy way.

I've removed the offending material.


First Post
ruleslawyer said:
In 1e, it's a 7th-level spell that allows a save. Using that to rip a spell out of a spellcaster's mind seems a lot tamer than, say, just killing the spellcaster with finger of death.

But otherwise, yeah, I grok ya.

What spell was that? No way I'd ever allow a spell like that in my game, if I actually ran one, either for PC wizards or my own NPC villains.


First Post
Vocenoctum said:
Slavelords actually had a few Player Screwing Moments;
1) railroaded capture & de-equipage
2) "your arms are bound with chains, leaving scars that are immediately recognizable to everyone, everywhere, marking you as a criminal"
3) "you open the door, a fire trap goes off, this destroys all body hair on the character permenantly."

I just bridged Temple and Queen and we never looked at Slavelords again.

You're marked as a criminal for having scars on your arms?

And there's no way to avoid it?

And you didn't even do anything wrong?

I'd get up and leave the table if a DM tried pulling that sort of crap.

Besides which, couldn't you just have the scars healed, or just wear long-sleeved clothing to hide the scars, which is what any halfway sensible criminal would do?

...And since when does getting burned mean a character can no longer regrow his or her body hair?

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