Let's see whether BOZ thinks he can come back to the CC. He did mention to me that his work is blocking EN World right now, so maybe he'll stop by this weekend.
Right now and for the foreseeable future, it looks like! I can't see them unblocking it anytime soon, which is the first stumbling block to me coming back as an admin here.
The second big problem is, and I've got to be honest here, my heart just hasn't been into doing 3.5 conversions since 4E came out. There are a number of reasons, I think, why I feel that way, but for now it just is what it is. It may change - maybe sooner than you think - but don't wait for that to happen. And this despite the fact that I still play 3.5 regularly.
Despite that, ever since the next edition of D&D was announced, I have been thinking more and more that if the next edition doesn't totally suck, I'd like to get back into doing stuff for Dragon again. I had dreamed of working with Eric again, but I was willing to go out on my own and now that is the way it would have to be. So, if you guys stick around, expect me to involve you in some way(s).
Since you all clearly want to keep things going here - and sorry for not getting here sooner - I think the thing that needs to happen is we need another admin or two. We can take a volunteer, or put it to a vote; want to start a new thread to discuss just that? It should be someone who has been active for a while, and who has the time to spend on getting the work done.