D&D 4E Which 3rd party companies do you want 4ed products from?

I would like the chance to BUY 4th ed products from (multi choice):

  • Adamant Entertainment

    Votes: 10 5.8%
  • EN Publishing

    Votes: 49 28.5%
  • Expeditious Retreat Press

    Votes: 40 23.3%
  • Fantasy Flight Games

    Votes: 45 26.2%
  • Goodman Games

    Votes: 82 47.7%
  • Green Ronin Publishing

    Votes: 108 62.8%
  • Mongoose Publishing

    Votes: 35 20.3%
  • Necromancer Games

    Votes: 95 55.2%
  • Paizo Publishing

    Votes: 123 71.5%
  • Paradigm Concepts

    Votes: 10 5.8%
  • Privateer Press

    Votes: 35 20.3%
  • Fiery Dragon

    Votes: 27 15.7%
  • Trollord

    Votes: 16 9.3%
  • White Wolf/Swords & Sorcery

    Votes: 50 29.1%
  • Other (Please note)

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • None: no 3rd party 4ed.

    Votes: 16 9.3%

  • Poll closed .

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Third-party D&D4e/OGL publishers

I think that Mongoose's licensed D20 properties, Green Ronin's historical sourcebooks, and "classic feel" supplements from other third-party publishers would all be good things to update using the allegedly streamlined rules of Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition.

So while I don't need rehashes of many settings or still more prestige classes and spells (or whatever will replace them), revised and expanded editions of certain books would be nice.

If I get into 4E heavily, Necro and Green Ronin are the two companies I would buy the most from, because their products have proven to me in the past to be the most useful and the best done out of the whole field. I consistently like the stuff they've done, from D&D to not-D&D.

Kaladhan said:
I'm kind of afraid of companies who would just update their old stuff to the new edition. I want to see new stuff, new fluff and possibly new crunch. No Freeport 4E please! This is why I voted Goodman Games and Necromancer Games.

You realize the first thing Necro is doing is Tome of Horrors 4E, which more or less defines updating old stuff.

Freeport's new core book is already out and its systemless. GR may do a 4E companion, but I doubt that'll be the focus of their 4E effort (if any).

CaptainChaos said:
You realize the first thing Necro is doing is Tome of Horrors 4E, which more or less defines updating old stuff.

Im fairly certain there will be some new stuff in the book too. :)

I do not want to go 4e at all.

The only reason I MIGHT want to go 4e is if Living Arcanis continues in 4e. And then again, that's not even certain to fit the bill.

Now, I know some publishers can write well enough that their products that something interesting can still be salvaged from it.

So I voted for Paradigm, Paizo, Green ronin and Fantasy Flight.
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Aldarc said:
Malhavoc Press

I would eventually like to see something akin to a 4E update to Arcana Evolved and Ptolus.
A new "Book of Eldritch/Hallowed/Iron Might" would be nice as well, especially because it'd fit the arcane/divine/martial division of 4E. And because the books were great. And because Monte's stuff (I know that BoIM was Mearls') usually vibes well with me, especially his names and locations.

Cheers, LT.

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