Who's the Demon Lord of Disease?

Dog Moon

Or pestilence or something similar? Trying to remember, but I'm unable to find it and I seem to have misplaced my Book of Vile Darkness so I can't look there...

Help would be much appreciated. :)

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Beelzebub is the Lord of Flies, and the Hag Countess is covered in virulent pustules. However, they're both devils. I didn't see a Demon Prince of Diseases. You could use the WH Prince of Pestilence Nurgal.


I'm not aware of a demon lord associated specifically with disease, and none of the archdevils fit that bill fully either. However there were several yugoloths (daemons in 1e) that were overtly linked to disease - in fact the whole disease motif was associated with them as a type of fiend, as an extension of their and the Gray Waste's style of blind, uncaring agony and spiritual decay.

Unique 'loths with some sort of disease association, or potential one:

Mydianchlarus (current Oinoloth)
Anthraxus (former Oinoloth, and altraloth)
Typhus (altraloth)
Bubonix (altraloth, Overlord of Carceri)
Cholerix (altraloth)
Xenghara (altraloth)
Taba (altraloth)

Daru ib Shamiq (baernaloth)
Harishek ap Thulkesh (baernaloth)


A suffusion of yellow
Azazel (Prince) - associated with Pestilence

Bayemon of the Unhealing Wound - Lord of 'the Afflicted'


First Post
Shemeska's response was what I was thinking. In 3e it was either Hades or Carceri but the head honcho Ultroloth (called the Oinoloth IIRC) could create new diseases almost at-will to further ravage the battle torn landscape and subsequently spread to the other planes.

Since the Ugoloths have been incorporated into the Demon fold in 4e, it could be simple to say that the Oinoloth Ultro-Demon is this Demon Prince of Undead. I think that gives it a nice twist, but to each their own. For some reason I've just always been a fan of Ugoloths.

Voidrunner's Codex

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