D&D (2024) Which Weapon Mastery is Your Favorite?

Which Weapon Mastery is Your Favorite?

  • Cleave

    Votes: 9 19.6%
  • Flex

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Graze

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • Nick

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • Push

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Sap

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Slow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Topple

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Vex

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • I do not like the Weapon Mastery mechanic

    Votes: 4 8.7%


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
And if I could choose a third one (I promise, this is my last one), I'd go with Push. I had a Warlock that used the Repelling Blast invocation a lot, and it was excellent for battlefield control, especially if I could push my targets into the reach of my allies (or off of ledges).

And it's also a pretty great 90s song. Okay maybe not a great song, but one that I have a lot of nostalgia for.


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And if I could choose a third one (I promise, this is my last one), I'd go with Push. I had a Warlock that used the Repelling Blast invocation a lot, and it was excellent for battlefield control, especially if I could push my targets into the reach of my allies (or off of ledges).
I've played a 5e Repellock and a 4e Hammerlord and can confirm Push is fun. Especially if you're friends with someone who can conjure up some sort of zone of sadness.

Push - I'm never going to say no to the fighter having a significant sort of forced movement. That said I think Nick has an excellent place in the game (enabling TWF without making it too good for e.g. rogues), Flex should be d12 but also has an excellent place to be a simple option, and Topple and Cleave also look like a lot of fun.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Sorry, your post was something else last time I looked, I swear.

I think it's important in terms of design philosophy and getting rid of the remainder of the old simulationist trappings.

Once we she HP and meat and Hit as physical contact, miss as physical miss, and finally Rules as Physics, a lot of design space opens up that is currently stifled.
Yeah, it was something else. I decided everyone had heard my parroting about "damage on a miss" enough and changed it to something a little more conducive to conversation.

To your post, I'll just say this: that precedent was set a long time ago. The whole "hit points aren't meat" thing has been made abundantly clear in the rulebooks since the Red Box Rules. Same thing for "hits aren't necessarily physical contact," too, now that I think about it. Every rulebook has echoed it since Gygax, and people still push back against it. (I certainly do, anyway, and will continue to do so.) If rules were going to change peoples' minds, they would have changed in the 80s. Maybe "damage on a miss" will be the tipping point, but I doubt it.
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Yeah, it was something else. I decided everyone had heard my parroting about "damage on a miss" enough and changed it to something a little more conducive to conversation.

To your post, I'll just say this: that precedent was set a long time ago. The whole "hit points aren't meat" thing has been made abundantly clear in the rulebooks since the Red Box Rules. Same thing for "hits aren't necessarily physical contact," too, now that I think about it. Every rulebook has echoed it since Gygax, and people still push back against it. If rules were going to change peoples' minds, they would have changed in the 80s. Maybe "damage on a miss" will be the tipping point, but I doubt it.
Next step is announcing it while blasting across the alkali flats on some sort of jet-powered, monkey-navigated... it... just goes on like that.

Also, I feel like it's less that people push back and more that they don't read it and just say 'I know what hits and health are. No need to go over that'.


I picked Cleave, because the thought of an extra Great Axe attack sounds just lovely. But it was a really hard choice. I could easily picture using a lot of them depending on the type of fighter I was using.

My rapier-wielding Dex fighter would have loved Vex. Nick would be awesome on a Dual Weapon build. Graze would be a lot of fun with a Great Sword. I really couldn't pick just one.

Voidrunner's Codex

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