Who wants to be a Wayfinder? Part 1

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The man with the probe
OOC: Sorry, I missed an update. Johan will help or man a Balista if he can, he's probably the best shot.


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Midian Rightson, human druid

SelcSilverhand said:
Midian extends his arms and allows Seeqir to latch on with his tentacles before jetting away towards the other ship. The drag of carrying a person far less hydrodynamic than himself however slows him down. He manages a distance of 200' closer to the pirate ship. As he closes in though, you see archers moving to the railing. Three of them take shots at you and two of them strike Midian in the back. Beneath your arms, you feel Seeqir shudder at the impact, sharing your pain through your empathic link.

Midian hisses in pain, but does his best to reassure Seeqir. "So long as I can return their pain in kind," he whispers, nudging Seeqir to adjust their position to the furthest point where he knows his magic can reach.

The druid reaches out one hand. "Once you were trees, and even now you hold the spark of the forest's soul. Twist, friends. Bend and open this vessel to the waiting waves."

Along the bottom edge of the ship's hull, the boards of the ship groan their answer, warping at the druid's call.

Smiling, Midian sucks in his breath again and falls beneath the waves, gesturing to the nearby squid to return them at best speed.

[sblock=OOC]I'm not 100% sure on how the mechanics of all this work, so feel free to nix part if I'm actually trying to do too much in a round.

I'm not sure if the ship gets close enough to cast before the archers have their turn or not. If it's close enough by Midian's turn, he'll just cast from where he is. If not, he'll direct Seeqir to move him close enough rather than hold and risk more arrow fire.

Concentration Check with Action Point = 21, so I think Midian can safely cast. At fourth level, Midian can warp up to a Large object's amount of wood. I'm hoping that's enough to effect a significant portion of the wood at and below the water line on the enemy ship.

As soon as he's used his standard action to cast, I figure he should be able to purposely sink below the waves at least a few feet as a move action. He can hold his breath for 28 rounds, so the two or three it would take to get back to the ship shouldn't be a problem. This SRD section talks about penalties to attacks from land into water, though it's kind of confusing. Does Midian get an AC bonus for cover on top of extra penalties to arrows going through the water? Oi, math makes my head hurt. In any case, he's hoping that dropping below the surface makes him hard enough to hit that he can get back to the friendly ship in one piece. :)[/sblock]


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Seria, Johan, and Whisper work together on steadying the unwieldy ballista as the ships deck pitches with the waves. Their shot flies straight and true, striking the forward ballista team and sending bodies flying. Midian, being nearly within touching distance of the ship, hears the pained shouts clearly. Not that he can spare his attention for that, he has enough on his mind trying to avoid a hail of arrows, keep afloat, and cast his spell at the same time. The wood of the ship seems to shudder and ripple as his spell takes effect. The timbers creak and groan as the wood tries to flex like a living thing. He has only an instant to see the changes take hold before Seeqir yanks him below the waves as a flurry of crossbow bolts pepper the surface.

The enemy ship continues to close on you, and you've lost sight of Midian. The ship is nearly on top of you when it seems to pause, then begin to slow. You realize the whole front end of the ship is beginning to slope forward. The pirates seem to notice it as well. Fewer arrows are cast your way as the pirates rush to try to stop the flooding. A few minutes later and you are finally out of bow and ballista range. With a start, you realize Midian is still missing. You are about to call for the ship to be turned about when one of the sailors shouts and points over the side. Midian has resurfaced near the ship and you hurriedly throw him a line.

Good idea on the warp wood spell, you've managed to stop the second ship and after a few hours they will be nothing more than a dot on the horizon. I won't be able to post much until after the holidays, so I will see you all then!

Whisper, Seria, aid another (1d20+4=7, 1d20+6=12)
Johan + 1 aid another (1d20+8=26)

Mista Collins

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"Well done Midian. Was there a stopper down there you pulled?" Seria says as the druid is brought back onboard and continues with a smile. "Not entirely sure what you did, but it seemed to work. You have my many thanks."

OOC: Happy Holidays to everyone!


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Whisper grins as she comes forward to meet Midian.

"I guess I can't call you backwoods anymore," she says teasingly. "That was an excellent idea you had."

(merry christokwanzakah all!)


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

Midian chuckles weakly as he's hauled aboard. Clearly exhausted from his aquatic adventure, he sinks to the deck, smiling.

"Every once in a while talking to trees comes in handy," he says, playing along. Looking back to the other ship as it falls behind, he says. "If only it were as easy to talk our decks into repairing themselves. Let's see to the wounded and the damage while we've got a breather, shall we?"

((Happy Holidays to all. :) ))


First Post
After a few hours the two pirate ships are mere specks on the horizon. The Stalwart Mariner catches a favorable wind and soon you are well out of danger. Of your number you lost two of your sailors, but between Midian and Johans healing skills you are able to heal the other injured crew members. Eight pirate bodies lie on your deck, a several more were left behind on the enemy ship. The captain orders the bodies stripped of their possessions and thrown overboard. The two captured pirates are put in chains and taken below to one of the storerooms that has been converted into a makeshift brig. The rest of the crew work on fixing the damage to the ship.

The rest of the journey back to Cliffscrape is relatively uneventful. A few minor storms and a few tense moments when you spot sails on the horizon, but no further trouble. You will have the opportunity to interrogate your prisoners on the way back if you like. The captain plans on turning them over to the authorities in town.

4 MW Rapiers
4 MW Scimitars
1 MW Greataxe
8 sets of leather armor
500gp worth of jewelry (rings, earrings, armbands)
2 rings with a faint transmutation aura.


The man with the probe
If any of the crew would like some of the items, Johan thinks it's only fair, and they can have some of the Masterwork items, and split some of the gold and sale of the leather armor (Half sound good?). The rings are of interest though.

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