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Who Has Actually Played/Run Burning Sky

It sounds like a lot of the credit for character development avenues goes to your GM, but I do appreciate that you're having fun with the NPCs and encounters. How far have you gotten so far?

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Update on my game :)

The heroes made it through the swamps, altho I swapped things up a bit and had the AtterCop encounter while they were all still afflicted by Swamp Fever. It definately set the feeling that casual swamp crossing is *not* a good idea for low level characters.

Once into the city, they got to meet up with a nice young lady and Kashyk once again. Due to a lack of a full table, I came really close to causing major problems with the plot. THe player handling Katrina dropped a Fireball on the group in an attempt to take out the bad guys... and ended up dropping half the group :(

I had planned on bringing in the calvary the next round while everyone was still on thier feet.. oops :] !

THe group is now doing PBEM investigations of the cities and the numerous factions. The next session should kick off with the scene at the Wayfarer's Theatre.

RW, thanks again for such a great adventure!


First Post
RangerWickett said:
It sounds like a lot of the credit for character development avenues goes to your GM, but I do appreciate that you're having fun with the NPCs and encounters. How far have you gotten so far?

Very true, C8 has allowed for a lot of leeway in regards to character development...I would call it passive encouragement at its finest.

As for how far we've gotten, we're currently making our way through Mad King's Banquet. The next write-up should be pretty hilarious...it involves a world-specific house rule we have set up, and the Reincarnation spell. Good times!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Crazy Eights said:
Reading through it, I found the weather change from constant rain to absolute deep freeze a little jarring, especially since the time frame for the change was pretty short, like a week or two.

Try travelling! :D

The real world does that sort of thing without missing a beat; a fantasy world shouldn't have any problems with it.

And that's without taking into account the nefarious villians influencing the weather. :D


First Post
my group just finished act 4 of shelter. one of the pcs married torrent and now just discovered the person married them is Quote: "A homicidal Maniac!"


My WoBS Begins

Well, I'm a bit farther behind most of you as I am just beginning to run this adventure series but I am quite happy with the spread of classes that they have chosen. I have high hopes for this campaign and have been pleased with what I have read so far.

Here's the party:
Half-elf Ranger
Half-orc Fighter
Human Bard
Human Druid
Human Scout
Gnome Wizard (Conjurer)

CD8D (are you a droid?), nice to hear from you. Any fun anecdotes you'd like to share from the game?

EditorBFG said:
Those suggestions sound great-- and I'm sure as the adventure writer, you're the best guy to listen to on this-- and I think that is the way I will structure things.

But the one differing idea I had was that the strongest ending for a one session version would be the PCs' triumphant escape from the city walls (or, you know, failing in the attempt)-- with the last scene a final look back on the carnage of the battle behind them. Do you think there is any good way to place the fight with the Inquisitor and Ragesians inside the city walls?

(My own quick idea is that instead of having a place outside Gate Pass, maybe Haddin has exiled himself to a lone tower on the outskirts of the city, or maybe a walled and isolated estate, that is in some way directly adjacent or obstructing the PCs way out. But I am concerned about how that might change things. Thoughts?)

New thought regarding this (in case anyone else runs it as a one-shot). The party gets Erdan's help, with orders telling the guards to let them out of the city, but right as the heroes are about to elave and the massive gate is grinding open, an inquisitor and his entourage arrive from outside the city, attempting to force their way through. The inquisitor uses a scroll to cast some nasty spell that kills the men opening the gate (like, say, mass inflict light wounds), which leaves the gate hanging open.

You'd need to give the Ragesians a few more mooks to counteract that the heroes have gate guards on their side (and maybe let the players run the guards to keep the action going fast). Quickly the guards and Ragesian mooks take each other out, so it's up to the heroes to finish off the inquisitor, get out of the city, and close the gate behind them before the Ragesian army learns of an unsecured entrance and sweeps in.


No, not a droid, but I have been around here a long time as a silent observer. We haven't played yet and are still in the character creation stage. Backstory part still in process and we tend to linger on that stage for longer than most groups. I will try to be more active and less observer as the weeks go on and keep everyone posted on our results. We play about once a month and 5 of the 7 people involved have been playing together for 10+ years. We added 1 player about a year ago and our newest member is also a veteran player but this will be his first adventure with our group (gods save him).


First Post
I will chime in with a player's testimonial.

The first adventure I found quite entertaining; it twisted the cliche tavern campaign start and provided the interesting setting of a city under attack. A nice balance was struck among the various aspects of D&D, i.e. combat, stealth and social encounters, and also provided a few short scenes that helped the new PCs establish some character such as the crash-landed Regesian soldier.

Unfortunately, the second adventure took a turn much for the worse. The plot with the trillith doesn't make any sense and how to resolve the situation made even less sense. Not to mention the other trillith's bizarre appearance at the end. Apart from that, none of the NPCs appeared very interesting and the combats, including the climactic encounter with the trillith, felt very bland. Yet, the most annoying this was being in that interminable fire forest on that one road for 3 sessions only to realize that your only accomplishment was to give the Regesians another path to Gate Pass. I think development of the existential fey rebels could have added much to the adventure. Also, our DM lamented the editing of this particular adventure and I, personally, grew tired of the NPC baggage and I know our DM commented similarly.

However, I did like the trillith's boon as a method to keep PCs alive, even if we already use action points for a similar effect.

ShadowX said:
However, I did like the trillith's boon as a method to keep PCs alive, even if we already use action points for a similar effect.
It can also be used as a very significant plot device in adventure 3.

I believe (although not sure where I got it from) that it is also a way to give the PCs "treasure" from defeating a creature that hasn't got any treasure in a normal sense. All of the boons in the various adventures have a gp "value".

Voidrunner's Codex

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