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Who still doesn't have a horse in this race?


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Andre said:
Same here. Another player and I have agreed to give the system a chance, but if we don't like it a whole lot more than 3.x, we'll switch to Hero. More flexible, no more complex than 3.x, and has pretty good character creation software. I know we're in the minority here, but for us, 4E's competition isn't 3.x, it's Hero.

That's about how I feel. The impression I have is that 4E is going to be a new game under the D&D brand even more so than 3E was. That encourages me to consider 4E against the merits and faults not only of 3E but of other systems as well.

Even though at the moment I'd say I'm leaning towards not playing 4E I'll give it a look. To be honest, between seeing the 4E snippets and looking at other game systems over the last few months I'm in the mindset lately to cook up a home brew system.

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I hadn't played or run or even paid attention to D&D for almost a year before they announced 4e, and I never bought the 3.x core books (SRD and friend-mooching), so I have no reason to stick with 3.x and every reason to buy 4e - I'm digging most of the differences, and it looks like it will be much easier to prep a game.

So I'm going. I hope I can get a game together, or maybe I could be lucky enough to play instead of DM for once...


First Post
Mephistopheles said:
That's about how I feel. The impression I have is that 4E is going to be a new game under the D&D brand even more so than 3E was. That encourages me to consider 4E against the merits and faults not only of 3E but of other systems as well.

Even though at the moment I'd say I'm leaning towards not playing 4E I'll give it a look. To be honest, between seeing the 4E snippets and looking at other game systems over the last few months I'm in the mindset lately to cook up a home brew system.

That's were I am. I'm going to try out 4E (Which I think it looks great). If it isn't, I'm going to homebrewing for the next few years.


Count me for Undecided.

The switch to 3e was a no-brainer.
3.5 fixed more problems then it created, so I switch.

IMO 3.5 is a good system. My house rules can fit on one page (I stick to pretty much core).

If my house rules for 4e are the same or less than my 3.5 house rules, then I'll switch.

For me it looks like there are only a few things that 4e fixes...
1) Alignment
2) high level play (jury is out on this, but we will see)
3) More combat option for fighter types

But it looks like 4e may have broken the following...
1) Simplified spell casters (I like them complicated). Maybe they won't be simple, or maybe I will also like them simple.

2) Skill selection simplified. I didn't have any problems with the 3e system. If it ain't broke don't fix it. But maybe I'll like it in play.

3) It looks like classes have a much narrower role and are more straightjacketed (see skills above and spell selection above).

4) Monsters design is adhoc. I didn't have a problem with the CR/EL system. Nor did I have a problem advancing creatures and adding templates and getting it done correctly.

5) Goofy names. Feats and Powers seem to have a name that is not directly related to the function. I think this was a marketing move and related to the new OGL license.

6) It doesn't look like I will be able to publish my house rules using the new OGL license until the 'protection' period has expired. Also, we don't know what this new license looks like yet.

So, lots of unknowns at this point.

HP Dreadnought

First Post
I'm looking at 4E as a lifeline.

I am so burnt out on 3.5 that 4E is basically my hope for staying in the hobby. If it doesn't pan out, I'll probably just drop out an stick to wargames instead from now on.

Pretty sad considering I've been playing D&D for 28 years.


So-so here as well. Some interesting stuff, some stuff that looks different but not necessarily better, some stuff that looks like a lot to keep track of. Deal-breaker (or maker) for me is my groups' (lack of) interest, my lack of faith in WotC's ability to make a character generator, and my scads and scads of 3E stuff. I'm still having fun with 3E and feel like in a lot of ways I've barely scratched its surface, so for now ... sticking with 3E.


First Post
I'm on the fence. I WANT to lilke it but... just don't know.

I'm about 2 years into running the WLD with another 6 months or so to go till the end. After that I want to give Savage Worlds a spin just for a change of pace.

I know I'll at least get the 4.0 PHB just to check it out. Then it will depend on what I think of the book and what others are saying about how the game plays.



My group and I are in the 'test drive' column. What we've seen of 4e (mechanically) looks good, but some of us are wary of the changes to FR, as it's our primary setting. If we end up disliking 4e and/or FR, I suppose we'll either stick to 3.X or I'll get off my butt and finally tweak the 1st Ed. L5R (d10) system for western style fantasy (ala Conan/Hyborean Age). :p


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I'll buy it. I'm undecided whether I'll actually switch to it with my regular group, but I'll buy it so I can switch if I want to.

I’ve basically already paid for it (FLGS ran a preorder special) and I’ve already told my group that I would play. But there are a few fiddly things that I’ve seen that make me wary of running it, so I’m holding my judgment on that until my group’s playtest after we have the books.

Voidrunner's Codex

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