D&D 4E Which 3rd party companies do you want 4ed products from?

I would like the chance to BUY 4th ed products from (multi choice):

  • Adamant Entertainment

    Votes: 10 5.8%
  • EN Publishing

    Votes: 49 28.5%
  • Expeditious Retreat Press

    Votes: 40 23.3%
  • Fantasy Flight Games

    Votes: 45 26.2%
  • Goodman Games

    Votes: 82 47.7%
  • Green Ronin Publishing

    Votes: 108 62.8%
  • Mongoose Publishing

    Votes: 35 20.3%
  • Necromancer Games

    Votes: 95 55.2%
  • Paizo Publishing

    Votes: 123 71.5%
  • Paradigm Concepts

    Votes: 10 5.8%
  • Privateer Press

    Votes: 35 20.3%
  • Fiery Dragon

    Votes: 27 15.7%
  • Trollord

    Votes: 16 9.3%
  • White Wolf/Swords & Sorcery

    Votes: 50 29.1%
  • Other (Please note)

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • None: no 3rd party 4ed.

    Votes: 16 9.3%

  • Poll closed .
And I was worried what we would see to many votes, with everyone thinking "the more the better".

I guess the "d20 glut" cured people of that. But Goodman under 50%, EN Publishing under 30%, and Fiery Dragon and XPR under 20%....these companies have come out with a lot of good stuff, as have the others on the list.

Of course, if the proportions held up when it came to number of gamers buying something, then they would be great for those comanpanies. :\

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Voted for a bunch. Blackdirge Publishing was my "other." Does simple, useful things really well.

(Obviously, I would like it if Big Finger Games did 4E too, for personal reasons...)

I feel left out. Alea Publishing didn't even make the list...

However, we plan to release 4E products. Not just rehashes. We have new stuff in the planning stages as well as updates to some of our current products.

Paizo - my number 1 for sure. I love their stuff - the editing and general production values are stunning. I am a Pathfinder junky.

Fantasy Flight Games - I lurve Midnight, although I think it may be too dark for most players to enjoy. Still, the fluff in the boos is enough to get me all moody and moist.

Oh, and whoever post the Iron Kingdoms link - looks VERY interesting. A lot like Warhammer 40K meets gritty fantasy. I shall investigate further.

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