Where Do You Go Online to Waste Time about Gaming?

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I lurk on (Paizo’s PF2) offivial forums, and I participate in a handful of other communities (Ars Technica, Gamers with Jobs), but the other big gaming space is reddit (various TTRPG-related subreddits). I follow a handful of RPG blogs, but they mostly update irregularly. The one I read most and updates most regularly (other than here) is the Alexandrian (disclosure: I also back it on Patreon). I also follow Justin on Twitter (@hexcrawl) since he often has interesting commentary on GMing.


There are ton of really amazing Youtube channels regarding D&D and crafting.

Black Magic Craft is addictive, check that one out.

Dungeon Dudes is another one I really like, these guys have great DND advice


I watch Matt Colville's Twitch streams, and I will read the occasional column over at rpg.net.

There's not much other gaming stuff I read or watch (I haven't watched much of CritRole's second campaign much at all.)

I tend to watch other YouTube channels while working instead. Jelle's Marble Runs, Epic Rap Battles of History, Defunctland, Wendover Productions, and Cracked's After Hours to name a few.


Crafting channels on youtube. Black Magic Craft, Tabletop Witchcraft, Wyloch's Armory, Bard's Craft, etc. - they inspire me to make cool things for my games.


Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
I have been hanging out in a couple discord channels while I work on setting up one for myself. I have met some good people, got into a few weekly games, and have been able to just talk with other people. It's been a treat, and a tremendous help getting away from the negativity of toxic boards and social media.

Now I'm hoping to start up a community of my own eventually. I'm also working on a new campaign specifically to bring it together. Might take some time, but it's nice getting back to good old-fashioned writing and prep.

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