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When you want to strangle a player

Elf Witch

First Post
Last night I had a two hour long conversation with one of my players. The conversation left be frustrated and ready at this point to ask him to leave the game. He is not only a player but also a good friend.

I am always open to listening to any player problems and I try and work with them to fix any issues. For example

Here are the issues. He did not like the way I handled a situation involving his character and an NPC. My game is a homebrew in my game tension is brewing between St Cuthbert's church and Heironeous. There have been attacks on the other less martial churches and both were helping protect these churches.

Someone set fire to the temple of Pelor killing almost every cleric there and severly injuring the primate of the temple.

Three clercis of Heironeus were seen starting the fire and were killed by St Cuthbert's archers.

The situation was very tense with two high ranking clerics of both churches getting ready to draw steel on each other. The party cleric who serves Bahmut a former cleric of Heironeus had taken the bodies of the slain clerics back to the temple of Bahmut he was going to do an exam later to see if there was anything funky going on.

The rest of the party stayed to help put out the fire.

The player in question is playing a bard he is a spellscale. He knows that St Cuthbert's church has a distrust and in some cases open dislike for non humans. When he saw what was going on between the two NPC clerics he went over to try and stop them from killing each other. He rolled a pretty good diplomacy check and I had the cleric of Heironeus take a deep breath and start to step back. But given the way the church of St Cuthbert feels about non humans the roll for him had a higher modifiers.

The cleric became nagry with this unknown to him non human butting into his affairs and went to grab him by the neck he missed and using his whip the bard tripped the cleric on his rump.

This shocked the cleric and while he was getting up the party cleric arrived back and was able to get the two clerics to agree to come to the temple of Bahmut to discuss what happened.

I thought it was a good scene the bard had prevented the two from killing each other he got through to one of the clerics using his diplomacy and his skill at tripping prevented the other cleric from attacking the other cleric.

The player in question is upset he feels that his character was made to look like a fool. :\ Which I don't get the only person who looked foolish was the cleric of St Cuthbert. He is also angry because as a bard with a high charisma diplomacy should have been able to handle everything. He pointed the the examples in the book for rolls. I explained to him again that in my game there will be times that modifiers will push up the numbers.

He is also resentful that the party cleric was able to get through to the cleric better. The party cleric has a reputation of being an honest man was known to both clerics. He has the same charisma score has the bard. He is also human. Because he was known to the cleric, is a human and the cleric was already cooling down after the efforts of the bard the party cleric's diplomacy roll did not have as many modifiers and he rolled a little better than the bard.

I explained all this to the player last night that he in fact was the hero of that situation that if he had not interfered the two clerics would have started to fight and the situation would have been made much worse.

He just let that go over his head.

He has a lot of issues with the other player. Both in game and out. He felt that since he was the bard he should have been the face of the party. Most of the time though it is the party cleric who will soon be multiclassing into paladin who often ends up as the face. Part of this is where we are at in the campaign. The party is trying to prevent an all out war between the churches they are in a lawful city the cleric is lawful good. The bard is chaotic and oftens circumvents the city laws.

I explained to the player that at this point with this situation it is natural the cleric would be more of the face of the party he has knowledge relgion and that helps him with dealing with the situations and the various people involved.

There have been times in the campign where the bard did a better job as the party face. That being a human cleric made the character not trusted.

The bard's player I think is having issues on the fact that that the bard is not as good in combat as the cleric or monk and the sorcerer is better at magic. So he feels that the cleric's player is stealing his thunder so to speak.

His resentment to the other player's character has lead to an out of game issue. We play at the cleric's player's house. It is a thirty minute drive. The reason we do this is because the player has three small children all under 4. His wife is great she does not mind him playing all that she askes is that he play at home. She goes to bed around 9 and he is on daddy duty. He deals with the kids if they wake up and have a problem.

When the game started we all knew that the only way we would be able to play with him was if we played at his house. Which also has the most room and comfortable area to play at. The problem player is getting mad he feels that it is not fair that we have to always go down to the other player's house. And since the other player makes more money than the rest of us then he should chip in for gas. We car pool down and since there are four of us gas does not cost one person a lot of money.

So last night he gave me an ultimatum that our arrangements have to change. Right now the way I feel is fine quit the game. But the issue with that is is wife is also a player and she will get stuck right in the middle.

He alos expects me to reign in the cleric and not let him be as good at diplomacy as he is.

I am frustrated right now because I don't see a way to fix these issues.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Sounds like the problem is the player and, if he persists, he needs to go. Everything you said about the clerics and diplomacy sounds right on to me. Too many players think the DC targets in the book are set in stone and not subject to reasonable modifiers.

I can understand the commute to the game being a bit of a drag, but if the game is good, a half-hour is worth it. Besides, the hosting player probably puts up with plenty of other inconveniences to host. He's got to clean up before and after (and with 3 small kids, the cleaning up before the game is probably not insignificant).

I'd talk to the disgruntled player's wife. How does she feel about all of this? Can she rein him in? Would she play without him? If the answer to both is no, then the answer is kick him out and let her go as well if you have to.


While some of this sounds like garden-variety game power issues, the chipping in for gas thing is ridiculous (assuming this person is an adult).

Let me paraphrase Tony Montana; "Say goodbye to your little friend".


Elf Witch said:
I am frustrated right now because I don't see a way to fix these issues.

Don't nerf his PC.

What was the DC of the first Diplomacy check? What did the Bard roll? What modifiers are you applying?

Elf Witch

First Post
LostSoul said:
Don't nerf his PC.

What was the DC of the first Diplomacy check? What did the Bard roll? What modifiers are you applying?

His total roll was an 18. I added a +2 for him being a non human to the modifiers for the cleric of St Cuthbert. I also added a +2 to both clerics because of the situation and the bard not being known to these two people.

The cleric rolled a 22 and was not subjected to the same modifiers because he is human, known to the clerics in question and right now has been appointed by the conclave of churches to investigate what has been happening.

He has authority in this situation and since both clerics are lawful good they responded to him.

I have not nerfed the bard. Unless of course you consider applying modifiers to situations to be nerfing.

Thornir Alekeg

I agree with billd91 about the commute issue.

As for the in-campaign issues, I don't think you are doing anything wrong and this player is being rather unreasonable to think that he should always be the best at Diplomacy, but at the same time, it can stink to feel like you can't contribute to the game for an extended period. The only thing I can say is try and plan for opportunities so his character can have his moment. Have him deal with some merchants who are concerned about the rising tensions between the churches, or the city council or something like that. Maybe it will allow him to better accept that the cleric is the face is the party when dealing with other clergy if he has chances to be the face for others.

If he still has problems with the cleric then I would say this player has other issues that you cannot resolve and letting him go (and unfortunately his wife as well) is probably for the best.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Elf Witch said:
His total roll was an 18. I added a +2 for him being a non human to the modifiers for the cleric of St Cuthbert. I also added a +2 to both clerics because of the situation and the bard not being known to these two people.

The cleric rolled a 22 and was not subjected to the same modifiers because he is human, known to the clerics in question and right now has been appointed by the conclave of churches to investigate what has been happening.

OK, new question. Did the bard player see the outcome of the 2 rolls and see that he actually rolled lower? And he still complained about getting a less favorable result?

Elf Witch

First Post
Thornir Alekeg said:
I agree with billd91 about the commute issue.

As for the in-campaign issues, I don't think you are doing anything wrong and this player is being rather unreasonable to think that he should always be the best at Diplomacy, but at the same time, it can stink to feel like you can't contribute to the game for an extended period. The only thing I can say is try and plan for opportunities so his character can have his moment. Have him deal with some merchants who are concerned about the rising tensions between the churches, or the city council or something like that. Maybe it will allow him to better accept that the cleric is the face is the party when dealing with other clergy if he has chances to be the face for others.

If he still has problems with the cleric then I would say this player has other issues that you cannot resolve and letting him go (and unfortunately his wife as well) is probably for the best.

He does have things to do. Using his bardic knowledge, disguse and gather infomation. He spent a great deal of time last session gathering information for finding the thieves guild making contact with the guild. He also was the one who dug up all the information on a race of people called dopplegangers. He actually had more time in the spotlight than any other player that session because most of his stuff was solo.

The cleric is trying to go from the lawful side of things in finding out what is behind this and the bard is going the more sneaky route.

The issues have been brewing since day 1. The player wants to play a bard which was something I tried very hard to convince him not to do. Because I knew that he would end up getting frustrated becaue he likes really powerful characters. And to him being powerful means being the best at what he does. I love bards and have played a lot of them but they are a niche character who will never be a good as a fighter type or as good at magic as a wizard type.

I have tried to get him to put ranks in more rogue like skills since the party does not have one but that is not his interest.

I think the player is unhappy with the bard class and that is leading to all this other hoopla. His solution is that I make the cleric/paladin nerf is character is not a fair one.

Elf Witch

First Post
billd91 said:
OK, new question. Did the bard player see the outcome of the 2 rolls and see that he actually rolled lower? And he still complained about getting a less favorable result?

Yes he did. And he even admits that Chris rolled higher than him but then he goes on and on about how Chris is always stepping on his feet in game.

Elf Witch

First Post
billd91 said:
Sounds like the problem is the player and, if he persists, he needs to go. Everything you said about the clerics and diplomacy sounds right on to me. Too many players think the DC targets in the book are set in stone and not subject to reasonable modifiers.

I can understand the commute to the game being a bit of a drag, but if the game is good, a half-hour is worth it. Besides, the hosting player probably puts up with plenty of other inconveniences to host. He's got to clean up before and after (and with 3 small kids, the cleaning up before the game is probably not insignificant).

I'd talk to the disgruntled player's wife. How does she feel about all of this? Can she rein him in? Would she play without him? If the answer to both is no, then the answer is kick him out and let her go as well if you have to.

His wife loves the game. But she can't reign him in because that causes issues between them. She has tried to talk to him and point out when it is just the two of them cases where he is overreacting.

She is truly caught in the middle.

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